Take three things from this post . . .
There's still some rather intense discussion about the East Patrol & Crime Lab proposal . . .
For some perspective on the topic check this rather useful link . . .
The Northeast News: PDF document explains city’s reasoning for new East Patrol and crime lab site
Recently, there are reports that Community Leader Alvin Brooks has been speaking in favor of the project . . . Given his service on the police board, this makes sense.
However, undoubtedly, there has been a rather chilly reception toward leaders touting the benefits of the new project.
Secondly . . .
In fact, Mr. Brooks is now being touted as "Big Brother Brooks" in his political association with Council Dude Reed given that a great many people don't have confidence that the still promising younger politico is making his own decisions.
Finally, talk that there might be a renewed effort to CHANGE THE NAME OF PROSPECT TO MLK BOULEVARD is still circulating . . . It's not the most important move in the world but even an attempt to re-brand this beleaguered part of Kansas City, MO is understandable.
Check the recent Talking Points from Black Agenda Meeting obtained by AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS:
Subject: Talking Points from Black Agenda Meeting 9/26/2011 8:30-10:00AM
* Asked why there was no notice or involvement from the affected homeowners at the onset of discussions of the placement of the lab?
Alvin Brooks responded that there is always notice when the governing body makes a decision.
* Asked why the City feels entitled to purchase cheap land from the same people and neighborhood they've had so much difficulty in adequately policing?
Alvin Brooks responded, we're always looking for the cheapest land possible.
* Asked why if blight, crime were a prominent factor, then why wasn't the 2700 block of Prospect to Brooklyn selected. In contrast to the 2600 block of Prospect to Brooklyn; the neighborhood North of 27th Street is far more occupied than the 2700 block of Prospect to Brooklyn. Estimated total houses in that corridor is 10 occupied structures; in contrast, the 2600 block is mostly occupied.
Alvin Brooks responded that the land on 2700 block is not large enough. (???? It parallels the 2600 blocks; why would the size be any different? This was a complete avoidance of the question and he didn't want to answer correctly -- here's the correct response... "my boy Miles has control of that land and I don't want to keep him from his vision.") There are a lot of boarded properties in the subject blocks and I recently walked the neighborhood and it is mostly vacant.
* How do you know that economic development will be spurred? What data are using to support this claim?
Alvin Brooks responded... All we have is projections; that's all anyone has. Look it ties in with the City's master plan and will create a much needed police presence in the area. It's a 57 million dollar project that will provide 500 construction jobs.
Alvin Brooks had in the past tried to get Prospect renamed as Martin Luther King Blvd. He announced that Jermaine Reed is working on this project for him. (What a joke! We need a grocery store and all we seem to get is BS from the leadership at City Hall. The recall of Jermaine Reed is extremely important! We can not let this continue. It's clear, Jermaine is clouded by Big Brother Brooks' personal agenda. If he acts on this, then it will be obvious whose interest he is working on behalf of. Quite ridiculous and blatant!)
Jermain will stay. Recall efforts against incumbents are generally hard to win and can be litigated effectively.
ReplyDeleteYes. Please change the name of all the main thoroughfare's in the hood to MLK Boulevard or St. or Terrace or Avenue.
ReplyDeleteIt will give the tourists and suburbadroids guidance as to what areas to stay away from.
How about the white fucking agenda??? I'm sick and tired of all this black bullshit.....
ReplyDeleteVote obama!
ReplyDeleteThe Black Agenda Group is personally repsonsible for the disastrous condition of the east side of the city. Please list the names of these self-appointed losers so that everyone can see whose victimization/entitlement agenda has destroyed families, neighborhoods, businesses, and hopes for the east side.
ReplyDeleteThere soon won't be a Third District, because there won't be anybody left living there.
Fighting over crumbs, naming streets, intimidating folks at city hall, and making tax dollars disappear.
And east side residents just sit there and take it.
Hey, 3:31: You think recall efforts against incumbents are hard, try mounting a recall effort against someone who isn't in office. It's virtually impossible.
ReplyDeleteI think this calls for a picture of London Andrews' huge ass.
ReplyDeleteAlvin Brooks give definition to the term: GRIFTER!!!
ReplyDeleteTo have a ganster/trash street named after MLK - what an insult.
ReplyDelete3:37 is correct. MLK designated streets always represent urban areas of decay and crime. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteI don't think having Prospect named after him was what King meant by" I have a dream."
