As we slowly slouch toward Summer in Kansas City, the KCPD is stepping up their game on local streets.

KCPD foot patrols return as part of an effort to not only fight crime but also increase connection to the community.

Also . . . KCPD Chief Forté emphasizes the varied role of these officers in his latest blog post:

"Hot spot policing is about more than just enforcing laws"

More than surveillance or collaboration with prosecutors . . . Connection with the local community is a often cited as a key component in obtaining information and hopefully curbing Kansas City's homicide rate.

Right now, there have been 42 murder in Kansas City so far this year which is almost a dozen more than last year.



  1. One free throw away from preventing a homicide....Haha. What a joke.

  2. Overtime to play basketball? I'm glad I don't live in KC and my tax money isn't going to that. Good to see they are hard at work going after the city's most violent offenders like Forte said the other day.

    1. No overtime Einstein. Officers have been moved from inside positions for a weekly rotation in the hot spot areas. Glad you don't live in KC too..we have enough people bitch about problems and not want to do anything to fix them.

  3. No wonder they are so short officers, atleast six of them are out playing basketball, or atleast watching two officers try to play basketball.

  4. Could add 300 more cops but the fact remains the same the murder count will still go up.

    It won't stop the killing just might increase the arrest rate is all and thats a big if.

  5. Unfortunately Super Dave is probably right.

  6. What a joke! Playing basketball and leaning up against a patrol car is not going to stop crime.

  7. R u serious 5 cops standing by?

  8. First, KCPD is to scared to go in the city with less than two cops. They are no comfortable being in the hood and feel safety in numbers. They are nothing more than occupiers.

    Second, hot spots can make a difference if suspects are apprehended quickly after a murder or shooting. You may not prevent a homicide but apprehended the suspects quickly can help get the bad guys off the street. This part of the hot spot program is working.

  9. Apprehending the suspects in crimes quickly only benefits if Jackson County prosecutors and judges were on board. Prosecutors declining to file charges against offenders and if they do, the judges are giving probation time after time. The justice system in Jackson County is embarrassing to KCMO. And people wonder why everyone wants to live in Clay, Platte, and Johnson County, KS.

  10. We need to implement SAND Shoot All Niggers Dead NOW! It is our only hope of saving the city.

  11. Anon 11:15

    It would be simpler to just kill you.

  12. The picture says it for all to see,
    a bunch of scared cat cops trying to act cool in a neighborhood they do not know. Piss poor example of community policing. KCPD is LOSING the war on crime in KC. And this picture proves it. 5 cops for every person in the pic.

  13. Make that 43 homicides now!

  14. 10:28 aka 2:04, sign up at the Academy. You'll learn a couple of things if they don't break you in the first week.

    I do agree that stupid shit like this is a waste of time. The pics are going to be good while popo is watching, then return to their natural state when he leaves.

  15. you all need to understand that most times when prosecutors choose not to move forward on a case it is because there is not enough evidence to do so....Investigations can last a long time in order to obtain the required probable cause to file for an arrest warrant, which is then reviewed and ultimately signed by a judge. It makes no sense to prosecute without sufficient cause. that is how defendants often go free..juries in particular are expecting more and more physical evidence thanks to tv shows like CSI or Law and Order. Those shows are entertaining but totally unrealistic. However, they are impacting juries who take unrealistic expectations into deliberations.

    1. Correct in theory but this is jackson county. Many times the race of the suspect will determine whether or not a case is prosecuted. Ive seen many many rock solid cases against young black males not get prosecuted because the prosecutor doesn't want to appear racist. There are major fundamental problems in the jackson county prosecutor's office

  16. Hey, you know what those 6 officers aren't doing? Shooting each other at an ever increasing rate. Hmm, maybe they aren't the problem after all

  17. The police look like overpaid babysitters. Is that what public safety has been reduced to? These officers are good people, I'm sure of it. This, however, is not a good look for KCPD. It's reflective of the KC Water Department and their paid nap time fiasco.

  18. Blame chief forte and mayor james. This isn't the officers idea. This comes straight from the top.


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