An interesting observation from more than a few people at The Sly James Victory Party: Everybody seemed like they were looking for a job.
Nevertheless . . . Many have heard the call, but only few answered it . . . Or got a real call on the phone.
Two names from KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS on the transition team:
And . . . Linda Becker . . . Sort of an activist around town and featured in a Sly James TV spot.
Right now so many Kansas City political denizens fallen upon harsh times are standing in line to wait for a job in The Sly James Administration.
Developing . . .
Is Congo (Meg Conger) on the hiring lst? Come on Sly, go with Congo!
ReplyDeleteJim Giles should stop leaking all over you Tony. Much too, too obvious.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Ellington should be hired,this guy ran a hell of a campaign on a shoe string budget picked up over 17,000 VOTERS in less than 3 weeks. I MET Brandon and this guy has great passion for serving the residents of KC. The 3rd district needs to keep him involved in city works.
ReplyDelete3/25/11 8:31AM-I agree Brandon Ellington woold make an excellant community director! It"s no secret that Sly James doesn't relate nor connect with residents of the 3rd district! Curls is a social butterfly and Reed is his father Alvins puppet.
ReplyDeleteBRANDON IS THE BEST THAT HAS COME OUT OF THE 3rd in many many years.
3/25/11 8:31AM-I agree Brandon Ellington woold make an excellant community director! It"s no secret that Sly James doesn't relate nor connect with residents of the 3rd district! Curls is a social butterfly and Reed is his father Alvins puppet.
ReplyDeleteBRANDON IS THE BEST THAT HAS COME OUT OF THE 3rd in many many years.
I hope that Sly uses the same good sense in hiring people that he used in his campaign, namely to NOT cuddle up with the same old crowd, beg and pay for endorsements, and kiss the same old butts. The last thing either he or this city need are the same old out-of-work "denizens" who are mostly interested in themselves and their self-importance and not in moving the city forward, as we now have a chance to do.
ReplyDeleteAnd Brandon Ellignton should be at the top of anyone's list to bring some fresh thinking to 12th and Oak.
Not only do we proved that we support Ellington up North but he proved without a shadow of doubt that the 3rd district lacked leadership and it was costing all of us together.
ReplyDeleteI hope Brandon Ellington receive a call asking him to join Syl Team we can't afford to lose a smart young man that went up againstal odds and we all now how {reedom INC WON yes that cheated at the polls deals had already be cut. We need Brandon Ellington in the 3rd district.
ReplyDeletethe so called black leaders don't want Ellington in because it won't kiss their crooked ass's! Sly make that call to Ellington.
ReplyDeleteDon't hire ANY of these people. Unless ya plan on starting your campaign immediately, Sly!
ReplyDeleteCut STAFF. If these people don't have skills specific to meeting taxpayer needs they probably aren't required to be on the payroll.
It makes me sick that campaign handlers expect to be rewarded by getting cushy government jobs!
Radioman what's wrong still trying to get people to come to your lame blog? You hate everyone.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Meg Conger is very good. But the first name on T's list was Carol Grimaldi.
ReplyDeleteThat makes sense; Carol is as good as it gets. She's has dealt with the City for years and knows its strengths and weaknesses. She knows everyone, and is a great judge of people.
I would start with Carol, and build out around her
Go Congo Go :)
ReplyDeleteCarol Grimaldi lives in Brookside, not the northside. Get it right.
ReplyDeletegrimaldi would be really good--i think she did something with the water dept.
ReplyDeleteSttart with the director's. There are 3 or 4 worth a shit, and they are the ones out looking for new jobs.
ReplyDeleteCan't believe some of the names being touted on here.
ReplyDeleteCarol Grimaldi? Bitch on wheels.
Linda Becker? Smart as a box of rocks.
Meghan Conger? Self-important poser.
Watch and see.
Watch and see Sly sell out. He can't hire out of town now.
ReplyDeleteMust be a little clique in town of politicos, handlers and persons of note, all who hang in a circle around the government tit.
ReplyDeleteThen there's everybody else out working and paying to support that club of leaches.
Sigh. This is all why KC doesn't work. What the anchor city needs is some fresh blood--not the usual suspects who moonlight as awesome tipsters screwing other people in their behinds without so much as a reach-around.
Sadly, people who get into politics and run for office don't KNOW anybody in town but these leaches when it comes time to staff their administrations.
I support Brandon Ellington new fresh start.