ReplyDeleteName it after Stephen King
" I have a nightmare"
Or JFK " I have a head wound"
ReplyDeletePoint being, You can rename a pile of dog shit Sirloin Steak, but it's still dog shit. Prospect is a cesspool. Ask the Bledsoe family who lost a loved one on prospect. They operated a business for decades on prospect, what did the get for their trouble?
I think its fitting to rename Prospect after a black man that got shot to death. All hope of prospect on that street has been gone for a long time.
ReplyDeleteHow about the Champs ales nigger?? Makes more sense and damned sure more descriptive.
ReplyDeletestupid comment. You don't have the guts to go and help troost. all you can do is hate from behind a computer screen.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the black community allows people like Brooks, Grant, Webster, Bachuus, Simmons, Miles, and on and on to make believe they speak for them, nothing's going to change. All those folks are stuck in the '60s and the days of intimidation and extortion while you're sitting on your butt are long gone.
ReplyDeleteAnd the days of millions of dollars disappearing into thin air like the Citadel Plaza project are gone too. If folks want to see things just get worse and worse, just keep doing the same old things with the same old people, but it's hard to believe that anybody really wants to see the east side deterirate any more than it has.
These people are self-appointed losers who have bilked the residents of their own neighborhoods for decades and somehow they just keep going.
Where's some responsible serious leadership in the black community?
yeah, rename it MLK, what a tribute!!!!!!!! NOT
ReplyDelete7:15 PM all TRUE
Stephen King Blvd in KC.
Alvin Brooks should have "retired" from public service years ago. He is like the Clay Chastain of East Side issues. He's an ineffective, washed up media whore who gets treated like some kind of elder statesman deserving of media coverage and respect based on accomplishments that 90% of the city doesn't even remember or never even heard of because they happened so long ago. The old man needs to shut up and step aside, the TV crews need to go elsewhere, and a new generation of leadership for the Eastside needs to emerge.
ReplyDeleteNews alert why was the head screamer of the so called displacement of the 26th Brooklyn area residents, seen meeting at city hall yesterday? Word is Ms.A.Powell, has sold out. Her mounted campaign to unseat Jermaine will suddenly hault,according to an insider.
ReplyDeleteSo where are the new young spokesmen for the black community? Isn't there anyone who can break out of the "gimme mine" mentality of the '60s and help with empowering individuals and neighborhoods to take back their lives from the bangers? Isn't there anyone who emphasizes responsiblity and accountability instead of looking for every possible excuse for terrible and even crminal behavior? Isn't there anyone who understands that the police can't do much of anything to protect them without information and constantly being concerned that some "leader" will shout racism or profiling for their own personal sense of importance?
ReplyDeleteMaybe not, and certainly not in evidence. But the east side doesn't have far to go before it's gone.
ReplyDelete@Ms. Powell at City... While their are a countless number of task you must and can complete; I doubt seriously that you have any legitimate insider tips. Jermaine Reed has offended a ton of people in this community by his arrogance! Ms. Powell doesn't has the power or support to recall anyone but jermaines interactions with the public speaks for itself. Let's avoid any discussion about what u think others are doing and stick with the facts. A reliable tipster shared with me that Ms. Powell was at City Hall but not for what u describe as selling out.
ReplyDeleteI hope Ms. Powell steps up as a leader; she certainly has an unbiased perspective about the condition of the City. Kansas City suffers from the ills of nep·o·tism. This eminent domain action against descendants of slaves is outrageous. But in fine fashion, the victims of this attrocity will not defend themselves. While it's easy to make light, this issue not only leaves an entire part of our City without adequate police service. Now, forced into the central city for a basic police report. East KC residents should be outraged enough to get mobilized to fight this. What about the business owners on Van Brunt? They've had a ton of murders there too. Because you have politicos of yesterday rallying for this Prospect corridor, no one is asking themselves... What will I do for police service in my area? If they did ask... They'd see the real issue.
ReplyDeleteNope not Fletcher sounds more like sore loser SSB. Reed said she is everywhere he goes, she shows up. Get over it Sharon S. Brooks you lost the election,stop it already.
ReplyDeleteMs.Powell is not a leader she is a mad black woman that is upset with Mr.Brooks cause her Aunt didn't win a council seat and Sharon did with Mr.Brooks help.
ReplyDelete6:39: The young black leaders are being shut out by the old guard.
ReplyDeleteThe bright side is these dinosaurs can't live forever.
