They're taking applications for Jackson County Prosecutor now . . .
A rather trusted and well-respected Kansas City Political Denizen told me this not too long ago . . .
"If Jason Kander becomes the Jackson County Prosecutor it will completely halt his forward momentum."
I can't help but agree . . . To wit, it's up to all of you smart(ass) TKC Readers to convey as much without the help of booty pictures and the piercing acerbic wit wielded here at this
Another wise TKC TIPSTER told me . . .
"The County is worse than the School Board. Because at least the incompetents at The School Board can go to the County."
Really, it's that bad and while the leadership position might be tempting for one of Kansas City's favorite politicos . . . It has long been a graveyard for otherwise promising political careers . . . Kind of like Afghanistan but with (slightly) better food.
Denny Waits and Mike Sanders have their choice in order to keep the fix from being uncovered.
ReplyDeleteWill Kander bring his experience in Bagram-style justice to the job?
ReplyDeleteMusical chairs for incompetents and grifters, as they move from one taxpayer-funded job to the next. And just remember, Terry Riley hasn't landed yet. Must be a $100K job for him somewhere in this carnival!
ReplyDeleteThings are not working out well for Kander in Jeff City, and he wants out before his career is forever tarnished.
ReplyDeleteKander is begging anyone who might have influence with Mike Sanders in an effort to get that job. By doing so, he is already destroying his reputation as a reformer by kissing a lot of dirty feet.
From the feedback he is receiving, Diana's filthy reputation has poisoned his standing. People are willing to listen to Kander, but they are not really ready to go to bat for him when they know that they might be subjected to Diana's dirty political tricks tomorrow or the next day. (You have done your husband in Diana.)
So now it looks like he is about to suffer a massive public failure, which will make him look even less important, so Diana has put the word out that "Jason would be better off without the taint of the County on his record anyway."
Too bad Diana's dirty work doesn't extend to the bedroom. Love to get a little of that.
ReplyDeleteMuch better than fat crazy Tracy Ward
You guys are clueless. Sanders is picking kandar. Sanders likes him and they both were in themilitary (sounds odd, i know, but that seems to mean a lot to sanders). He is meeting with key staff inside the office this week to vet his choice and rally them around him if he can. This is about politics, and jason is the clear choice.
ReplyDeleteKander isn't going to be Prosecutor because the job was already delt to Rizzo's defense attorney.
ReplyDeleteTony why are you dogging out Airick and Crispin they are doing the best they can on the school board! WTF!
ReplyDeleteWho's Rizzo's defense attorney?
ReplyDeleteIt will halt his momentum? No it won't he is a state rep. While he can land bigger fish this still will not halt his momentum.
ReplyDeleteYou ought to hear Diana Kander and Theresa Garza dish dirt on Georgia Sanders.
ReplyDeleteDiana K is quickly becoming Jason K's real baggage.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone wonders why Georgia is with that guy.
ReplyDeleteGeorgia is a lovely person. I wonder the same thing.
ReplyDeleteGeorgia WAS a lovely person. She has stood by his side through his lies, back stabbing, and unethical behavior. She is as guilty as he is so don't give me that "she is sweet" crap. I guess if Osama Bin Laden's wife acted all nice and sweet you would forgive her for the sins of her husband? NO. Georgia had the opportunity to pursuade Mike to do the right thing MANY times. She didn't. At least you know where you stand with Diana Kander and she doesn't give you this "aw shucks" crap that Georgia Sanders does.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to note that Mike Sanders never endorsed the earnings tax, which will pass with more than 75% of the KC vote.
ReplyDeleteSo, I guess Mike Sanders stood with the Corporate Lobbyist Woody Cozad and the Republican Political Consultant Jeff Roe, in opposition to the people of Kansas City.
This is after Mike Sanders stood with The Queen of Mean, Deb Hermann in the Mayoral Primary and suffered an embarrassing defeat.
Then he sends out an email that asks people for FIVE GRAND. That is the most corrupt fundraising appeal that I have ever received in my Inbox.
"Please buy me for $5K" Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders you should not run for Lt. Gov or Congress or re-election or anything else.
You should leave.