Here's just the kind of back handed compliment on which most campaigns for tax increases are based:
"The Independence police chief, believes more aggressive patrolling on Kansas City's East Side is pushing more bad guys in his direction."
On the bright side, he suggests KCPD's Hot Spot strategy is working . . . And that's cool.
However . . .
To be just a tad more blunt . . . Meth Town has hosted a crime problem ENTIRELY of its own for years.
As for the merits of the tax . . . That's up to their voters to decide.
Still, as crime numbers creep up in surrounding areas the impulse to blame Kansas City Proper seems stronger than ever. But there's no arguing that crime has "moved" to other parts of the area given that it's still so prevalent in Kansas City's urban core.
LOL He's joking right. Just look at Kansas City we were told the City was broke and we passed the E-Tax and Public safety sales tax, only to have the City Hall buffoons spend it on water parks, hotels, and trains. If the people of independence have half a brain they'll say NO.
ReplyDeleteYeah, The Hot Spot is working just look at our record Homicides.
Personally I think there is just a lot of pond scum in Meth Town.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief is correct on all but one point- sewer overflow from KC has been a problem for decades.
ReplyDeleteI thought "Detective" John Bullard had it all under control?
ReplyDeleteSo Funny.
ReplyDeleteCrime and Kansas City is so out of control that the Independence Police Chief is complaining. He shouldn't be surprised since he retired form KCPD,so he ought to already know.
It's not just the hot spot tactic that pushing bad guys our of KCMO's east side, although that is certainly working. But the east side is increaingly an urban desert of vacant lots and abandoned buildings and there's not much point of trying to rob or burglarize those.
ReplyDeleteAs the population of the east side continues to shrink, the thugs will have to branch our throughout the metro, which makes working to curb crime and viiolence east of Troost something everyone should be insisting on. And nothing much is going to happen until leaders and residents of the east side decide that they'e not going to tolerate the thugs among them any more and work with the police to do something about it.
So which individuals, gorups, or organizations will be first to get off the victimization/entitlement bandwagon and begin emphaizing empowerment, collaboration, cohesive neighborhoods, and cooperation?
It's not about getting tax moeny and it's not about blame. It's about responsiblity and basic civil behavior.
2/6/12 7:23 AM
ReplyDelete: It's about responsiblity and basic civil behavior."
Good luck with that one. If this happened in the real world you would not need Police Departments. But we have had Police departments for centuries, because some people don't know how to behave. Telling a serial killer to act responsible won't go very far.
Just wait until the scholars from the KCPS arrive, Chief.
ReplyDeletestring em up! problem solved.
ReplyDeleteYou're right that the police's job is to try to provide some level of public safety, but the fact is that neighborhoods really police themselves by establishing and maintaining expectations of behavior. And the police will tell you that their job degenerates into reactive running around if resdients don't at least report criminal behavior and violence. Without some level of cooperation from the community, crime and violence will continue and the clearnace rate of murders will continue to be below 50%
And you don't hear about parental and personal responsibility from the "leaders" on the east side. What you constantly get instead is blame and demands for more tax money.
Until that changes, the PD's efforts aren't going to amount to much.
Just give the coppers more money......and they'll PISS IT AWAY. Meth Town is a FAIL. It's the demographics. Tax and Tax that's all the bureaucrats know, if they only had more MONEY. Give them more money and you get the dame results. Besides, didn't Jim Talent fix the "meth problem" when hes was in the US Senate? And then there was all that meth legislation in Jeff City by those Bozos.
ReplyDeleteThe chief is right. There is no concern among KCPD to kill the problem within its own boarders; it simply wants to move it out to its neighbors.
ReplyDeleteBlack guy shoots white couple at tha big mall out I-70 and presto! Need more cops to protect the white people from "those" types.
ReplyDeletePrayer Vigils, a new airport, toy trains, head of the school board, and money wasted.
ReplyDeleteFUNK WINS!
Yup, you chase the niggers out of KC proper and they'll naturally go east. Kansas won't have 'em without a fight so Independence gets more and more niggers. I sure glad I'm not them....Independence, that is.
ReplyDeleteKansas City Home to Crime.
ReplyDeletemethtown? really? that is so lame. this entire website looks like it's run by some ku fan in johnson county with nothing better to do.
ReplyDeletewhere is the story about all the muders in olathe? oh, I forgot. JoCo is god's country.
We moved to Indepedence from the Denver area and live in a nice area near lee's summit road and I don't uderstand the hate directed at the city from people on the other side of the metro that probably couldn't find Indepedence Center on a map.
That's all City government is good for -- asking for more money but not delivering any services.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the bad guys should buddy up with Chief Soule in Sugar Creek and go there, looks like you can obtain a get out of jail free card there.
ReplyDeleteDEar Mr. Tony: Thanks for posting this item. Now, you are correct that local politicos facing a serious crime problem always try to find someone else to blame--let us not forget the non-stop chorus from a lot of the "talking heads" in KCMO that the now four year old explosion of violence in the city's black neighborhoods is due to the recession--an idea that is statistically nonsensical in light of national crime trends. But is is a demonstrated fact that effective crime fighting in one city can "push" violence into neighboring jurisdictions. Look, for example, at Washington, DC and its neighbor Prince George's County--DC has had record low homicide numbers in the past few years, while violence in PG County has exploded in the past decade. PG County has earned the nickname "Gory Prince George's" for its staggeringly high homicide totals. However, the answer to this phenomenon of "squeezing the ballon" is not blaming neighboring cities--it is doing more to correct the problem in your own town. So, here's hoping Independence getting its tax increase. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans
ReplyDeleteWhen will people learn that increasing taxes and throwing money at problems rarely works or fixes the issue.
ReplyDeleteThis "public safety" tax will be more about bailing out the Bass Pro shopping area, the Independence Events Center and a bunch of other failing TIFs. Look for the general fund allocation to the IPD to decline when the new tax is passed. The reality will be this is nothing more than a shell game.