The Mike Burke Mayoral Documentary

Kansas City Mayoral Candidate Mike Burke loaned himself 45k recently and I recently discovered where a good chunk of that money might have gone . . .


This is the first HD movie quality mini-doc I've seen from a Mayoral candidate in Kansas City and it's a great look at a Kansas City Mayoral Candidate getting some big production values out of the Internets.

Remember that last time around grainy, amateur video ruled the Kansas City Mayoral Race but credit where it's due . . . This is Burke's team taking Internet HD Video to the next level.


  1. very well done.

  2. And it's all true, it's not just hype. Mike is a great guy, and will make a great mayor. We so desperately need him.

  3. And mighty white!

  4. Wow. The communications for Mike are seriously amped up. If anyone doubted Mike's commitment to Kansas City, this should shed a new light on those doubts. This is seriously good.

  5. All Mikes shills a piece of campaign material on you tube

  6. Corny, Didn't Jimmy Carter ask daughter Amy how to run Country? Watching this is like having someone walk in on you singing in the shower.

  7. Glad to see all of Katie's ideas being of good use to Mike's campaign. I remember her telling me how excited she was for this Youtube campaign this summer.

  8. When Mike gives back the $millions the City lost on Renaisasnce North I'll believe he has "integrity". And how about the $millions he took from the Port Authority....Audit the legal fees!!

  9. I am really disappointed in Mike. I guess your true colors show when you are put in "the spotlight". He hired a sexist campaign team. Look at how they treated that young female staffer.Mike did nothing about their inappropriate behavior. Not to mention their lack of a winning track record and Jason Parsons domestic abuse charge. I have also heard that Mike himself has a domestic abuse charge.Tony, can you check this out? If Mike does not have the ability to put together a good campaign team and be able to control his staffers behavior- then he CAN'T be a good Mayor. Point blank.

  10. He should of named the people in the "documentary" how do I know these aren't just friends and family.

  11. I heard that the guy at 9:49 raped his sister and killed 7 hobos while high on PCP.

  12. Then Mike has my vote!

  13. I don't think Katie was the brainchild behind this video. This video comes from years and years of experience and know how in cinematography and story-telling. I don't think they teach that in Political Science 101.

  14. It looks like 12:06 should have taken English 101.

  15. Another Midtown Mom11/9/10, 12:53 PM

    What? There was nothing wrong with that comment, it just points out that this video has more to do with the skill of creating the visuals and not political rhetoric. I agree and I think that was the point of the post.

  16. another anon11/9/10, 2:30 PM

    Dearest Katie,
    Child, did you fall on your head? Or is someone else out here making you look like a boob?

    When parents separate or divorce amid raging domestic upheaval, there can be many unnecessary allegations.
    Temporary restraining orders are issued when someone fills out the needed paper work. A court date is set and evidence presented. A full protection of order is granted only when the court believes that there was abuse or assault.
    Some people who have not been physically harmed use Temporary Restraining Orders just to cause problems for their estranged partner, these people are scum. They make it harder for real victims.

  17. This some' bullshit!!!!!!!!! Fakest shit I've every seen. And if this muthafucker thanks that the little black girl is going to get him black votes he is not only a racist but a stupid muthafucker ass well.

  18. 12:06 The video was not produced by Katie, but the idea for it was hers. Funny how the anony posters on here went after her and started calling her incompetent right after she left the Burke campaign. Coincidence? I don't think so. Burke's staffers? No one else would have the motive to routinely and consistently trash her. As always, follow the money....

  19. Why did none of these people mention one thing Mike has done to help Kansas City that was not filling his pockets? Oh that's right, he hasn't done anything for Kansas City other than be a stingy development lawyer making money off the tax payers. Mike- you are a real sad case. You can't buy a personality even if you tried, you have a shitty staff, and you can't raise any money. Give up.

  20. i find it really funny that you ethically and morally challenged idiots say he has never done anything for the city. He is a Corner Stone award winner for over 20 years of nonprofit work. And that is just one thing. The list is very long and distinguished.

    Funny how the good things a person has done is always over shadowed by lies and b.s.


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