What about the business owners and residents of eastern Kansas City? They deserve and need revitalization? What about the senseless killings around E 23rd Street? There's no shortage of violence in Kansas City and blight for that fact. It's senseless during the most difficult economic times and highest unemployment rates, that the City would act to displace homeowners. Fellow bloggers, please address this issue...
ReplyDelete@9:15AM You're right... old age happend to everybody. Thank God!
ReplyDelete@8:43AM I doubt race has anything to do with being upset about losing your house. White, Black, Hispanic or Chinese... As American citizens we work hard to become homeowners in this country... Essentially, the City government is saying that no matter how hard you work to realize the American dream; at will, we can strip you from that dream anytime we feel like and justify it based on manufactured data. (simply because they have the resources to do so) You probably are as ignorant as your comments. I am white and would be equally upset that my house was being stripped for politics; and the very same leaders that were appointed to defend my right to homeownership had a broad hand stroke in making that decision. This blog is correct however inflammatory... The truth is the truth and it should be told. When will we make leaders accountable to the people they are elected to serve? When will we demand it!!!??? Today's politicians are nothing but lazy, City welfare recipients. They get their taxpayer funded paychecks and then slap their constituents in the face with their Ipads and tailored suits; pretending that they have our best interest at heart; when they don’t. This is about homeownership. A previous blogger stated that soon there will be no one left in the 3rd District; they are on to something. Tear down all the neighborhoods and the people who live there and it will become more of a shell than it is. One of the other things is that nobody is stating why the residents of this area knew nothing about the plan to place the lab there until they had already made the decision… Why is that?
ReplyDeleteIf your house isn't worth fighting for... what is?
ReplyDelete9/28/11 10:43am GOOD STUFF!
ReplyDeleteDid Alvin REALLY say, PUBLIC IS ALWAYS NOTIFIED WHEN GOVERNMENT BODIES MAKE DECISIONS...Drug test that man, or look in the mirror and see yourself as a "FOOL'.
Thank you Ms.Powell, for getting us straight.
ReplyDelete3:37 is correct. As stated by Chris Rock (a black man who is allowed to speak the truth). If you find yourself anywhere in the country on a street named "Martin Luther King", "GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE!"
ReplyDeleteWhy does anyone listen to Alvin Brooks? Why does anyone in the black community let him "speak" for you? Until the black community really tries to understand the concept of community, then nothing will get better in their war zones. How does one achieve a community if you are robbing, fighting, stealing, burglarizing, and killing each other? Simply not going to happen is the answer. That shit does not happen where I live and there is an explanation for that. Go to school, pay attention, learn some skills, go to college, get a job, and then become productive like everyone else in the world and then you will start to see change in the war zone. But as long as your culture glorifies just getting by and taking bullshit handouts from uncle sam then nothing will change and you all know it!!! If you actually take pride in yourselves and your community and don't just say you do then that is when change happens. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!! and for god sakes don't let these black "leaders" pull the wool over your eyes anymore than they already have. Come on the East Patrol station the furthest west possible in that area really? Don't you see your "leaders" and getting fucking paid on this one. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am appauled at the decision to rename Prospect Ave. to MLK. I think the move is an attempt to stay politically relevent and disrespectful to MLK. This is where me and my collegaue differ. This is definately not his dream and not in our communities vision!
ReplyDelete4:37 Calling people unproductive because of where they live and the color of their skin, telling people to go to school, accusing people of not knowing what community is and everything else you said in your racist rant shows your ignorance. There are plenty of people who by "the accident of geography" are not able to have access to all the amenities available "where you live" may not be able to make it as far in life as you seem to be implying you have. Accusing the black culture of glorifying "just getting by and taking handouts" shows your ignorance and I do hope you find time to read an unbiased book or two rather than reading from your right wing rhetoric. As a black man who grew up in these neighborhoods, went to college and came back to these neighborhoods, I know for a fact that there are plenty of hard working, business owning, members of the black community. I also attend several neighborhood association meetings in black neighborhoods, with black people helping each other and strengthening their commmunity. Your racist views, limited exposure to the positive activity by people living in the urban core of kansas city are indicitive of the real underlying problem of this city. I'd like for you, and those like you, to educate yourself, understand that there are plenty of good people who stayed behind in the urban core and are working hard to hold the line. All while people like you look in to the city, criticize its residence, demand that money and effort not be spent to improve the quality of life and services there. Demand that your part of the metro area be kept up and served and look back at everyone else in the area (minority populations) as lazy, criminals, and human detritus. I'd have you "WAKE THE **** UP!!!" And help your fellow humans in as productive a way as you can manage.