Jordan Carver has inspired a bit of contemplation this afternoon . . . And now that I'm cleaning up my keyboard (ew) I thought I would share the best glimpse at the upcoming Summer season without all of the mainstream media cheerleading.

Here are some issues other than another lousy Royals season that are sure to define the upcoming Kansas City dog days of Summer with a lot of rage.

Check it: 

SPIKING GAS PRICES WILL FUEL SUMMER ANGST - Speculators, dwindling supplies and global turmoil will result in Kansas City "pain at the pump" (my favorite cliché). Even better, there's nothing anybody can do about it EXCEPT ride the bicycles that the Chinese have abandoned in lieu of new cars. Sorry.

SLY JAMES HAS A LOT OF PROMISES TO KEEP - Everybody wants a piece of the new Mayor. At every local event, Community Activist Carol Coe and the Freedom Inc. team have done a good job surrounding Sly with their yellow-shirt branding. Does anybody have the guts to shoo them away?!?!? Doubtful. Meanwhile, big biz, old friends, lawyers and all sorts of hangers-on now have started to form a line to Sly James.

THE SO-CALLED "RECOVERY" OFFERS ONLY CRAPPY JOBS - Don't look for any real signs of economic forward momentum for Kansas City or the U.S., the new jobs that have been recently created are crappy and don't offer a living wage . . . Even worse, so much of the "recovery" and recent Wall Street rally is really just "built on a deck of cards" i.e. printing more money is a poor disguise for prosperity, creates a flimsy foundation and is ultimately doomed to collapse.

KANSAS CITY VIOLENCE AND MURDER ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYBODY'S POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS - If there is any justice in this world it was demonstrated by the fact that Mayor Funky and his wife were ultimately thrown out off office for turning their back on the people who got them elected AND were ultimately confronted with the fact that they never really did anything substantial to address the local murder rate.


Nothing meaningful will be accomplished in Kansas City without a SERIOUS AND SUCCESSFUL effort to reduce homicides that doesn't simply rely on attrition. The shamefully high murder rate is Kansas City's number one problem, more important than a Downtown Hotel and if it's not fixed or at least met with an honest and ongoing effort than everything else is simply doomed to fail.

Because this is Kansas City, I don't really expect much to change and while this post should serve as a warning . . . It's really just a preview.

Accordingly, here are some songs for the upcoming season of our discontent . . .

As always, thank you for reading this week and have a safe and fun weekend.


  1. Sly will win!

  2. "KANSAS CITY VIOLENCE AND MURDER ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYBODY'S POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS" your the only problem is our Police Department sucks and the Board of Police Commissioners is holding no one accoutable for poor performance.

  3. "your right" my typo.

  4. But the KC Earnings Tax that Jo Co residents pay will solve it

  5. Fairly GRIM prognostication. But these are grim times. Tony, you seem to be the ONLY one telling it like it is in regard to the jobs situation. The PTB are not overly concerned with black on black violence, it will be interesting to see what Sly can do with that problem. The gangsters would probably say: "Sly, what?" If the politicians stay bought and refuse to reign in the SPECULATORS, it ain't just gasoline prices that are going way up.

  6. No one against mass transit may complain about gas prices .... Tony!

  7. You can blame the police department all you want for the high murder rate but the simple fact is that nobody on the east side cares any more than to call themselves crime-solvers or reverend and get their picture in the paper for their efforts. Instead of sitting there glorifying themselves in their homes maybe they should hang out in the hood instead and go door to door enlisting support. I'm sure that they will be able to come up with 2 or 3 people who are tired enough of the ghetto code of no telling to perhaps make some changes. AND TONY, YOU CAN WRITE IN CAPS ALL YOU WANT BUT THAT ONLY MAKES YOU AS FAKE AS ALONZO. YOU WANT BIG HEADLINES AND THE ABILITY TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING TO CORRECT THE PROBLEM.

