So . . . Kansas City problems are already waiting for Mayor-Elect Sly James before he takes office. That latest hot mess to come the way of the Mayor-Elect is the lingering dilemma of Plaza Flash Mob Rioting.
And before we absolve Mayor-Elect Sly James of any responsibility . . . Let's remember that nearly a year ago when he was running for office, Sly James journeyed to the Plaza in the aftermath of the first Kansas City Flash Mob riot and asked parents to keep their kids at home and stay way from The Plaza.
To wit . . .
Nevertheless, with the police (rightfully) putting the problem back into the hands of the community . . . Silence from Mayor-Elect Sly James is no longer an option.
If another riot goes down and Mayor-Elect Sly says nothing then he's guilty of playing the same game of political hot potato that has marked the careers of most other Kansas City elected officials when it comes to the topic of local violence.
Last time around Sly James was a part of a broad coalition to prevent violence but any plan to stop potential Plaza rioting every weekend is going to take a lot of commitment and that might mean a lot of favors.
The alternative is for Sly James to show less interest in an important Kansas City problem than he did when he was running for office.
Certainly, this is a real challenge for Mayor-Elect Sly and it might offer a preview into how he deals with the topic of violence in Kansas City. The only real unacceptable answer is silence . . . Meanwhile, all of this town waits to see if Sly James can save us from Plaza Flash Mob Riots . . .
Developing . . .
Leave it alone!
ReplyDeleteWe elected him because he is supposed to control his people. If he can't do it we have wasted our time.
ReplyDeleteHe needs to tell the young orcs in this town to cease with the wilding, shucking and jiving.
ReplyDeleteIf Sly listens to Police Chief Corwin he will be full of crap like the police chief is.
ReplyDelete:you're just stirring up shit tony to build readership.
ReplyDeleteGo hassle Funkhauser until his term is up. Mayor Elect probably won't overstep his bounds, out of courtesy.
So stand DOWN Tony. There's plenty of time and besides, you know that out of control kids isn't really a political problem.... unless you try to make it one.
Let the cops deal with lawbreakers. HARD! Let the mayor concentrate on setting up his administration in peace. He doesn't need YOUR ASS making his future job more complex than it already is! I hope he doesn't take you too seriously during his administration.
rman sed it
radio man you need to read the news. The cops put this back on Sly.
ReplyDeleteGood luck KC.
Corwin is full of shit.
Don't you wish we the taxpayers got the same attention??????
ReplyDeleteThe Plaza belong to al of kansas city.
ReplyDeleteOn BTYW no police reports were taken while protecting the Chief's girlfriend.......
ReplyDeletehow about cutting the same slack to the rest of us?
Police spokesman Rich Lockhart told Obi-Wan Quraishi that Corwin was on the other side of the world at an FBI conference in Australia.... The Police chief is always out on BOON DOOGLES... maybe someone shoiuld expalin to him that the crime is in Kansas City not some other part of the world.
ReplyDeletePS spare us the Plaza speech Bullshit, your not in Kansas City long enough to even care. BTYW it's not you ,Corwin, that writes the Chief's blog it's Sarah in the media relations department.
Your full of it.
The problems of wilding, mayhem, violence, and even murder need to be addressed by BOTH the parents and leaders in the black community, AND offical KCMO including the KCPD. In fact, without BOTH parties taking this all much more seriously, listening to each other, developing some realtionships in the neighborhoods, and collaborating in some innovative approaches like community policing, nothing much is going to change.
ReplyDeleteIt's way past time for young new leaders in the black community to carry the same message as Bill Cosby; one of responsiblity, accountability, parental supervision, hard work, and success. For years all we've heard from the self-appointed spokesmen on the east side is about victimization, entitlement, "our fair share", and blame for others.
That's tired and old, just like the people who continue to spout it.
Time for some new folks to speak out.
Police state for the Plaza.
ReplyDeleteHoly shit, I never thought that I would agree with Radioman, but I do!
ReplyDeleteThis is actually very easy.
ReplyDeleteAly needs to tell the parents of all children, to ACCOMPANY them to the Plaza to enjoy shopping, going to the movies and eating out.
Do NOT drop of your thug ass pieces of shit, white and black, dressed in Rap Star De Riguer with bad attitudes and ordnance.
If in fact, parents are not going to parent, then civil and criminal penalties will be enforced.
A large KCPD presence (We passed teh E TAX and have cops out the ass!) should be available to lock up offenders in tents while being processed, finger printed and fined.
Parents will have to come get their kids, or they can just sit. Enjoy the food and camaraderie.
If the parents of these kids work in the city or federal govt, in ANY way, their should be way to call them on the carpet and threaten thier jobs.
Force is the ONLY thing these Flash/Mob/Hip/Hop cretins understand.
