Kansas City needs to get ready for Michael Fletcher.

This 3rd District, Eastside City Council Candidate is like no other politico in this town right now and he's already well on his way to ousting incumbent Sharon Sanders Brooks.

The latest news on this subject:


According to AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS the place was packed and vibe was more akin to a victory party despite Fletcher's warning that there was still work to do. Contrastingly, consider that the outright, full time fundraising efforts of Council Lady Brooks (around 5k in the bank right now) haven't even come close to Fletcher's total for a single meet & greet.

Fletcher left the event with $24,500 in the bank with many more on the way or promised. His "$30k in 30 minutes" party seemed boastful at first because quite a few folks doubted his ability to bring in that kind of cash for a 3rd District race . . . But his campaign will likely surpass the total when all the receipts from the party are collected.

So what makes Fletcher so different from the average Kansas City politico? He doesn't shy away from controversy, he seems to have a clear guiding philosophy that directs his political decisions and the guy has devoted most of his career to standing up for people of color.

Even more interestingly, the Kansas City political hopeful has his detractors and they can't work up any excitement about keeping Sharon in office. Earlier Brooks was able to eek out a bit of cash from the general direction of Cordish and this was followed by Fletcher forgoing talk of financing his own campaign and instead seeking to cut off the incumbent's resources.

More than any other candidate so far, Fletcher seems to break from the past and will undoubtedly bring a more intense political discourse to Kansas City. I really do wonder if this town is ready for Fletcher and my blog posts on his candidacy have not only been to document the latest political events on the Eastside but also to offer fair warning.


  1. For all you Fletcher haters who claim he hates "white people" there sure are a lot of white people there in support...I'm just saying.

  2. He even brought his white wife and kids but quickly left and went back to his california beach front home where relaxed after helping us poor helpless Kansas Citians.

  3. You are soooo BRAVE anony 1:37!!! Who cares if he has a white wife?

  4. He should hire Chris Moreno now if he wants a chance to win.

  5. Is this the same Michael Fletcher who:

    - was suspended from practicing law in Federal court for three years in 2005 for race-baiting and obscenity?

    - was suspended by the Missouri Supreme Court until the feds let him back in? And had his application for reinstatement denied in 2008 by the Missouri Supreme Court?

    - called a cop "Jew Boy" 21 times? And was caught on camera doing it?

    - threatened to publicize patient info that his client stolen from St. Joseph Health Center in a race case?

    Yeah. I guess it is.

    Funny you didn't mention all that.

  6. I think you would qualify as a Fletcher hater. Too bad he's gonna win.

  7. No matter what Mike does, he'll never be the #1 Fletcher.

    Irwin will hold that distinction long after Mikey is gone.

  8. I care I am a Black woman.

  9. 2:06...if he is so bad why won't they give him a idiot Fltcher "has this."

  10. Does Sharon have any momentum at all? I have my doubts about Fletcher but I know for sure that Sharon is no good for her district.

  11. we need to replace curls and sanders brooks both.

  12. AMEN that! Replace those do nothings! They do not have the best interest of their constituents at heart. Bitches.

  13. Race-baiter Fletcher couldn't afford to pay the poor cab driver (wasted again) in four hours, but we're supposed to be impressed that he gave his campaign some cash?

    Maybe he should keep it in reserve to pay off his Baby Mama the next time he busts her eardrums when he insists on driving off drunk with the kids.

  14. Brooks and Co-mayors are toast.

  15. I like this post T. Fletch is a great guy.

  16. Why are people donating to this race? It's not like things are going to change from that seat's representation.

  17. Fuck, you've got a point 10:57.

  18. Fletcher is a race baiter and outright racist who did have "complications" with his legal license, as described above. He is hot-tempered and a general a-hole.

    Having said that, I'd take him over Sharon any day.

  19. Define Race baiter. is it someone who points out inequalities and injustices? I guess the minute someone refers to the racism that exists around here they become race baiters. I guess the people who decry the race baiting must be given some name like race amnesiatics or historical revisionists. Yeah racism never happened and doesn't exist so you are a trouble maker the minute you point out this is a racist ass city. Race bait this!

  20. Define Race baiter. is it someone who points out inequalities and injustices? I guess the minute someone refers to the racism that exists around here they become race baiters. I guess the people who decry the race baiting must be given some name like race amnesiatics or historical revisionists. Yeah racism never happened and doesn't exist so you are a trouble maker the minute you point out this is a racist ass city. Race bait this!

  21. oh! so, you were THERE, anony 1:37. why show up and support and then get on here and talk shit? guess your integrity should be in question too.


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