RIGHT NOW Eric Wesson of The KC Call is hosting a powerhouse of Eastside political players on his KPRT - 1590 AM radio program. A great program title: "Makes Me Wanna Holler". A rather great online player allows folks to listen online.
The political conversation is certainly worth a listen.
Today's Topics:
Frustration with The Democrat Party
Lack of inspiration with Robin Carnahan and a lack of will to go out and support her.
Doubts regarding the effectiveness of Freedom, Inc.
Jackson County Committee Chair discussion and behind the scenes detail.
Awesome political talk for the morning. Check it out. In Sept. Mr. Wesson vows that all of these shows will be dedicated to political talk of issues and involvement in the African-American Community.
a bunch of BS to further promote Riley's attempt to side swip the demo committee. Quit beating a dead horse
ReplyDeleteEric Wesson is a refreshing and candid voice in public affairs in Kansas City. This should be a great opportunity for the community to hear some new voices and ideas.
ReplyDeleteOMG is that you Riley???? Sounds like a platform from your campaign
ReplyDeleteA great program. It's about time.
ReplyDeleteThey're all thick as thieves like horrific Stephen King carnies. The creepy Adams Family's Gwen Grant takes your tax dollars via The Urban League to bitch about how white people are the root of all evil. (Her brother Clinton Adams didn't get disbarred and become a felon because they were serving the public interest Rubes!
ReplyDeleteRiley's only legacy is an EPA disaster site at The Citadel, unless you count an unaccredited school district, yet he's their Barker.
Eric Wesson, who has to be the clown IT in that suit, is only treated like a real journalist by a handful of dolts who like everyone else, would never attempt to suffer through his racist rag.
Don't step right in Ladies and Gentlemen!!
Because Millions and Millions of mostly white taxpayer dollars later in Carnie Town-
after decades with these clowns and freaks -
it's deadly.
12;31 anon - AMEN
ReplyDeleteAnon 12:31 is right on the money, but Wesson has gone after most of the current coven of self-appointed "leaders" that they mention in the post. Let's give the radio program a chance to see if some new faces with actual ideas for the community get chances to be heard. We already know that most of the current crop are just looking out for themselves and their friends.
ReplyDeleteJust Thhhrrrooowwww Money$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletetrue dat.
ReplyDeleteSorry 2:42, but I ain't buying a ticket.
ReplyDeleteWesson is a MAJOR part of what is wrong with KC. For years and years he has had a chance to use his voice to do good, but it's the same worn out refrain: No AA Accountability/ Blame Whitey/ Hate Whitey/ Get Whitey's $$$.
A Quick Glance at Wesson's Latest List of Gripes from TKC's website today Confirms:
Frustration with The Democrat Party -
As opposed to what Party? The TEA Party? The Communist Party? Any Solutions that don't involve more white taxpayer dollars? HA!!!
Lack of inspiration with Robin Carnahan and a lack of will sic (to) go out and support her. -
Yeah, Terry Riley would be sooo much better...give him a chance to turn the entire state into a toxic waste site!
Doubts regarding the effectiveness of Freedom, Inc. -
Can you say Citadel Plaza/ Copier Contract/ Unaccredited Schools Candidate Fake Irish Guy Terry Riley with a brogue accent into the microphone please?
Jackson County Committee Chair discussion and behind the scenes detail. -
Just pathetic. It's been a range war since Sanders fired Phil LeVota. It has nothing to do with race except in racists' tiny brains.
Maybe if more white people reached out to understand black people, and black people reached out to understand white people, things would change. Quit sitting in your damn comfort zone, and make an effort to understand others. Any white folks visit the urban core lately? I have, and there are lovely homes and fine family people with good values fighting urban blight. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Get off of your butts, and come together as a community.
ReplyDelete1. Wesson is not a real reporter.
ReplyDeleteE. Wesson copies stories from the Star.
2. Can someone train this former para for KC School District how to write?
3. Can he take English 101 at Penn Valley? This Call man needs some pointers on telling the facts to readers.
4. Maybe the Call would become a real voice for the urban area if they owners would recruit reporters with character and writing ability.
E. Wesson stop your run on sentences and punctuation errors!
New reporters requested for the CALL.
8:24 -Thousands of white people visit the urban core every day via their wallets and pocketbooks whether they want to or not.
ReplyDeleteWe send hundreds of white social workers, charity workers, clergy, teachers, police, firefighters, parole officers, engineers, architects, inspectors, doctors, pharmacists, utility workers, nurses, lawyers, physical therapists, and EMTs into the urban core each day.
It would be great if the Fathers of those Urban Core Kids would regularly visit them, maybe even help raise them, but we taxpayers sure do get stuck paying for them.
If Wesson had a pot to piss in he would be sued out of existence.
ReplyDeleteThe "Hate Whitey" Crowd is PAID to HATE WHITEY! It's what Wesson & Coe do too. It's the mission of the Urban League and white folks insanely fund it. Why do you think Gwen Grant is always so angry? And her brother Clinton Adams is always agitating? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
ReplyDeleteJust look at KCMO's PIAC. 13 unelected folks decide how to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayers' dollars.
10:16, I am one of those white people who has a job listed in your comment. I spend my days in the inner city, and have never EVER experienced hate and bigotry until I did. Never was I the victim of any racial slur or comments until I entered the urban core. Never mind my job is to help people. That seems like I am the object of hate and derision. Oh well. I don't live there for that reason.
ReplyDeleteEric Wesson is a racist jerk! Get out your red pens folks and circle the spelling and grammar errors. Here's a sampling of Mr. Wesson's work via TKC:
ReplyDeleteTo wit, at Mr. Wesson's request, I am posting an apology from him concerning a recent e-mail that has circulated among Kansas City's African-American leadership and was recently featured on this blog.