Forget the Kumbaya shit, it is time to act forcefully.
Parents, please accompany your children to the Plaza if they cannot be expected to behave accordingly.
Gat the tents ready!
ReplyDeleteI meant to say "Sly" needs to tell parents to accompany their kids.
I would think the merchants on the Plaza could should have lawyers on staff for crying out loud to start litigation, and torture the shit outta the parents who WILL NOT CONTROL their thugs.
ReplyDeleteMany parents will not care, but the litigation must be looked at in "Economy of Scale" terms. Those that are vulnerable must be made to pay for damages.
Let James show some professional courtesy to the current administration and not try to take office before he is sworn in. I am sure he is well informed on what issues will await him when he takes office and will be prepared to deal with them as he sees fit.
ReplyDeleteIf you work for the Police Dept, the Fire Dept, Water dept in city or Fed Govt in ANY way and draw compensation from the very city that you allow your thug kids to destroy the very city you work for, then you should be terminated immediately.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, Radioman and Turn the Page are dead on. Chuck's right, too, if harsh.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have news for you, if/when this "wilding" ever happens in the city-- Plaza or anywhere else, but especially there--it's political, don't kid yourself. It's immediately political.
ReplyDeleteSo ruining everything east of Troost isn't enough?
ReplyDeleteLemme tell ya flat out, White, Black, Green. Yellow, Red, the destruction of the Plaza as a shopping area that draws folks from many zip codes is the penultimate act of stupidity that signals the coup de gras for what is already, probably a moribund and sick metro.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead, fuck it up.
Thugs fuck up everything, why shouldnt they ruin the Plaza too?
Explain something besides LAST YEAR when was there any wilding, destruction, of the Plaza THIS year? From everything I read a bunch of teens showed up on the Plaza BIG DEAL Teens have a right to go to the Plaza.
ReplyDeleteWTF the destruction of the Plaza happen this year?
ReplyDeleteChuck WTF are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteDid you read the article ????
"This past weekend, there were large numbers of young people dropped off at the Cinemark movie theater, but they didn’t go in. They simply congregated and loitered." What property damage? What assault? What deatroying the City.
Yeah, I'm sure it will be fine.
ReplyDeleteKumbaya man.
Multiculturalism, yeah, great!
chuck said...
Gazelle #1: "Jesus, is that a herd of wild dogs?"
Gazelle #2: "Yeah, but don't worry, I saw them earlier at the water hole and they didn't do anything."
Gazelle #1: "What about all those lions?"
Gazelle #2: "They just killed and ate a Kudu, so they are ok, and I heard that they are thinking of going vegatarian."
Gazelle #1: Wow, things are really changing. The water hole is safer than ever!!!
Gazelle #2: "Yep. You just gotta undersatnd where these predators are coming from, they are really pretty nice if you can learn to walk a mile in their paws."
Gazelle #1: "Well, lets head on down to the water hole, you want me to watch while you drink?"
Gazelle #2: "Nah, that would be considered impolite by the lions and wild dogs. Lets just drink away, it will be ok."
all the gooble in the previous post means....chuck can't read.
ReplyDeleteAnd all the problems go away themselves. Hey Chuck I got some land in Japan I'll sell you in Fukushima .
Chuck role model is Sheriff Joe Arpaio. That goose stepping NAZI in Arizona that wants everybody locked up in pink underwear. Well for all you supporter of that philosophy watch the movie the Purple triangle.
"parents to accompany their kids"
ReplyDeleteYou going to use that excuse for the corrupt politicians in Kansas City?
We should blame their parents?
We should call the parents up of corrupt politicians? The blame lies at the corrupt politicians parents feet?
Bad parenting led to Watergate?
Get real.
Ok, your right.
ReplyDeleteThere will be no trouble on the Plaza.
There is no trouble with the Hip/Hop/Holocaust.
Rappers are cool.
There was NEVER any trouble on the Plaza.
I can't read(?).
The city has to let these kids feel free!!
Put your head back in the sand, its all ok.
Purple triangle my ass.
The violence is coming, just like it does every year from pukes like you and your kids.
This year, if teh KCPD has ANY sense of duty to this city at all, they will lock up your thug kids and fine your family for the destruction that it caused.
Probably not, probably people will be hurt, robbed and maybe killed while you and your family continue to scream racism in the face of the unambiguated evidence of your responsibilty and stupidity.
Like I said, go ahead and fuck it up. Its what you do, its all you do, its all you can do and are qualified to do.
ReplyDeleteYou the idiot with his head in the sand.
Herr Meier "Chuck" Chief of Reich Security Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des 501.
ReplyDeleteSo what happens when one of these kids gets shot & killed while wilding and threatening plaza patrons?
