Obviously, Kansas City Firefighters are none too pleased with the upcoming City Hall budget that was recently passed.
KCFD could lose up to 105 jobs amid cutbacks to so many local services.
The budget vote was 12-1. Councilman John Sharp was the lone standout. For better or worse, Councilman Sharp has shown strong and consistent support for labor and local Unions throughout his career.
On the other hand . . .
Remember that Council Lady Cindy Circo was formerly married to a Kansas City Fire Dude and she has heretofore marched in lockstep with the will of top Fire Fighter officials.
Over the course of her political career she has taken thousands of dollars worth of donations from Political Action Committees associated and friendly with The KCFD.
In so many words, Council Lady and Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Circo would not hold her seat without support from Kansas City Firefighters.
However, in this latest budget debate that money and years of endorsements didn't buy her support on the controversial issue of possible firings and more than $7 million worth of cutbacks to the department.
"This is the worst backstabbing I've ever seen in Kansas City politics," says one insider. "On two levels this is just unbelievable: She's turning her back on a group who has consistently supported her. Secondly, she has shown that she's not going to honor her word or stand up for commitments that she makes to any of her constituents. She's not a real leader. She has turned into nothing more than a rubber stamp for Mayor Sly James."
The wisdom of public safety cuts is still up for debate.
However, there's no denying that Council Lady Circo owes a great debt to Fire Fighters for their support throughout her career.
And after a recent divorce from a fire dude, a new effort to go back to school and a great deal of newfound friendly working relationship from Mayor Sly James . . . No one is sure where Cindy Circo's allegiances stand right now.
A better title would be, Cindy Circo and strange new bedfellows.
ReplyDeleteC'mon TKC. Wake Up!
The firefighters are bullies. They need to share the pain of this recession and the cutbacks that are associated with it. Don't blame Circo, or James.
ReplyDeleteHow many days a week do you put your life in the line, for people you don't even know?
DeleteWhat passes for city government in KCMO has no vision, no strategy, and no priorities, so what rises to the top of their agenda is whoever happens to be in their offices making demands at any given moment. And in this case it was Sly instead of the firefighters.
ReplyDeleteHopw does this all fit into a larger picture? What larger picture?
A politician who will not honor his or her bribes is not worth supporting.
ReplyDeleteCindy the tramp is exposed great post Tony.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame while she is collecting over 70000 a year she doomed all those firefighter families to the unemployment line. Great to have the power to step on others while you are going up.
ReplyDeleteSly enjoy all those new frills for your office that Cindy got for you ,Mayor Pro Tem has a price and she just paid it.
ReplyDeleteCindy is a Angry Wife ,she got her revenge on her former husband and the Fire Dept all at once.
ReplyDelete"she doomed all those firefighter families to the unemployment line."
ReplyDeleteand why should FF be exempt from the economic hardships the rest of the nation is facing? Working 9 days a month they have had it pretty sweet as it is. Maybe if they had more realistic pensions and insurance their budget wouldnt be so out of control.
Look at the total hours that firefighters work instead of the total days. Its A LOT more than what you think. They work a lot. Keep smokin weed douchebag.
DeleteGet your nail tech license back Cindy you going to need it
ReplyDeleteJOHN SHARP for MAYOR!
ReplyDeleteDoes revenge feel good Angry Wife Circo you have hit the FireDept where it hurts. Too bad when your family was young people kept there word and you where safe.
ReplyDeleteHer allegiance lies wherever there is a hard dick and a checkbook. No mystery here.
ReplyDeleteCindy was correct, the fire department needs to suck it up. Other departments have lost staff and taken cuts for years, including next year. The 7.5 million cut is about 5% of their 131 million dollar budget. There will not be a massive layoff of fire fighters. The cuts will come through retirements and others leaving for other jobs. You guys really look bad on this matter and have lost respect in the community.
ReplyDeleteyou firefighters are the biggest bunch of babies I have ever listened to. Everyone.....EVERYONE ELSE is going through cuts. YOU have not had one in years...grow up. welcome to the real world.
