Allow me to be optimistic for just a sec . . .

It's nice to see Mayor-elect Sly James start off his term by taking the affairs of Kansas City at the Missouri State House seriously.

The Kansas City Caucus in Jefferson City is an important step in making the issues of this town register among both Democrats and Republicans.

For readers of this blog . . . It's also rather impressive that, by all accounts MD40 Rep. John Rizzo has a solid reputation among his peers and seems busy advocating for the interests of his constituents. Moving beyond the controversy that clouded his election, Rep. John Rizzo has quickly become an asset to Kansas City in the Missouri House.


  1. Speaker Tilley4/21/11, 7:29 AM

    Good for Representative Rizzo. The Northeast is much better served than it would have been with an unstable Royster and his wannabe thug-what a joke they were.

  2. A Lesson for the Ages4/21/11, 7:30 AM

    Neither one of these men hired Chris Moreno and they both serve in public office today.

  3. Johnny should do just fine in the house. The big house, that is.

  4. John Rizzo has done well and is finding his place among the movers and shakers In Jeff City.

  5. Moreno and Royster deserve each other

  6. A lesson for the Ages4/21/11, 8:43 AM

    Have a dad steal the election for you.

  7. Is John Rizzo seriously still attacking Chris Moreno on the blogs after a 1 vote victory that everyone now admits was a joke?

  8. John that is kind of stupid. I mean, you did only win by 1 vote and your dad did only steal the election. Why would you want to attract more attention to you?

  9. Never, repeat never, trust a nigger in a bow tie. They look for all the world like Farrakan's henchmen. Beware AND be armed...

  10. 8:54-another dumb fucker on the loose in the blog.

  11. The best part is all of the "progress" John Rizzo is making in Northeast involves pictures in the back gallery.

  12. Hey Northeast, I just wanted to show you the progress I'm making for you. I know we are home to the most Pay Day Loan companies in Missouri.

    So I wanted to let you know that I Co-Sponsored a bill that caps your interest rates at 1564%. That's right! 1564%! It is an amazing deal.

    Now the KC Star called it a 'sham' but ignore all that mess. I also want you to know I didn't stand on the floor and fight for you because I was getting pictures in the back gallery to show my progress.

    Hey, who loves ya baby? Pay Day JJ. Come visit me at KC Title Loan and get yourself a newly reduced 1564% interest rate payday loan today.

  13. Be sure to click my name to see the bill I sponsored capping interest rates at 1564%.

    or go here:

  14. John I agree here. It has been what nine months and you are still fueling this fight against Moreno? You have to move on or it may come back to bite you down the road.

  15. I think Chris Moreno really jacked Johnny Joe up in the head. He's all crazy obsessed with him now.

  16. John Rizzo doesn't give two shits about Chris Moreno. And the payday loan bill was the exact same bill John Burnett introduced.

    Losers, get a life.

  17. He looks like tom cruise in that pix.

  18. Exact same as John Burnett's bill? John Burnett's bill capped interest rates at 34% not 1564%. Your dad should know, he fought against John Burnett's and drafted yours. Just ask him.

  19. Actually it's the exact same bill, please do ask John Burnett. He helped the young Rizzo on his bill.

  20. Payday loan thiefs will be extinct when a non-profit group gets their project launched. Includes no rollovers, interest rate capped under 50% then 18% after one year of regular payments. Thinking the legislators won't like it as it actually helps Missouri citizens and takes them (the legislators) completely out of the equation.

  21. 1048 don't tell John Rizzo that. He'll send his dad after you. You can't be attacking the family payday loan business that way. The Rizzo's have to eat somehow...

  22. Look at the vote on the above Bill you losers it was no . i just did . Lying doesnt help your case . And i dont know Rizzo just the issue.

  23. 1:25 thanks for proving the point that Rizzo Co-Sponsored this bill being called a 'sham' because it caps rates at 1564% then after receiving pressure inside his caucus, he votes against it.

    Once again, John Rizzo is trying to have it both ways. He runs a payday loan shop but claims he's against them. He co-sponsors a sham bill then votes against it...

  24. Mr. Rizzo I am not from your area but you are a moron. You win a state representative seat by 1 vote to which many of those involved in politics that I know all jokingly agree was a thrown election. Then almost a year later you are still on this blog attacking this Mr. Moreno. How does that help your case? It simply highlights your voter fraud once again.