ReplyDeleteRMan at 2:10pm is right on the money. First big test for the James administration is to be able to say NO to the old revolving door crowd and bring in some serious new people who are actually interested enough in public serive to have some innovative and creative public policy ideas.
ReplyDeleteNext test will be be work with the self-appointed "leaders"in the minority communities to help them understand that we're all in this together and the days of victimization/entitlement are long gone with the '60s.
Then some collaboration with the police board to implement commun ity policing and hold the KCPD accountable.
Then we'd actually have a city government that pays some attention and spends most of its money on the people who actually live here.
What a concept!
The BIG ? is how much can Sly do to shake it up. If he does enough (shaking) to make a difference watch for the several returning council to cause trouble. It wasn't all the weird Funk or his fucked up wife. Ford, Johnson. Marcuson and Circo are just plain brutal to deal with if they don't get their way.
ReplyDeleteIt is ESSENTIAL for Sharp, Glover, Davis, Taylor, Wagner and the Minorities to off set that group. In fact this could be a career moment for Sharp.
Without a concerted effort by these Council members look for more of the same.....just with a new Mayor.
Just left a meeting that was held on the east side, tried to grap a quick lunch, McDonalds 14th Prospect *doesn't take credit card*
ReplyDeleteleft and went to 3 other food establishments "*do not take credit cards*,why is it that once I crossed Troost my credit cards were welcomed?
I saw Brandon Ellington at the Plaza library, he really is dealing with a terrible cold and he said even though he is sick he has started working on organizing the "East side of Troost", just as he promised while he was running. This young man had about 25 folks waiting for him in the meeting that he had called. Brandon did indicate that he would be making a major announcement in a couple of days concerning his next move.
ReplyDeleteI did ask him if anyone from Mr.James office had called to contact him about working in his -administration & he said no.
Great to see that Brandon is still working for the community.
A great start would be dumping the "SO CALLED" leaders at Aviation Directer, Deputy Directer, Human Resources Bitch Williams, NONE are ever in and travel on the tax payers dime and time. They run at the smell of a problem.
ReplyDeleteThe Aviation Director is an arrogant prick and needs to go. He's completely full of himself, lies to the council and manager wants to sell the airport. GET RID OF HIM SLY!
ReplyDeleteCareer moment for Sharp. You on crack?
ReplyDeleteSharp has already been focusing on what's important to him for many years.
ReplyDeleteIt's John Sharp!
Brandon Ellington, is a great organizer and a concerned leader,Brandon is also very bright, knowledgeable and understands what is going on in the community!! My personal opinion is that Brandon Ellington would be very,very positive person and hard working youngman for Mr. James administration!! Give him a call!!
ReplyDeleteBrandon Ellington, is a great organizer and a concerned leader,Brandon is also very bright, knowledgeable and understands what is going on in the community!! My personal opinion is that Brandon Ellington would be very,very positive person and hard working youngman for Mr. James administration!! Give him a call!!
ReplyDeleteLinda Becker is hardly an activist. She was a council aide who lucked into the city clerk position. She lasted about a month before she up and left, due to the stress. There's stress at city hall but it's not in the friggin clerk's office! Linda would be awful on any team. Hopefully Sly is smarter than that.
ReplyDelete3:43, John Sharp's "career moment" happened when he destroyed MAST.
ReplyDeleteMelba Curls call Brandon Ellington you're going to need his help to bridge the gap in the 3rd District.
ReplyDeleteYes Brandon Ellington needs to stay focus on the 3rd district.
ReplyDeleteChances are that Carol Grimaldi is the one who put her name out being on the transition team. She's a legend in her own mind. A female empty suit.
ReplyDeleteI Melba Curls will call Brandon Ellington can i borrow a phone ? I. am a little confused what am I to do again?
ReplyDeleteThe Mator does not hire/fire Department Directors. He is rsposnsible for the staff in his office and appointing councilmembers to Council committees and many citizen boards & commissions (http://cityclerk.kcmo.org/LiveWeb/Boards/Boards.aspx)
ReplyDeleteMayor-elect James will hire those he believes are best suited and capable. This won't be about hiring friends and relatives, as in the past administration.
ReplyDeleteBless hin for hiring the best people. I hope that he removes those that are not the best people for the job. Especially the song and dance liar at Aviation, Van Loh, Redhead, Alicia Williams. It's also time to re0organize the entire HR department at CH so no one can be a "Michael Kitchen's" lady, with all of the perks.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Ellington all the way.
ReplyDeleteGo "Ellington"
ReplyDeleteKCMO has lost out and really isn't the "anchor city" anymore.