ReplyDeleteYou lie to people telling them that their house will burn because you wont be able to make it to their house. what kind of person does that? You mudsling more than politicians. you lie more than politicians. EVERYONE KNOWS we need firefighters, but we dont need millions of them. fires are down and have been down for years. thats a good thing. that means you educating the public about firesafty has paid off.
so please...grow the f up. everyone is getting cut. what makes you so special that you shouldnt either?
stop telling people fires are going to go out of control. it brings up to many scary stories of when you dumbasses went on strike and started setting fires. thats what everyone is worried about. so stop the hate rhetoric. stop the scare tactics and come back down to planet earth please.
and about circo not voting on "your side"? apparently she is better than all of you. she votes with facts and whats best for EVERYONE not just a select group. we need people like that.
think about it.
now bring on the haters. fools.
just maybe she is doing what the people who voted her into office want her to do for a change.
ReplyDeleteShe's gone black and aint coming back...
ReplyDeleteWell said 6:55 and 6:56
ReplyDeleteNothing like a bunch of anti-union democrats. We're screwed. Did they each budget a backbone?
ReplyDeleteMr. Tony,
ReplyDeleteOur firefighters are in a world of hurt right now. They have gotten an unprecedented STFU from our elected officials. I saw on one posting one of the firefighters writing in a most dramatic fashion all of the travails she and her family endure just for her to be a firefighter. Breathing smoke, crawling through said smoke to look for babies, whipping out the jaws-of-life to wrestle open a mashed car. My! I am grateful for her sake that fire suppression is down and that the bulk of the calls are for Emergency Medical Service, not fires and what-not.
Mr. Tony, why does Fire Chief Smokey Dyer not have the numbers for calls for service, response times and a true head count of those who respond to the scene whether it is for a fire or for a lookey-lou at a medical emergency? By that I mean all of those trucks that are on site when an ambulance is needed. Pumper trucks (with or without the full complement of fire fighters) ladder trucks, etc. seems that they empty out the entire fire station for a heart patient. That poor bedraggled firefighter pouring out her misery on your other posting surely deserves to know the true numbers as do the residents of Kansas City.
I guess Miss Cindy is fixing to run for Mayor. Her vote on the budget was correct. No one but silly firefighters are calling for lay-offs of rank and file. Silly of them to immediately lay down to the Brass and take it.
PS: If my abode catches fire and KCFD won't even piss on it because of my stance, so be it. They are human after all not super heroes.
Yeah, shame on Cindy for not fulfilling her bully bribes from the big bad kcfd union and their cushy jobs.
ReplyDeleteNow some of them are going to have to throw lumber at Home Depot and do some real work instead of whining. Remember the old railroad phrase "featherbedding", when unions insisted unneeded workers keep their jobs years after they were no longer needed? Same story here. It was the same thing with the FTE-fat KCPS.
Hope your house doesn't catch fire Cindy, because vengeance is theirs for not coming through with the promised vote. You can be sure they are PISSED! We need more ambulances and paramedics and fewer big apparatus and ff's to stand around playing with themselves on difficulty breathing calls.
Cindy didn't keep her promise or her word the issue doesnt matter.For future supporters just understand that
ReplyDeleteAnd all those above who are bitching about firefighters walk in their shoes.
ReplyDeleteKansas City's failure will be known to future generations as Circo's Revenge.
ReplyDelete"I hope Cindy's house doesn't catch fire". Fucking thugs. You are amply funded. Just do your fucking jobs. Maybe the public works department should say "gee, I hope you don't drive across that bridge" or the water department says "don't drink our water". Please just suck it up and do your fucking jobs. No more thuggish threats.
ReplyDelete$30.7 million dollars in tax give-backs to Polsinelli Shughart to move their offices 4 blocks.
ReplyDeleteEveryone must share the sacrifice!
You can't really count on Cindy. She is just a coke head after all. Plus, those years of huffing finger nail polish don't help.