  25. 2:00 I could not agree more. Tony blogs about his positives and in return he gets on here and the first three posts attack Chris Moreno. I mean, does he not realize that just starts a conversation about his relatives illegally voting?

  26. Does he really believe that the majority of people in Kansas City (not associated to his father) believe he won his election straight up?

  27. 305 he does. how sad?

  28. Moreno you are such a loser this race is over you lost .like you did every race in 10 get over it.

  29. You're all morons. It's about the people getting screwed by the payday loans and the legislature unable to pass any laws to make them at least somewhat fair. Who gives a shit if the bill sponsor wins by one vote or one hundred thousand votes! And what is your obsession with moreno? Turn the page already.

  30. As Long as the poorly educated Moreno thugs want to talk about history4/21/11, 5:08 PM

    Well as long as we are starting conversations.

    Why is it that Governor Nixon ordered Chris Moreno separated from employment by any Missouri Democratic Party committee?

    I keep hearing the nasty word "Theft" used in conversations, and I guess it might just be time for Chris Moreno to come clean.

    Please Chris, as long as you will not say why Governor Nixon banished you from employment by Democratic Party committees, all these nasty rumors keep swirling around.

    Chris, if you were to hire a political consultant, they would tell you that if you wanted to take a long shot and try to preserve a career in politics, you should address the issue publically and in forthright manner. If you were not to do that, well you would never really put the issue behind you.

    For the rest of your life you would be subject to attacks through speculation over what you did to piss off Jay Nixon and lose your job.

  31. Hark! Are those crickets?

  32. It's pretty irresponsible for a sitting state representative to allege the Governor said any such thing. Whether you like Moreno or not, John Rizzo, you are now just throwing out baseless attacks on him like a 4 year old.

  33. Representative Rizzo you started this topic early in the morning attacking Chris Moreno for some random reason. Now you are trying to smear him, once again, with irresponsible allegations like that?

    I do not know you but I am a Democrat and honest to god ashamed that someone like you would represent our party.

    Obviously you lack the maturity to lead a pre-school, let alone an entire legislative district.

  34. Quit attacking Johnny Joe as a means of covering up what you wish people would forget about.

  35. John Rizzo should have taken his one vote illegal win, shut his mouth and moved on. It seemed everyone in Kansas City had, unfortunately. Maybe he is attacking Mr. Moreno because he he's being investigated?? I for one am glad he is. It just shines a light on what needs to be uncovered.

    Don't believe it? Call The Sheriff's Office. The case was moved up, is what several of us were told. You know what that means, another corrupt politician going down.

  36. Moreno should just come forward with the full story and let the public decide, and let the governor respond.

  37. John Rizzo should start knocking on doors in those Freedom wards to build that name ID. His re-election is going to be a tough one for dad to steal this time around in his new Eastside district.

  38. Rizzo is seriously on this blog attacking someone?

    You stole an election man. I mean really? Do you want to bring that back up?

  39. John Rizzo under investigation? His father should be proud.

  40. What is John Rizzo being so defensive over? It's not like anything that was said about him Co-Sponsoring the bill was false?

    Him being so defensive tells me that he did not want the public to know that he Co-Sponsored this shameful bill.

    I for one am glad that Democratic leaders made him vote no. I can't believe he actually Co-Sponsored such silly legislation knowing that his family owns a payday loan business.

  41. Why was Moreno fired?

  42. Ok I am from Kansas, but here is what I hate about this John Rizzo character. It is because of this idiot and his family, that Kris Kobach was able to stump across Kansas showing the obvious voter fraud that apparently no other Democrat in Jackson County wanted to see. Every liberal in Joco, I know was shocked with what we heard.

    Now instead of addressing it last fall and throwing this loser Rizzo kid out for corruption, we are all stuck with his stinch and defenseless against conservatives that point to him when referring to voter fraud.

    Democrats should have called a spade a spade and tossed him out. Anybody with common sense knows what happened in that election was not right and our party is not anything like him.

    It is corrupt people like him that give our party a bad name.

  43. Johnny Jo, are we still really doing the whole attack Moreno and try to drag the governor into your silly obsession thing? Everyone thought you moved on but apparently you are an ass like your father. Go figure.