Check it:
To all this concerns:
On yesterday I responded to an email with comments that were inappropriate in their nature and offensive to people who I consider friends such as Marvin at the Jewish Community Relations Bureau who I spoke with about this matter. For those comments I would like to extended my deepest apologies for the comments to everyone.
My attempt to make the point that everyone who is in business or to provide a service was in business to make money was worded incorrectly. Regardless of whether race, religion or nationality -- one is to be in business they are there to make money or provide a service. It was inappropriate for me to single out Jewish people to make that point.
Again I extend my most apologies with to everyone who read that email.
I do not by any means consider myself a racist or anti-anything but foolishness. As of Thursday I had recieved 171 emails text messages and voice mail messages of which at least 168 called the Cordish family racist and connected them to their religion but my point, which I failed to make appropriately, was that no business person looks at the race of a person who buys something from them. No one in business wants to only sell to blacks, whites, Hispanics they want to sell to everyone. If they targeted a particular race they would probably be out of business or make little to no profit. The Cordish family impresses me as being business people. That is all I meant.
So, again I would like to extend my apologies to everyone who read the email it was a lesson in race relations I thank Marvin for and a humbling experience.
I ask that with the same zeal that was used to circulate the other email and post it on blogs that this be afforded the same opportunity.
Eric L. Wesson
POSTED BY TONY AT 6/12/2009 05:55:00 PM
10:07 Right you are!! Eric Wesson is a racist idiot. What follows in the next comment (should) be a sample of Eric Wesson's work via TKC's website last year, a pathetic error-laden attempt at an apology for racist comments Eric Wesson made regarding Jewish people. Eric Wesson couldn't get a job at the PennySaver because ads have to be correct.
ReplyDeleteHere goes:
POSTED BY TONY AT 6/12/2009 05:55:00 PM:
To wit, at Mr. Wesson's request, I am posting an apology from him concerning a recent e-mail that has circulated among Kansas City's African-American leadership and was recently featured on this blog. Check it:
Did this guy, Eric Wesson, even get a GED? His grammar and spelling is awful. A real reporter or writer? No way!
ReplyDeleteLike his idiot buddy Terry Riley - another failed college attendee, who likes to use words, however incorrectly.
Or are they just part of the "Dumbing of America"? Or drug addicts? Or drunks? What explains Eric Wesson's terrible writing?
I can see why nobody reads it.
By Racist Eric Wesson:
ReplyDeleteTo all this concerns:
On yesterday I responded to an email with comments that were inappropriate in their nature and offensive to people who I consider friends such as Marvin at the Jewish Community Relations Bureau who I spoke with about this matter. For those comments I would like to extended my deepest apologies for the comments to everyone.
Cont'd From Racist Eric Wesson:
ReplyDeleteMy attempt to make the point that everyone who is in business or to provide a service was in business to make money was worded incorrectly. Regardless of whether race, religion or nationality -- one is to be in business they are there to make money or provide a service. It was inappropriate for me to single out Jewish people to make that point.
Again I extend my most apologies with to everyone who read that email.
Cont'd from Racist Eric Wesson:
ReplyDeleteThe Cordish family impresses me as being business people. That is all I meant.
So, again I would like to extend my apologies to everyone who read the email it was a lesson in race relations I thank Marvin for and a humbling experience.
I ask that with the same zeal that was used to circulate the other email and post it on blogs that this be afforded the same opportunity.
Eric L. Wesson
Eric Wesson can't write, so nobody reads his crap.
ReplyDeletehow many accredited hours did Riley accumulate in college? what was his major? Huh - How to screw the taxpayers? How to organize haters?
ReplyDeleteCreepy Gwen Grant and her brother Clinton Adams SUCKED the Kansas City School District dry. Gwen Grant is the highest paid CEO of any Urban League chapter, yet it's coffers are empty.
ReplyDeleteBuy another stupid suit you racist clown Eric Wesson!
ReplyDeleteSo, Eric Wesson only knows one Jewish guy. And his name is ... Marvin. Explains the clown suit - perfect for a man of his experience.
ReplyDeleteEric Wesson Racist Original: “…Cordish like all jews they look at money not black or white.”
ReplyDeleteReal open-minded guy for a pretend reporter. Of course, then he claims that he meant to say something not so racist after the fact.
He blames it on his WRITING. His writing IS BAD. Not him. His WRITING. BAD WRITING! BAD!! BAAAADDDDD!! Like his stupid suit.
Be fair. Eric apologized for that in writing.
ReplyDelete6:24- Did you ever try to read that awful mess of an alleged apology? You know, where he has to point out that all of his friends are racists too?
ReplyDeleteEric Wesson owes (especially lovers of the English language) an apology for his apology!
Eric Wesson must set a festive table if that tablecloth he's wearing is any indiction. The super shiny table runner and napkin really set-off the turkey's head!
ReplyDeleteHey I don't know which one you honkies hate the worse. Wesson, Fletcher or Washington. The funny thing is that all three seem to be pretty successful in spite of what you broke ass hide behind anonymous motherfuckers think. Keep doing ya thang gentlemen. Let's see Fletcher has to be a millionaire own a home oh a mansion in Cally and a condo here. Wesson can't be too broke he owns a home and couple of cars, a motorcycle and always has a hot chick with him and Washington is always dressed to impress and has a hot ass wife and owns his own home too. What do you broke ass motherfuckers own? A trailer? I salute you brothers. Fuck them Wesson in order to know you write bad they got to be reading the paper that means 75 cents in your pocket. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteMichael Green 816 747-3928 Bitches
7:33: You sure do write like Eric Wesson.
ReplyDeleteYou talk about the demise of the Star. Have you looked at the Call lately? Not many ads at all, and the writing is terrible. There's a sports columnist who makes his whole story one paragraph.