ReplyDeleteMy question is why is the city trying to cut the first line responders but leaving the chiefs untouched?
The city has more Chiefs now than ever. When the firefighters were in 3 year pay freeze the chiefs were unscathed. Now the city is complaining about response times. Does anyone realize there are about 28 paramedics in chiefs roles not doing anything. How about this, why do all the deputy chiefs now have secretaries when they never have in the past. Get rid of the secretaries, personal cars, and paramedic supervisors so our city can't start functioning again.
Why isn't 3808 in negotiations.....
3 years of pay freezes....$ couple mil
ReplyDelete2+ years of no OT pay.....$ couple mil
2+ years of extra hours for free...$ couple mil
2+ years of vacation day give-backs...$ couple mil
Giving up that money and time to keep 3 fire companies that the city wanted to close opened for the last 3 years to continue serving the citizens of your city...priceless
Listening to the City Council and their mouthpiece at the Star pretend you haven't sacrificed...classless.
Revenues are down...unless you are a developer who wants tax money to tear down a brand new building on the Plaza and build a corporate-woods-style box. Then your revenues are up.
ReplyDelete$30.7 million dollars in tax give-aways to lawyers who live in JoCO.
Jim Glover calls them "heroes".
Did the fire fighters believe that they had bribed Ms. Circo? How else, do explain the notion that she stabbed them in the back?
ReplyDeleteIf your resources had been managed better, these austerity measures wouldn't be necessary.
Why did they merge the Fire and EMS Departments? Weren't things going pretty well back then? Response times were good, resources being managed? Seems like they took a good thing and made it worse. If firefighters weren't out trying to play Paramedic, would they be in this financial situation? And what's up with not producing the response times? Where is FOIA when you need it?
ReplyDelete8:24. Welcome to city hall life. ALL city employees have made sacrifices in the last three years in this flat economy. Suck it up.
ReplyDeleteWe did get some pretty good chiefs in this year.I think this is our year!!!
ReplyDeletetalkin football right?
Taking over mast was kingdom building, pure and simple. Now they're covering their inefficiencies by playing funny call numbers. Thanks Funky. Great parting shot. You and that fucking union.
ReplyDeleteDon't think it was Funk. Believe it was Johnson who threw Mast in. Sharp said it wouldn't work. Look now!
Deleteget rid of EMS supervisors? You would then have NO ONE in a management position that knows anything about EMS! it is already fucked up enough!
ReplyDeleteI hope those unreasonably high pay raises (average of 15-16%) were worth it!!!
AUGUST 24, 2011 ET
Last month, the city agreed to provide raises to fire fighters that will average 15 and 16 percent.
Fire fighters at the top of their pay scale will get 8 percent raises, and newer fire fighters will get close to 30 percent, said Mark Thoma-Perry, the city’s acting budget officer. The raises were part of a three-year wage contract between the city and the fire union. They include two step increases and three cost-of-living increases.
City employees with Local 500 are also set to get a minimum of 5 percent raises — 2 percent on their anniversary date and a 3 percent cost-of-living increase, Thoma-Perry said.
Privatize the ambulance service again! KCFD has done nothing but fuck it up. They obviously don't know how to manage it.
ReplyDelete"City Manager Troy Schulte said Kansas City, like many other cities, has seen a drop in actual fires extinguished (from 6,797 in 2002 to 2,582 in 2011)."
ReplyDelete"City Manager Troy Schulte said Kansas City, like many other cities, has seen a drop in actual fires extinguished (from 6,797 in 2002 to 2,582 in 2011)."
ReplyDeleteFire calls have dropped by more than 60 percent in the past 10 years.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:17, you talk about getting rid of the top heavy chiefs and ask why not. Well, the person you should be asking that question of is Smokey Dyer. He was instructed by his boss to find the cuts, and he took the coward's way out. He's too afraid of his own union and was just worried about getting a special cushy retirement package. The day he refused to name his suggested cuts, as he was ordered to do, and refused to do so, he should have been fired on the spot.