    Time to move on Johnny. Don't make us get Uncle Mikey to come spank you and put you in timeout.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. How bad does your life suck that you're still talking shit on a MISSOURI HOUSE RACE that has already been decided? They happen every two years, folks. If John Rizzo is a dishonest criminal, or a shitty representative, you have the chance to defeat him next August. It shouldn't be hard to come up with one vote, right?

  46. Royster and Moreno are blogging each other . You guys go

  47. It's pretty obvious only John Rizzo is still obsessed with the 2010 race. Everybody else has moved on. Man you are state representative and you are attacking on blogs. That's sad.

  48. For a kid whose family stole an election for him, John Rizzo sure does more shit talking than anyone I know.

    Here's a hint Johnny: focus on doing real things for your district instead of taking pictures and pretending. You know, like participate. They deserve it.

  49. 1564% interest on a small loan is really not a lot. Plus look at our program aimed at helping soldiers in need:

  50. TMJJ, Inc. Welcomes You To A Cup of Coffee And A Lifetime of Debt4/21/11, 8:33 PM

    Because if we can lend to soldiers and their families at 1564%, we can lend to anybody!

  51. Johnny Joe R.4/21/11, 8:37 PM

    As part of my community action plan I have decided to pass legislation allowing you access to payday loans with interest rates as high as 1564%! So next time you fall into hardship conditions just get one of my families' loans! It will resolve the problem you had and when you can't pay we can take away your home and car! But you didn't want those things anyways, right? Killing two birds with one stone! Looking out for you!

  52. Rep. Rizzo is our favorite representative. Since his dad owns us, he worked for us, and we are named after him, we knew right away he would look out for our interests! Just like we expected he came out and offered loans to you with 1564% interest! While that's down from the normal 1757%, we are still glad to see him delivering in Jefferson City!

    Here's a recent article describing what we do for soldiers and their famililes! Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy it!

  53. Louie Wright sucks Rizzo's dick in a North End alleyway, most saturday nights. (ok, sometimes its sunday morning technically...)

  54. John Joseph Rizzo4/21/11, 9:03 PM

    I am so good at multiculturalism. I get along with Mick's of all types, like Louie and that fucker from 92nd Street out in Leawood who ran the Etax campaign. I love me some pudgy leprechauns!

  55. JJ is scared of what happens to his wife at night and during the day when he is in Jeff City. He knows she fucks other dudes, he is just afraid some of them might by the same dudes he fucks!!!

  56. Lindsay Runnels4/21/11, 9:25 PM

    good thing JJ has no body hair, he is so Greasy whereever he has hair!!

  57. Jonn Joseph Jingle Heimer Schmidt Rizzo4/21/11, 9:26 PM

    Dont make fun of my body! I am very GQ Vogue Metro!

  58. I buy drugs at the Palmentere Valero in NKC. Seriously good Wop stuff.

  59. good thing grandpa "guido" died. He would be so disappointed if he realized i dont ever go to church, unless Caddy Shack counts. and cocaine counts as holy water. Then i am a saint!

  60. Saint Johnny Joe4/21/11, 9:29 PM

    I'd like to wrap my wings around St Francis.....

  61. All that was gross...but funny since it was about Henry's kid.

  62. All that WAS gross, and it shows what the Moreno brothers are really like.

    Maybe that is why Governor Nixon parted ways with Chris.

  63. JJ is a lower intestinal worm, but so is Moreno.

    A pox on both of your houses.

  64. I agree in that it was hilarious being that it was about Henry Rizzo's kid. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Both Henry and JJ are a complete waste of space in the public arena.

  65. Not Every Rizzo Is A Success Story4/22/11, 12:38 AM

    Come on give my cousin a break. He may be stupid but he tries as hard as he can. And quit knocking him for his drug addiction. He has been working on quitting for a long time.

  66. Didja ever hear that old saying that says when two people get into a pissing contest, when it ends they just both smell of piss?

  67. Serious question: How exactly do we know that Rizzo or Moreno are commenting here? Every single comment is freaking anonymous, INCLUDING THIS ONE!

  68. 11:21 I concur with that.

  69. Thank you Radioman...this rizzo/moreno ranting is a yawner. Again, turn the page morons!

  70. It seems to be more like people ranting about Rizzo/Moreno. Not actual Rizzo/Moreno. I do agree with that 11:21


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