For awhile now I've been a big fan of The Liberty Restoration Project and the work they're doing in Kansas City.

They were the loudest voice critical of Red Light Cameras.

They had a recent win locally with Urban farming legislation in Kansas City.

And the pink-hair sporting Tracy Ward is now a mainstay at some of the most important City Council meetings.

Yesterday afternoon, I was lucky enough to hang out with Ward and her fellow Libertarian activist Catherine Bleish for a bit as we talked about a vast array of local topics. What I liked is that they see a great deal of common ground in their work toward smaller government and the struggles of the urban core.

A bit of news that came out of the discussion:


From what I hear it'll be a grassroots campaign and a real departure from Jolly's "big money politico" way of doing things powered by some of the biggest names in local political consulting.

I'm eager to see what develops . . . The anti-incumbent mood sweeping the nation might make this interesting despite the fact that Jolly is my favorite cheerleader on the Council, she's very cute, well funded and connected but might not be taking her re-election seriously. Yet.

Developing . . .


  1. sexy, sexy.

  2. Simply a reason for Cathy to raise money and nothing more.

  3. Kathy is cute but has been very unimpressive. A challenge is in order.

  4. She's also a big supporter of Bill Nigro's "lets Fu%k" porno trolley.

  5. women with clothes!!!

  6. It's a little difficult to figure out how improving the urban core (whatever that means) jibes with smaller government (whatever that means), but maybe there's even hope for Darla Jaye to become a candidate if all it takes is some empty slogans.
    In any case, if the etax goes away, Tracy will certainly get at least one of her wishes.
    And what has Cathy done as chair of the public safety committee except to give away $300K to Aim for Peace?

  7. I can't speak to this race, but I really think the libertarian positions on drugs, abortion, and gay marriage really make sense. Libertarians feel that particularly laws against marijuana usage are a foolish waste of time, abortion is not an issue that government should be involved in, and gay marriage is just fine. A true libertarian would find no need for any laws regarding marriage and be opposed to tax benefits for married people.

  8. All it takes are some empty slogans:

    Smart with the money
    A city that works
    Regular folks
    Orange Revolution

  9. I'd fuck her in the ass. Then cum all over her face!

  10. I read Cathy is cute. Can you post her picture?

  11. So abortion isn't an issue that the government should become involved in.

    But what if you believe an unborn child is a human being? (And scientifically that is true.)

    What if you go ahead and have the child, then discover he/she is a lot more hassle than you ever realized? What if when the child is 4 or 5, you just say you're tired of the whole thing and smother him/her?

    Should the government get involved then?

  12. Ummm... where in city council politics is abortion an issue?

  13. Anon @12:30:
    I didn't say that; that is a simplified version of basic libertarian philosophy.
    Most libertarians are opposed to murder of alive children.
    Scientifically speaking, a fetus is a stage between embryo and actual birth, and one needs to look to something more than science to decide when humanity begins, or, should you so believe, the soul is imbued. Many religious people find no issue at all with abortion.
    You must not have children, because I can assure you that they are invariably a "lot more hassle than you ever realized". Still, we don't smother them. Eventually they present you with grandchildren, who are infinitely better than children.
    Libertarians have many interesting positions which you should investigate.

  14. The people whose religion has no problem with abortion have a strange religion indeed.


    Is it OK to throw a day-old baby in the trash bin?

    If your answer is "no," then why is it OK two days earlier?

  15. This 6th district resident would vote for anyone who challenges career-political wimp Jolly.

  16. Anon @ 1:08:

    You have no clue as to how I feel about abortion.
    I was stating standard libertarian beliefs. I am not a libertarian, although the personal responsibility inherent in their beliefs appeals to me.
    Just to get things clear, tell us if you are 100 % opposed to all abortions? You know, the preteen raped by her father/uncle while he was briefly out of prison, and carrying a fetus that has no chance of living what most would consider a normal life.
    And then tell us if you are willing to legally adopt the baby after you have forced the birth.
    And the one no one wants to answer: If abortion is illegal, are you willing to prosecute the prospective mother for choosing that or are you so morally confused you only wish to prosecute the doctor?

  17. toadstool_watcher7/16/10, 1:59 PM

    And we like Tracy Ward- (L) because she is a Libertarian? Like Rand Paul, Sinquefield etal...

    You wasted your time Tony. Or maybe you were "just looking"!

  18. Rand Paul is NOT a libertarian. You cannot be a war monger and call yourself a libertarian.

    At this point in time, ANYBODY is a better vote than one for Cathy Jolly!

  19. 1:48. You raise some tough questions, for sure, but those aren't the circumstances in 99.99% of abortions.

    And regarding incest: Will you concede that there are productive adult citizens walking around right now who were the product of incest? If an adult is found to be the product of incest, should he/she be killed?

    Incest is a terrible thing, but why punish the innocent child with the death penalty? Should the uncle get the death penalty? I'm guessing you'd say no.

  20. 2:08:

    Answer my questions and I will answer yours.
    I am opposed to the death penalty, even though some people do not deserve to live and I waste no tears upon their demise.
    Remember, my comments were strictly about libertarian philosophy, not my own.

  21. In general, I would not abort simply because it is a case of incest. I agree the girl is innocent, but the baby is also innocent.

    If the child has no hopes of leading a normal life: By that, do you mean there is some horrible medical or developmental issue? I know there was a couple in the news not too long ago who allowed their child to be born, the family held the child in their arms in the hospital room and then the baby died a short time later. Did it hurt anything to allow the child to be born and let God decide when it would die?

    If you mean the child could not lead a normal life because of the family circumstances, there is always adoption. As I understand it, there are more people wanting to adopt than there are children available. A lot of people are adopting children from Russia, knowing that many of them have prenatal alcohol syndrome. So there is a lot of love available from prospective adopting parents.

  22. So is one of these gals supposed to be cute? Which one?

  23. I think they're both cute, and a lot more real than Tony's typical gals, who all seem to be a tribute to silicone.

  24. 2:53

    Do we prosecute both doctors and the recipients of the abortions that will occur when it is outlawed?
    Personally I wish all children would be born to parents who want them, can provide for them, love them unconditionally, read to them, not sit them in front of tvs and video games and lots of other things. I can equivocate s well as anyone.

  25. Oh lord, not an abortion fight on this blog.

    Anyone who challenges Cathy has my support. She is a do-nothing with aspirations and not much between the ears.

  26. Yes!

    Flip the sixth!

    Do we have any potential challengers for John (not so) Sharp?

  27. Please, someone run against John No-So Sharp!

  28. Jolly cute? Isn't she enormous, even by Kansas City standards?

  29. Pictures don't do Tracy justice. Met her this past Sunday. She's much better looking in person than her pictures ever show. Plus she has such a warm personality and calm fighting energy.


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