ReplyDeleteThe attacks on Ms. Circo are heinous and wrong. Yes, she did accept contributions from the KCFD union. So did several other sitting council members. Why are your vitriolic comments not directed at them as well? Making a donation is no guarantee you get to select the agenda each and every time. That's the way it worked under the old councils and the old Local 42. Well, it's a new council and a new union, and the lying, thuggery and threats just won't work anymore. So KCFD...suck it up, walk it off, and get to work.
"When MAST had the contract to serve Southern Platte Co Ambulance District the response times were excellent. When Smokey took over response dropped below contract mandated response levels. Platte Ambulance district notified KCFD that their payment would be cut in proportion to the poor response times. Smokey proposed back either increasing the payments to get better service, or do away with the performance standards. KCFD keeps insurance repayments and gets a fee from So Platte, combined around $800k per year estimated. When asked over last two years to take steps to improve response times, Smokey replies he's "not changing anything."
ReplyDeleteI bet he changes some shit now!
ReplyDeleteIn 2011 there were 1,135 fires compared to 1,444 in 2005. That's a decrease of 22 percent. There was more than enough room for cuts!
ReplyDeleteDisturbing failure on KC ambulance response times
ReplyDeleteKansas City Star Editorial
The Kansas City Star
The Kansas City Fire Department has failed every month to meet a crucial response standard for life-threatening medical emergencies since its hostile takeover of ambulance service in early 2010 through last December.
In addition, Chief Smokey Dyer told city officials this week that his department would not be able to provide response times for this year until at least April. He said in an email that the agency was “having difficulties in obtaining reliable data” from a new reporting system.
“We need to have that data,” said John Sharp, chair of the City Council’s public safety committee.
Kansas Citians have good reasons to be concerned about the department’s performance. The Star’s review of city data shows:
The department’s ambulances fell short in 2011 of getting to the scene of life-threatening medical emergencies in an average of nine minutes or less at least 90 percent of the time. The agency met that citywide standard 87 percent of the time in responding to 26,000 incidents.
The department in 2011 also did not meet a more lenient goal in two of the city’s four ambulance districts — in the Northland and in a large part of south Kansas City. That standard is a nine-minute-or-less response 85 percent of the time.
The department’s weak citywide showing in 2011 continued its record of 2010, when it failed to meet the 90 percent response goal in every month after it absorbed the Metropolitan Ambulance Services Trust that April.
The City Council established the nine-minute mark at that time, partly because national fire and health organizations support goals to help save lives.
After The Star exposed the department’s initial lackluster performance in early 2011, council members told City Manager Troy Schulte and Dyer to make improvements.
But the most recent numbers show too little progress has been made.
Pay for performance!!!!
12:22 knows what they're talking about. That's exactly how it went down. When faced with his poor performance, Smokey said then pay KCFD more (I guess they drive faster for more money) or drop the performance measures so no one can see what a sub-standard job KCFD does.
ReplyDeleteKCFD is rife with issues, some might say corruption. Time to get rid of Smokey the Cowardly Chief and get someone in there with some guts who can actually do the job. And reign in that union.
So she isn't in bed with a firefighter anymore. I'd say that raises the level of intelligence for her and the firefighters.
ReplyDeleteEven if they fire department did f up Mast why would you blame the firefighters. Do you honestly think they are the ones running it? You think the lowest ranking guys actually have any clout in making these decisions? If you want to blame someone blame management and city hall. I bet you can't find 1 firefighter who thought it was a good idea or even if they did they still aren't happy with how it has been impplemented.
ReplyDeleteSo, you answer is to blame the lowest ranking guy for the f up of the most powerful and highest paid. I just want to make sure I got it right. It wasn't the union's fault either. The union never voted for this. The current union administration is doing everything it can to help the ems workers.
