Shakira She Wolf And TKC Evening Links

Just some quick evening links . . .


  1. Disappointing flash mob? How do you know> By what measurement? Not enough chesty women?
    Hundreds of people gave up part of their Sunday afternoon to make some beautiful music in the atrium of one of Kansas City's jewels, Crown Center (don't start whacking them,too, Tony).
    Were you there? Did you offer at least some moral support to these folks who believe in the power of music? the basement, again.

  2. Count on Tony to TRY and ruin Christmas. Christmas Tony, not X-mas.

  3. Bo Lings was in the Board of Trade Bldg? If they'd only told me. I thought the Buttonwood Tree was in there. Tells ya how long since I've eaten in the plaza area!

    There's Cheesecake (no not tony's) and um. Well that's all. Oh I think I ate at Plaza III once in the nineties. But the smell of urine in the parking garage stairwell ruined my dinner's aftertaste so we quit going to the Plaza altogether. Besides, with Oak Park area, Legends, and Zona/Barry, why venture into the inner city where we could get shot or mugged by wilding Southwest future dropouts?

  4. Bo Lings has so much MSG in the food, I think the dude from "Breaking Bad" is cooking back there.

    Maybe the Bow Lings staff all quit becasue of "Flash Mobs".

    Somali flash mobs.


    There ya go.


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