ReplyDeleteChuck is right. The parents of wilding children/teens need to do some actual parenting.
But, it is easier to drop them off at the plaza, or anywhere else so mom & dad can go off & have some alone time. Damn the safety of the kids-just be buddy buddy with them and everything will be ok.
What a bunch of morons we call parents.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHerr Meier "Chuck" Chief of Reich Security Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des 501."
Your the one sponsoring "Brown Shirts" on the Plaza and throughout the city. Mobs, riots, typical Brown Shirt activity prior to the ascension of Hitler.
Your the ones with kids coming late in the night uninvited with criminal intent to people's houses like the SS. Night of the Long Knives heh???
Your the families with members who intimidate and perpetrate violence.
Your the families who send members to outnumber, and injure, with no threat of retaliation because of those numbers, violence on innocent people.
Your the Nazi fucks, only far more stupid, with no real agenda other than destruction for destruction's sake.
Sieg heil to your leaders, Carol Coe, Jesse Jackson, Farrakahn, and the pantheon of dim witted entitiled pukes who never did an hones days work in their lives and expected the world to come to them on a platter by way of broken ideas and causes long since dead.
Like I said, just fuck it all up, its what we all know you will do.
With Good Reason. Time to Stand up and be a Christian Nation and City.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing to do is to take these youth and torture them, best to break the body than to lose the soul. We need to torture the
parents, hold them responsible, break them on the rack. Better to break the body than lose a soul to eternal damnation. This is
Justice in the eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Don't just stop at the Plaza...........
Kill People for Working on the Sabbath
The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: 'Tell the people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a
sign of the covenant between me and you forever. It helps you to remember that I am the LORD, who makes you holy. Yes, keep the
Sabbath day, for it is holy. Anyone who desecrates it must die; anyone who works on that day will be cut off from the community.
Work six days only, but the seventh day must be a day of total rest. I repeat: Because the LORD considers it a holy day, anyone who
works on the Sabbath must be put to death.' (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)
Kill Brats
From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on his way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. "Go up
baldhead," they shouted, "go up baldhead!" The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two
shebears came out of the woods and tore forty two of the children to pieces. (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)
God Will Kill the Children of Sinners
If even then you remain hostile toward me and refuse to obey, I will inflict you with seven more disasters for your sins. I will
release wild animals that will kill your children and destroy your cattle, so your numbers will dwindle and your roads will be
deserted. (Leviticus 26:21-22 NLT)
Kill Sons of Sinners
Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the
world with tyrants. (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)
12:23, you took the words right out of my mouth.
ReplyDeleteIt's not black teens dumbass.... it youth bent on causing destruction, and fear. Im not scared of any teens enjoying the plaza.
ReplyDeleteYES - there should be a tent for the teens and adults bent on destruction at the Plaza on Prom nite.
ReplyDeleteYES - the parents should be held accountable for their childrens activities on the plaza.
YES - impose hefty fines and court costs on those households
YES - the council should approve an ordinance that make the households responsible for the children acting out - the parents should do the childrens time and the children should be sent to a boot camp (military) for 30 days for their descretions.
YES - there should be a tent for the teens and adults bent on destruction at the Plaza on Prom nite.
ReplyDeleteYES - the parents should be held accountable for their childrens activities on the plaza.
YES - impose hefty fines and court costs on those households
YES - the council should approve an ordinance that make the households responsible for the children acting out - the parents should do the childrens time and the children should be sent to a boot camp (military) for 30 days for their descretions.
I like Tony. I really do, but:
ReplyDeleteIf there's a similar problem at the Plaza this summer, it will be because Alonzo Washington and Tony essentially promoted it.
Both are deeply irresponsible.
Chuck, as always, GREAT to read your musings on this situation. While not politically correct, you indeed understand the way to put an end to this "hot mess".
ReplyDelete106 Why blame Tony? I doubt any of the gangsters read this blog. Hell, I doubt they CAN read. Alonzo Crime Fighter.....besides Tony and Alonzo does anyone take that guy seriuosly? Besides, better to be pro0active, than to say: "Damn, who'd a thought this could happen again?"
ReplyDelete11:47, Ja.
ReplyDeleteSomebody's gotta go to the Plaza. Nobody's there now that all the white people from Johnson County and the Northland go to the Power & White District on the weekends.
ReplyDeleteI guess Cindy Circo is too busy figuring out the MAST Retirement problems to address the problems on the plaza! Yeah right! What a complete and total FAIL!!!!
ReplyDeleteLet me note that Hispanic youth have not invaded the Plaza. And the Irish youth are staying in West Port with their designated drivers.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the difference between a white man and a snake?
ReplyDeleteOne is a evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, and the other is a snake.