1:00 - You, like the rest of your union buddies, are full of shit. Local 42 lobbied hard for the take over of MAST. Why?!? Because the writing was on the wall and has been for about ten years. Responses to actual fire calls have been falling steadily for the last 20 years. Local 42 knew they would soon be facing budget cuts if they didn't find a way to justify their bloated budget. So, they engineered the take over of a private ambulance service and magically, their EMS calls go up! Brilliant, except for one small, tiny, insignificant little detail. None of the assholes in Local 42 or the KCFD have any idea how to manage or run an ambulance service! So, who's left to pay the price, that's right, the taxpayers!!! It's time to own up to it! You dumbasses don't know what the fuck you are doing!!! Time to privatize the ambulance services and cut the fire budget. The city council took a big step in the right direction yesterday. Now when are they going to wake up to the fact the KCFD can't handle the ambulance service they've been entrusted with and do what's right by the citizens?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteAt 1:12
ReplyDeleteSince when does local 42 manage anything? Hey retard, local 3808 is management. Here is a way to explain it so you understand.
Local 42 works for a living.
Local 3808 tell the guys in Local 42 what they want them to do.
City Hall tells Local 3808 what to do.
Stop eating paint chips.
Do you think the guys on the assembly line at GM design the next corvette too?
Hope those unreasonably high tax give-aways to connected law firms and out-of-state developers are worth it!
ReplyDelete$30.7 million of your money given to Polsinelli Shughart to move 4 blocks and tear down a brand new building.
"Thanks, heroes" Glover tells developers...
1:41 - "Brilliant, except for one small, tiny, insignificant little detail. None of the assholes in Local 42 or the KCFD have any idea how to manage or run an ambulance service!" I think they covered Local 42, 3808, and any other X-box playin' assholes on the KCFD. KCFD as a whole doesn't know shit from shinola about running and ambulance service. The bottom line is that the merger of MAST and KCFD has been an unmitigated disaster for the citizens and the decision needs to be reversed!
ReplyDeletehum, lets see, 1 day on (24 hours), 2 days off (48 hours). Work 2. Thats 48 hours an almost week. Do you constantly work those 12 hours? I bet no. Is your salary based on the hours you work? I bet yes. In the famous words on my new hero, SUCK IT UP
ReplyDeletemwf3!!!! wins again!!!
ReplyDeleteShe should know how hard it is on families of working firemen. She now has no regard for the young firefighters making 11 dollars an hour who are now going to be unemployed in these already difficult times. Families to feed with many young children, mortgages, and student loans. Many left better paying jobs to take the job they have always wanted at KCFD. Now they will be on the unemployment line thanks to her and 11 others!
ReplyDelete2:25. What the fuck are you talking about? The cuts will come from those who retire and leave. No one will lose their job. Although, other poor city workers have lost their jobs over the past three years due to other departments being cut so the bloated fire department didn't have to take cuts. Where is your compassion for those families? Ass hole.
ReplyDeleteDear sweet 2:25pm. You are an uninformed idiot. Thank you Cindy Circo and eleven others.
ReplyDeleteDear 238, no you're the idiot. Firefighters start at 28,000 a year and work 48 hours a week. Do the math. There is nothing set in stone at all in regards to senior firefighters retiring. That is pure speculation. Furthermore, most of those eligible people are Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs. So, that does nothing to reduce staffing on fire trucks. So, chances are a lot of young firefighters with families will be going to the unemployment line. Not that you care.
ReplyDelete3:03. As upper fire staff retires, lower fire fighters move up. Your right, I don't care. If the fire department doesn't take the hit, other departments would and good people in those departments would lose their jobs. They have families too.
DeleteFuck Kc, I am going to win mega millions and start my own city. KCFD members are invited too.
ReplyDeleteJust got word that Kansas City Mayor and Cindy Circo are having a big (everyone is invited) party for breaking the fire union at 11808 E 50TH TERRACE. The party is Sunday at 1pm. Free beer and hot dogs. Door prizes for the first 20.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you and Tony could meet each other and swap " throat yogurt "
DeleteKC FireFighters got there asses handed to them.
