Just like we told you . . . The race to replace Kansas City, Missouri Downtown State Rep. Mike Talboy has turned into a frenzy.

Right now the race to represent Downtown KCMO (Missouri 24th District) is looking downright interesting and a bit crowded.

To wit . . .


Check her Facebook like page . . . And then, take a look at her presser sent out this Sunday . . .

Run, Sarah G! Run!

Dear Friends & Family:

As we remember those who gave their lives in services to our country this weekend, I am delighted to announce that I am running for the Missouri House of Representatives, 24th District in the August 7, 2012 Primary!

This week, Representative Mike Talboy, who has served this area for the past six years, announced that he is leaving the legislature to take a job in the private sector. Rep. Talboy has been a dedicated and passionate public servant to the people of Kansas City. I am ready to continue Rep. Talboy's leadership while bringing a new voice to Jefferson City as Kansas City's next Representative.

Why I'm Running: Committed to Community. Dedicated to Progress.

Health Care

While the future of the President's health care law, the Affordable Care Act, remains uncertain, the need for accessible and affordable health care is critical. As a public policy advocate at a bi-state non-profit health care provider, I know what it's like when families must choose between basic health care services and paying the rent. With a father battling late-state Parkinson's disease and a sister whose life was saved through organ donation, I know the importance of first-rate care for families. Every Missourian deserves access to high-quality, affordable care--care that preserves quality of life and care that keeps working folks in their jobs. There are concrete steps I will take to expand health care for all Missourians. I will work in Jefferson City to pass the Barrier Free Care Act, allowing highly-trained Nurse Practitioners to provide primary care in medically-underserved communities. I will sit down with the coalition of physicians and midwives to move the Missouri Midwifery Licensing Act making sure pregnant women and their families have access to safe, insurance-covered midwifery care in Missouri.


Students must be the number one priority in education policy decisions. In today's economy, education beyond high school is necessary for success. We must prepare our scholars academically and socially for our global economy; Kansas City's economic future depends on it. To give Kansas City students the best chances for success, I am committed to fully funding the school formula, to ensuring accountability through high-quality teacher evaluation programs, and to supporting the Safe Schools Act. To ensure we hire and retain a teaching force that is prepared to meet the needs of Kansas City's students, I will advocate for increased funding for teacher preparation programs in our state. The future of the Kansas City School District is uncertain, but one thing is certain, we need a short and long-term strategy that puts students first. We cannot continue to not act. We are talking about real students and real lives. A couple of years in the life of an elementary student can mean the difference between literacy and illiteracy. I am committed to urgent action that puts the students of Kansas City first.

Jobs & Economy

Unemployment and the rising costs of living are challenging Kansas City families. I am prepared to provide relief for working families and open our city to economic growth. If we want to retain jobs in Kansas City, we must recognize we live in a bi-state community. We cannot continue to simply bounce jobs back and forth across the state line. I have a proven record of relationships across the entire metro area, and I am committed to working in Jefferson City to bring economic development dollars to Kansas City.

Social Justice/Civil Rights

Attacks on social justice and civil rights have intensified. In Missouri we've seen our fair share from attacks on birth control to the "Don't Say Gay" bill. I will stand up and speak out for common-sense, Kansas City values: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Missourians shouldn't be fired from their jobs because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. When a woman makes a decision about her pregnancy - whether she is choosing to raise a child, help a loving family grow through adoption, or end her pregnancy - that decision must be made by the woman in consultation with her family, her faith, and her physicians, not by politicians. Undocumented teenagers - brought to this country as young children - need a path to citizenship through a productive college education or military service.
Gillooly for Missouri! How You Can Help!

I am ready to be a new voice for the people Kansas City - a representative committed to community and dedicated to progress - and I need your help!

Your time, talent, and treasures are critical to my success.

You can sign up to volunteer for the campaign. If you have 2 hours or 1 week - whether your talent is door knocking, data entry, digital design, or keen campaign incite... I need all the help I can get!

