Mayor Sly James announces appointments to the Violent Crime Commission

Reconstituted commission to examine and recommend innovative solutions to reduce violent crime in Kansas City

On the heels of a summer that saw an increase in violence in Kansas City’s neighborhoods, Mayor Sly James announced today that he will reconstitute the Violent Crime Commission. Councilman Reed, who was instrumental in calling for the reestablishment of the Commission, will continue to be involved in as the group begins its work. The Commission will be tasked to specifically recommend innovative and effective programs and solutions that will reduce crime across the city.

“This is yet another piece of the complex set of solutions needed to reduce crime in our neighborhoods. I am looking for the best ideas and am willing to try any reasonable solution to help decrease the number of people injured and killed in our city. Every single citizen deserves the simple promise that they will be safe in Kansas City. This is a promise we make as a community. Reducing crime will take a joint effort. Any solution will require a consistent and sustained effort from the city, the police department, the faith community, neighborhood groups, schools and families. Together we can bend the trend line down. Together we will make good on our promise,” said Mayor James.

“I appreciate the Mayor acting on my recommendation to reconvene the Violent Crime Commission. With 77 homicides so far this year, violent crime in Kansas City is a problem that should concern everyone. As a Council we join the Mayor in aggressively pursuing a reduction in violent crime. This is not a cure-all, but I am confident the Commission will provide workable ideas and suggestions on the best way to move forward,” said Councilman Jermaine Reed.

Mayor James will appoint the following residents of Kansas City to the City’s Violent Crime Commission:

Chairperson Stacey Daniels-Young, Director of COMBAT

Charles Atwell, Presiding Judge, Jackson County Circuit Court

Richard Bryant, Attorney, Richard T Bryant & Associates

William Dowdell, Director of Males to Men, Kauffman Scholars Inc.

Dr. Ruby Ellis, Community Activist, Students Against Guns

C. Stan Henry,Operations Manager, The Main Street CID

Rodney Knott, Executive Director, ReEngage Inc.

Lora McDonald, Second Chance Program Director, Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission

Sr. Rose McLarney, Adjunct Professor, Avila University and founder the Missouri Restorative Justice Coalition

Pastor John Miles, Pastor, Morning Star Baptist Church

Charles Morgan, Retired, Kansas City Community Center

Jalilah Otto, Attorney at the United States Attorney’s Office

Rachel Riley, Neighborhood Leader, East 23rd St. PAC

Angel Torres, Community Outreach Coordinator, Don Bosco

Dawana Wade, Sr. Vice President for Mission Services & Urban Outreach, YMCA of Greater Kansas City

Marjorie Williams, Superintendent, Hickman Mills School District



  1. Actually, this is a very good idea and the report should have been implemented over four years ago. But Funkhouser didn't like anything from the Barnes administration and Cauthen wanted to bring in Aim4Peace from Chicago, so four years later, we've spent over $700,000 and still have two murders every week of the year.
    Public safety, crime, and violence will be curbed by the neighborhoods and the city/KCPD, or it won't be curbed at all. We should be done bringing in out-of-town experts who take the taxpayers' money and leave, and done with councilmembers who somehow think they can contract out their responsiblities.
    So choose some priorities, set some specific goals, provide some leadership and management, and hold folks accountable for results.
    And kudos to Councilman reed for pushing along this good idea.

  2. Eastside Resident....
    Reed is a DIPSHIT.. Sly is Sly and I hope that mf only gets one term. You can not reduce crime unitl you stop the causes. Its only 2 names on this list who actual work to reduce crime
    GO>.Lora & Rachel fuck the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I smell donuts!9/9/11, 5:25 PM

    Stan Henry LOL

  4. EastSide Resident...

    How is J.Miles gonna stop crime, when he's soooo busy stealing money {27th prospect} what happened to the community center, where's the money?

    is'nt 27th street a known dope spot right in fornt of the Rev?

    j.Reed is feeding his handlers

    adhoc, alvin, miles, cc, etc... the eastside is fucked and so is kc.


    Need I say more.

  6. kudos to Councilman reed for pushing along this good idea.

    9/9/11 5:13 PM

    Wake Up! Please read th ewriting on the wll all Reed is doing is ensureing that his handlers will get paid on "WHiteys Dime" & the poor Blacks wont get nothing'

  7. This is sooooo disappointing.

  8. Do any of you go to the Star website and comment below the articles?

    Think about it.

  9. There is no "single" solution to this problem It will take a combination of solutions, and ideas from many people, to get this under control. I view this as a good step.

    Meanwhile. other groups and other solutions need to continue their work.

  10. Sly will only serve 1 term. No input from community activisit, this a slap in the face. Rachel is about the closet to being a community and she is limited to marching arounf 23rd. Sad no wonder Sly was at her function. Sad sad sad

  11. Yes, too many worms in that apple.

  12. Sly will only serve 1 term. No input from community activisit, this a slap in the face. Rachel is about the closet to being a community and she is limited to marching arounf 23rd. Sad no wonder Sly was at her function. Sad sad sad

  13. Shouldn't "stakeholders" who live in Johnson County get a seat on the Commission?

  14. "Pastor" Miles? He shows up, screams racist garbage, refuses to listen to anyone else and then leaves. CM Reed is definitely pandering. Aim4Piece.., get a piece of the action. Handouts and a job for Waynette Tracy Cole. More worthless garbage.

  15. Smoke and Mirrors9/9/11, 7:56 PM

    I agree Tony all smoke and mirrors .

  16. Does Stacy just sit on all worthless Committees that come along what a joke.

  17. It can't be all bad if Charlie Atwell is on it.

  18. Stan Henry on a "crime commission"?? You have gotta be shitting me and the rest of humanity. The "crime" is that the fat bastard still has breath. Hell, he couldn't run a broken down bar in Westport, why would anyone think he'd be a good candidate for a "crime commission"???? My, what a fucked up city, KC has become.....

  19. Pay for Play9/9/11, 9:27 PM

    Sr. Rose McLarney ... a great way to encourage Pat McLarney to part with some of his tobacco defender cash.

    I wonder how how much sexual violance by Priests that the Bishop will allow her to discuss?

  20. Excellent question.

  21. Great idea, excellent report, but mostly the same old people. With just a couple exceptions, these are the same folks who have had some resposnibility for addressing violence and murders for decades and we still have two murders every week. And it's the typical politically correct way to form a group, which it why it looks like Noah's Ark.
    There are some good people on this board, but we'll have to hope they don't get tired of listening to the same old crap from people like Miles.

  22. There's no need to form another committe to study the study. What's needed is holding the people who are responsible for providing public safety for the residents accountable for doing their jobs. KCMO spends over $200 million on various police activities, but the city, police board, command staff, prosecutor, and COMBAT have no cohesive strategy or coordination of effort.
    Get the people who CAN ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING together, set some golas, and manage to results.
    We need accountability, not another study.

  23. 6:33: At least Alvin, Alonzo, and the other chipmunks aren't on the commission.

  24. 7:22 you are correct. KCMO can't do anything about poverty, education, family breakdown etc. What they can do is make crime unattractive. But in order to do that the KCPD would need to get officers off traffic patrol and get the command staff out of restaurants.

  25. The most bored people in Jackson County work for Combat.

  26. He can start fighting crime first under his own roof.

  27. One good person on this board is. Angela Torres! She can get some shit done! She's a fury with little understanding for long meetings and no actions! Go get them Torres!!!


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