ReplyDeleteNow we need to get KCPD under City control. JUST LIKE ST. LOUIS !!!!
Yeah because St. Louis is running flawlessly.
DeleteIts a matter of reaping what you sow. Local 42 in the way of former 42 Union boss Louie Wright pushed to get Troy Schulte hired as city manager. Troy,not James or Circo, is who fucked the firefighters. Good move Sherwood and Louie! A job well done!
ReplyDeleteI do not understand the idea behind spending millions on NEW city projects while laying off city workers at the same time (regardless if it's the Fire Department or any other department). Is the Street Car and other NEW city projects so important that we cut jobs from all city departments in the middle of a deep recession???
ReplyDeleteSmokey is dying so he won't be affected by this at all. He will be gone before the end of the year.
ReplyDeletehey 5:16 your digtal finger print has been left. You posted a address and that actually puts you in the jackpot if anybody goes there and causes harm.
ReplyDeleteYou do relize that the people that support you are reading this threats and changing there minds.
He but you are responsible for this turn of events...i mean think about it you backed the Democrat that has caused this downturn.(obama) in case you dont have your Union vote cheat sheet.
Ford is laying off 1222 people ..
You think about the water department when you pat yourself on the back? without them you would be out of water pretty quick..
6:10 it's called the law. There are many income sources. General fund is what pays for most of fire. The 1/2 cent sales tax is for capital improvements, not fire or police salaries. It's the law.
ReplyDeletePolice and fire need to institute a "Blue and Red" flu... Or some other type of work stoppage!
ReplyDelete7:56 You're ignorant
ReplyDelete8:54 Why? Both the departments budgets are over 130 million. Maybe water department employees who provide drinking water should get the blue flu as well? or KCPL employee. You guys are the biggest cry babies in history!!
ReplyDelete9:15, no I know what the fuck is going on with the budget. Get a clue. Life does not revolve around the precious fire fighters.
ReplyDeleteThe downtown toy train is "the law" lmao
ReplyDeleteya blue and red flu...what will we do when all those houses burn????..i know what i will do take my insurance pay-out and move away from the city. Land is cheap up please blue and red flu..please.please pretty please
ReplyDeleteYes let's do that because everything the city gets its hands on turns to gold! MAST, KCPS, etc, etc. Great idea! Nothing can go wrong!
ps--what will "city control" of the KCPD accomplish? I always hear people like yourself calling for city control, but what exactly do you hope will be accomplished by that? Please explain exactly how things will change from the way they are now? Do you think that city council people like Circo, Marcason, etc will somehow magically become police commanders and call the shots for a day? WHAT WILL CITY CONTROL DO?
pss--Under city control the KCPD will be able to form a union which has voting rights like the Local 42. Careful what you wish for...
i put my life on the line everyday when i get in my car surrounded by you dumb asses on the highway.
ReplyDelete3/30/12 8:46 AM
ReplyDeleteShe looks at the checkbook first.
11:35 my hero, a legend in your own mind. Everyday, if you are interested. The world CAN survive without you self made heros.
ReplyDelete800,000 911 calls per year. lets just shut that off first and then the response times will fix themselves and we won't need PD or FD.
Cindy Circo coke head! Hope one of KCPD get ahold of her in a routine stop and nails her on possession. You want to know why because we backed funk houser. She had already went all in with James and tried to press us to support him. We eventually would but she is female and remembered. That's fine we remember well also, good luck on that etax and getting reelected Cindy you'll be blowing millionaires for coke in no time
ReplyDeleteFire fighters, quit crying, your budget is still $131 million after the $7.5 million cut. Don't want any fire fighters to lose their jobs? Give back your greedy three years worth of raises.
ReplyDelete10:02, the nature of your comments shows you to be a libeling jackass. Your sentence about getting "re-elected" shows you to be an imbecile. Circo is in her second term and not eligible to run again. You are so dumb you must be KCFD.