You can donate to my campaign online or you can send a check directly to my campaign at Gillooly for Missouri, PO Box 10038, Kansas City, MO 64171. (Please put your profession and employer on the "Notes" line to comply with ethics laws.)

You can attend my campaign kick-off to help us raise the friends and funds needed to win on August 7th!

Most of all, please do not hesitate to stay in contact with me and my campaign. I am not running for office, I am running to represent you, so please share your hopes, frustrations, and best ideas for good governance. I am available by phone, email, or through one of my social media sites, links below.
In Solidarity & Appreciation,

Sarah G.


  1. She might win because of the crowded field.

  2. The fact that she touts her affiliation with a piece of shit organization like PROMO tells me everything I need to know about her.

  3. What are her views on unsolicited bulk e-mail?

  4. Stands to reason that attention whores side with their own kind.

  5. Will she take out her enemies by hitting them in the knees?

  6. Based on her comments she is a New World Order globalist, socialist/Marxist and has no idea about state budgets or the cost of what she proposes, no solid ideas about KC public schools, basicly she's in over her head and has very grandious expectations.

    Vote no.

  7. My expectations are far less GRANDIOSE but do include proper spelling.

  8. She needs help with campaign "incite"? This really IS going to be one hot mess of a campaign.

  9. Just another special interest wannabe looking for the personal glory (and paycheck) of being in the nothing position of a state rep in a tiny minority party in Jeff City which doesn't have the clout to have any influence whatsoever.
    Just what's needed to represent KCMO in the legislature. And we sonder why St Louis and the rest of the state don't take KCMO seriously?

  10. Is living life as an ugly dyke, progress??

  11. Even if you agree with the Gillooly agenda, I don't think a Planned Parenthood staffer has much chance of being an effective advocate in Jeff City these days.

  12. I like eatin pussy TOO!!!!!!

  13. If you believe in Life, Traditional Marriage and School Choice vouchers, please vote for Paul Rojas.

  14. Ah. There's another douche bag I won't be voting for.

  15. I like Paul, but he does not bring the skills Morgan brings to the table. If your claims about his positions on gay marriage, anti-choice and vouchers are true, well he should have run as a Republican.

  16. I guarentee this is one of the socialist fucks that created a pointless OWS Kansas City. You are no leader. We don't need you in politics. She must be one of the ones that thinks the guvemant needs to give the ghettos free computers and everybody should go to college and not ever have to pay for it.

  17. Great running sign. So basically, you're a green party/socialist/entitlement/progressive/dyke. get out of politics little boy

  18. The "little boy head" photo is not helping her cause.

  19. I thought the picture was a Legoland ad when I first saw it.

  20. I can only hope she can stay level headed with these campaigns happening. I'd like to know more on the updates of these events any sooner. I get the feeling there's a lot in store for these in the future.

  21. What possible beef could the LGBT community have with Judy Morgan? Why should any politician stand up for equal rights if the persecuted minority ends up attacking them ore directly than the haters? This stinks.

  22. Gilhooley should join the army and protect us for a while and then talk about freedom and committment and dedication. Of course the closest Tallboy has been to a gun is at family reunions.

  23. It seems like a lot of those who blatantly oppose Gillooly are posting remarks anonymously because they don't want their name leaving a paper trail to their own rude and judgmental comments. If you don't agree with her standpoint on politics, fine. However, making hateful comments based on her sexual orientation or appearance truly demonstrate the narrow-minded and often bigoted views of those that might benefit from not having a white, privileged male fill this representative spot. Frankly, it is nice to see someone come along who has new ideas and isn't afraid to try to run for office when they think they can make a difference-- isn't that the point of our political system?

  24. Anonymous white male in Lee Summit said... "I don't like people who are different than me!"

    Anonymous white male in Overland Park said... "Grr! Taxes! Boo! Hiss!"

    Anonymous white male in Olathe said... "Its easy to take pot shots at people who are actually trying to do something while I sit in my parents basement and post to Tony's KC anonymously!"


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