  8. Amen. We've got a new mayor and a new chance to make a change. Take part, vote and turn in criminals or else STFU!

  9. 12:57 is exactly right: It's way past time for some real and serious leadership on the east side that demands that parents supervise their kids, emphasizes personal respoonsiblity, and celebrates hard work and accomplishment instead of whining about victimization and entitlement and making excuses for thuggish behavior and worse.
    Actually Coe and Freedom played the very wrong card, but it's the only one they know how to play. Freedom, ad Hoc, Aim4Peace, Alonzo, and all the other "crime fighters" haven't done squat to curb the murder rate. In fact they haven't even TRIED!
    What they're interested in is publicity and mostly MONEY from whereever they can get it, and their usual MO is to hold up city hall by calling people racists if the checks stop coming their way.
    They're going to find that there's a whole new way of doing business in KCMO, and if you don't really have anything to offer, you're going to have to work fast food to make a buck.
    Brandon Ellington's grass roots approach is a much more effective way to get residents involved in their neighborhoods and be able to offer some protection against the thug minority. Then if we can ge just get the KCPD to greatly expand the community policing effort they have on the west side, we'd have something going.
    First, though, let's work together to get rid of this tired old deadwood and these grifters that have taken advantage of their community for years.
    Suit up, Sly!

  10. 644 Perhaps, one of the BEST posts ever on TKC. Brings to mind someone that always tried to make things better: Kit Carson Roque.

  11. LOL Leadership in Kansas City?
    You must be joking.
    BTW use to be Police worked WITH the community and did detective work on the streets, now they just sit in a chair next to a TIPS hotline. Won't get much info that way. Not to mention the Missouri legislature just passed a LAW
    UN-protecting whistle blowers. So don't expect much snitching.

  12. You may as well pray for rain, and hope that rain stops the homicides.


    How is it, that City Hall, or cops or fireman or fuckin anybody can read minds, then show up ahead of time to stop extemporaneous unplanned, atavistic, brain dead battles over turf, drugs and ego?

    These fuckin flash mob pukes are not EVER goin to stop wrecking the city, their neighborhoods, and killing people.

    3 generations of entitlements, white guilt and misdirection by the media have given America East St. Loius' all over the nation. Every big city is infested with flash mob punks, sporting the IQ of Trilobites, armed to the teeth with malicious intent.

    Do not think, for one second, that this necrosis will not spread. It will, it is and it is not going to stop, ever.

    Kansas City will be East St. Kansas City in 25 years.

  13. Privileged White Blogger4/10/11, 10:29 AM

    Dividends and coupon clipping for all.

  14. End the war on drugs, that will be one way to curb the violence. When the criminals have nothing to gain due to the loss of opposition, things will change. Sadly, most people are too scared to actually fix the problem, so they keep putting bandaids on it. Actually, KC isn't even doing that anymore.

  15. Trilobites, Haven't heard that word in a LONG time. Chuck you seem sober this Sunday AM and once again making OUTSTANDING observations. Personally, I doubt this decline can be reversed.

  16. Kick Ass TKC Commie4/10/11, 11:29 AM

    Free Drugs For All!

  17. Makes you wonder what outsiders think when they land here with that pic blaring out at them.

  18. Hello to Ms. Carver, aka Baby.

  19. Well, I for one would think: Damn that Tony is an Hombre with exquiste taste.

  20. Okay i'm just wondering if Sly is not the craziest guy in town. I'm just wondering why he allowing Freedom and Terry Riley to be in the same room as he is in. They spit venum on him. Riley told him to get out of the race because they would only split the black vote and made a commercial on radio calling Jim Roland his friend along with Mary Bland.Freedom a black political group endorsed a sorry ass white candidate over the winner which just so happened to be BLACK. They only endorsed him to try and save face. If I were Sly I would run. Then Rosemary Lowe a Freedom Board member was on a mailer I received endorsing Mike Burke. Shit what a fucked up organization. Carol Coe endorsed and worked for Blunt while the organization endorsed Carnahan.

  21. Good point. Sly is in a snake pit. It's not a good move.


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