Just a few blocks off Troost, another group gathered to mourn the homicide of a relative, friend and loved one.

The vigil for Dee Dee Pearson on this dark, winter night was one of the saddest events I've been to in a long time.

As I was stood among the crowd of more than a dozen mourners, I wondered if the reason people hate these vigils so much might be because they really do bring the emotional reality of Kansas City murder to light and they offer an opportunity to see the faces and tears of folks who are left behind after a violent death.

The photo illustrating this post features one of Dee Dee's friends in the middle of the frame who was waiting at home and witnessed the slaying of her companion. 

Mr. Alvin Brooks could be one of the best people in Kansas City and so many at the event noted his courage in leading this event and calling for unity in putting a stop to so much Kansas City killing.


If only more Kansas City leaders spoke out against deadly local violence, I really do believe that we could see a decrease in the number of homicides.

More than a few TV news stations were on the scene. It was nice to see so many media outlets and community organizations from a broad cross-spectrum of Kansas City come to show their support.

We joke, poke fun, insult and criticize on this blog but just for one moment I'd like TKC READERS to take note: On Troost tonight there was a very real sense of despair as the inexplicable violence and one tragic Kansas City murder after the next adds up with no end in sight.



  1. Good for Mr. Brooks.

  2. put in a good word for adrian why don't ya?

  3. Alvin Brooks is a racist who has spent a lifetime making money off of black peoples' misery. His endlessly blaming whitey (even though he was raised by them) is despicable, yet typical with these self-professed leaders. His racist organizations have squandered money for decades. What's it called this week? Aim for Peace or some such crap?

  4. Thank you for your excellent coverage of DeeDee's murder. Deedee was a sweet spirit, not violent at all. Dee had been on the streets a long time, and was well known and well loved on Killa City's mean streets.

  5. 7:31PM What have you done lately to help the black people? Racist criticism of Mr. Brooks can't be your only contribution.

  6. 7:31pm is exactly right about Al Brooks. And they could have added Gwen Grant, Clinton Adams, the revs, Terry Riley, and a long long list of other names to the comments.
    It's not what others are doing to help blcak people; it's what they are doing to help themselves. Or at least supporting leaders in their community to stop the whing, blaming, and pursuing the tired old vitimization gig.
    When Al Brooks is on TV after a drive-by at a church funeral saying that that behavior is caused by "the slave master mentality", it's just the latest example of rationalizing people killing each other and blaming it all on others. And he's a member of the police board, for God's sake.
    How about some parental responsibility, some civil behavior, some taking advantage of a free education, some celebration of hard work and accomplishment, some neighborhood cohesion, and some cooperation with the police to try to make the neighborhoods safer?
    You'll NEVER hear any of that from Brooks or any of the other deadbeats mentioned. They're all too busy making good livings off the despair and dyfunction of the black community.
    And the status quo is literally killing people.

  7. 7:31 is 100% correct! TKC, have you drunk the Ad Hoc Kool Ade? Check out Ad Hoc's tax returns then tell me how Brooks is one if the best in KC. He's one of the worst, and now he's Jermaine Reed's puppet master.

  8. Hugh G. Rection12/29/11, 8:58 PM

    Tony you have covered this story with great courage and respect. I, for one, appreciate the honesty. I live in the burbs, but work in KC, drive through the east side twice a day, it is nice to feel for once we all belong to one race, the human race.

  9. Why do all of you cowards hide behind anonymous? If that's what you feel then "man up" and put your name on iit. And don't act like any of you give a damn about non-Whjites in this city.

  10. Vigils by Alvin Brooks would be taken more serious if it wasn't followed by his racist propoganda. Hold the people who kill accountable, and quit blaming it on slavery, slave masters, white flight, or any other excuse he is notorious for.

    Until he does that, he will remain dillusional and out of touch.

  11. What you gonna do Lucius? Kill somebody and blame whitey? Quick! Alert Aim 4 Peace to buy some crime fightin' candles!

  12. lucius0729 is his first name, dumb ass is his last name12/29/11, 10:23 PM

    Is 0729 your middle or last name? Or is lucius0729 just your first name? Does 0729 designate a jr. x 0729? Point being, this is the internet you pompous shit head. Nobody, including you is offering up all of their personal info in a comment section.

  13. Lucius has a handle. He has some accountability in what he writes. most of us aren't even willing to do that much.

    Like me.

  14. Too bad you're such a putz! You could have tried to find Lucius's handle and then skipped along to a candle crime fightin' ceremony! It's just bound to work one of these decades! Remember: blame the white slave master! Better try to find you some BLACK candles too!!

  15. How many millions has Brooks & crooks scammed for this vigil biz? Yet while murder elsewhere lowers; here it grows! Turn off the spigot. Stop the faucet.

  16. Murder rate continues here what. a. shame

  17. as ugly as the commenters have been, nearly always, for as long as you've had this up, you shouldn't be surprised. there is nowhere in town any more vile, ugly or full of hate as the respondents to your blog and some of your posts.

    repeat, you shouldn't be surprised.

  18. It was a transexual crack head who got whacked. He she it was a crack smoking crack head did sucking faggot. Who cares .....


    Spoken like an old "nigger cop" who made his career beating suspects in back rooms.


    Stupid ass.

  20. Da man

    Ugly comments? Too bad. The truth hurts pal. People like Brooks and Crooks need to hear it. If they faced facts instead of living in the past, they might accomplish something positive in the community.

  21. The 21st Century12/30/11, 8:46 AM

    I cannot believe he used the term lifestyle.

  22. Al doesn't live in the 21st Century. He and the other "leaders" are stillin the '60s marching with Martin and taking their cues from Jesse Jackson and his extortion gigs.
    That's the problem.

  23. Does Brooks get paid for theses vigils? How can he be a police commissioner and get paid for doing these?

  24. You know there sure a lot of assholes on here who seem to think that Brooks and other urban leaders are somehow perpetuating this nonsensical violence because of their methods. Here's an idea, if any of you clowns had any fucking idea how to fix things you wouldn't be sitting behind a desk playing Monday morning Police Chief carrying on with racist shit.

    The truth is not a damn one of you who carries on with your race-baiting slave master shit give two shits about a damn person that lives on the east side. You sit at your computers casting aspersions on folks you probably have never met. The truth is Brooks is doing more to at least bring attention to these problems than any of you are, yet all you do is cast blame, aspersions and libel perfectly good decent people all so it makes you feel like you know a thing or two.

    I am a white guy who grew up in the suburbs and nearly daily I am embarrassed by a lot of the vile racist spew that I see on this site everyday. I know the vast majority of it is coming from scared little white kids from JoCo who think their shit doesn't stink.

  25. Does anyone want to go in on a business adventure with me? We could make a kill'n off of this just like Alvin. I say we open a candle shop on the east side and sell a shit load of candles for all these vigils. Once it opens, don't stop the killin!!!!! We'd be rich bitches!

  26. 2:33

    It's obvious you grew up in the suburbs. You aren't privy to the reality of Brooks and crooks. Or don't want to face reality. People arent fabricating the stuff about Alvin Brooks or Aim for Peace. Watch the news. Racist propoganda will be spewed immediately following the next vigil or media op presented by The KC Star or channel 5. The good they try to portray is over shadowed by their out of touch comments on the six o'clock news.

  27. Homosexual Mase Hakes works at a youth shelter, and talks about young boys penises on his Facebook page12/30/11, 4:01 PM

    Speaking of cross dressing homosexuals, remember Mase Hakes? He's the one that still lives with his mommy and was dabbling in politics and was featured on Tony's website several times.

    Well, Mase Hakes, the openly homosexual Mase Hakes, works as a "Youth Mentor at Synergy Services". Yeah, like we need a fag mentoring impressionable youths.

    On his Facebook page, December 4, 2011 @ 11:04 pm, Mase Hakes makes comments about one of the male children he oversees. He wrote "One of my kids just came out of the rest room and said "I need a bandaid for my penith." The poor boy zipped up his you-know-what in his pants zipper!"

    Why is this openly homosexual talking about little childrens (male) sexual organs at the place he is employed?

  28. @3:39

    Just because you think something is racist, does not necessarily make it so.

  29. @4:13

    Thank you! You are spot on! So Mr. Brooks. Alonzo Washington. If you are reading this, you should listen to 4:13. You would be taken more serious. Your vigils would mean something to the entire city, instead of a small group of the victim's relatives.

  30. Alvin has been a crook for so long, he doesn't know how to be anything else. The sad part is people buy into his shit. It's gotten him elected to city council, appointed to the police board, and hundreds of thousands of dollars from Ad Hoc. Only people in KCMO can wise up and put this race-baiting crook out of business.

  31. Alvin has been a crook for so long, he doesn't know how to be anything else. The sad part is people buy into his shit. It's gotten him elected to city council, appointed to the police board, and hundreds of thousands of dollars from Ad Hoc. Only people in KCMO can wise up and put this race-baiting crook out of business.

  32. Have any of you all had a loved one murdered? Until you have stood in the morgue and looked at a dead loved one's cold, lifeless body it is hard to imagine how horrible it feels. Unfortunately I know that feeling. If a vigil brings some small comfort to a family then it is worth it. That transgender person was someone's child, someone's sibling , someone's friend. A human being, not an "it", being born into the wrong body is not a choice. And lots of times, the people who quack the loudest and are the most disrespectful to LGBT people are the ones who just might have something to hide.On the down low maybe?? The word on the street is that Jones knew Pearson was trans, that he had had a number of the trans women out on Troost, and that he was on the down low with a bunch of them.


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