So why the big rush to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act by Mayor Funky's office?

Well . . . Kansas City is hopelessly non-compliant AND . . .



Department of Justice initiative Project Civic Access is coming to town, and it will result in a consent decree attempting to make KC take the rights of the "disabled" seriously.

Letters to lawyers floating around City Hall confirm what I'm saying and Mayor Funky's attempt to play catchup after he was schooled by this constituency might be too late.

Developing . . .


  1. I was at All Souls when the Co-mayors addressed the folks with disabilities. I have never been so embarrassed for the residents of KC in regards to the rudeness of the Mayor.Its about time KC got compliant with ADA. As usual the Co-mayors did something stupid and will now act like it was them that inacted change. Dont believe them anymore.

  2. We know what Funky did and we will remember it with our VOTE. He is no good.

  3. Where was the legal department on this one. Oh, that's right, Galen "Pacman" Beaufort was at a strip club. How much is this one going to cost us?

  4. Galen is way too busy keeping Hermann happy. "PAYBACK TIME"! No difference between Funkhouser and Hermann. Dirty politics in action. Both have a vindictive streak. Galen should just do his job, not skew things to make Hermann happy!

  5. I was at All Souls when the Co-mayors addressed the folks with disabilities. Even that meeting was non-compliant as the handouts were not available in braile. Ramps curbs are being removed and traditional curbs are being put in Brookside (humm who lives there???) Departments in the City writing NO ACCOMODATIONS WILL BE MADE LETTERS! Great face lift for the front of City Hall - again non compliant! How long was the side handicap accessible door locked down for construction? Then all the corrupt people at CH get to park under the building where it is compliant, and the rest have to park accross the street - IF we are lucky enough to get a handicap spot in there.

    Maybe you will leave your cushy office and walk down to help get my chair accross the street. Do you think about us when you pull in your labeled parking spot in the winter and we have to fight the cold, wind, snow etc to get in to see you? Doensn't that just warm your heart?

    Start at City Hall with changes in attitude would help! Changes in Department Directors who write letters about NO ACCOMODATIONS!

    It's about time Federal Laws are complied with. Now lets get a REAL Mayor back in charge!

  6. All Souls Meeting was about Schools First - NOT ADA!!!

  7. Herman has more BALLS than Funky and the Co-Mayors put together!

  8. Long overdue and welcomed if it really comes to fruition any time soon.

    This is yet another reason people move to the suburbs. Most of their governments take care of this up front rather than wait for the shit to pile up on them to act.

    KC is a city that does not work for its citizens until push comes to shove or political pressure shows up.

  9. Well, this turn of events should show the co-mayors that we crips are not, as he said, "passive." Nor are we a
    special interest group competing for money. We are CITIZENS and we are granted equal rights under the ADA. He can stop pretending too care--it's a sham for his re-election.
    Project Civic Access is a federal program, and I hope it slaps KC in the face for the way it has treated the disabled.

  10. For those folks with actual handicaps-god bless ya.

    I see a lot of folks, who sure as heck don't look handicapped at all, using spaces and --- well, they are cheating like heck.

    See it all the time.

  11. we need to make sure KC is wheelchair accessible.

  12. Funky only cares about helping Gloria. In his view she is the only person with any rights. SCREW everyone else.

  13. Many disabilities are not visible or readily apparent. Don't judge a book by its cover. That seemingly able person you see in a handicap parking spot might in fact be dying, or in constant pain, or any number of things.

  14. I wish all these ADA people luck, because I do not think much is going to happen with this. Mayor marky and the funky bunch aren't into this. Not into it. Kansas has had some problems with this too, but KCMO doesn't even TRY. The douchebag P and L district is new and not hardly ADA friendly.Fail.

  15. Dept. of Justice: You might want to look into the New Black Panther Party.

  16. The mayor doesn't care--he doesn't even answer letters about the ADA. He has no idea what it says. KC had a goood ADA director and then they fired her because she did a great job. That's how the city works.

  17. So if America is all about who is aggressive enough to find the most hidden Easter eggs, to promote capitalism and productivity....

    And then some goody two shoes comes along and says, "but what about the blind children"...

    Then we're stuck with the dilemma. Will we advocate the natural order of life, 'survival of the fittest' and accept that blind children will starve and die, or will we establish a welfare state and keep them around, even though they will never be able to support themselves?

    Is this our value system, or are we just being played for guilt because we weren't born blind? So we should give at the office?

    If for handicapped, then why not chronically stupid, like for girls who didn't study but got themselves pregnant? Are they the same as those who lost their sight or their legs through no decision of their own? That is, is stupidity the same as misfortune when it comes to a free handout?

    At what point do you say, either produce or die?

    This is the debate before us, boyz and girls. What say you?

  18. I say you are the most naive person currently alive. Lots of handicapped people, blind, crippled, deaf, and others live purposeful lives, supporting themselves 100%.
    No child can survive on its own, so why would you say "blind children will starve and die"?
    Survival of the fittest is probably the most misused, abused and misunderstood group of four words.
    You can sure type a lots of words and not say anything.

  19. "but what about the blind children"

    I'm the one who said that, not because I'm a goody two shoes, but because I WAS the blind child.

    I am the reason Mark doesn't treat the disabled with respect. He, & our father, didn't think I deserved to survive, & I almost didn't! The ancient Greeks killed their disabled children & the Native Americans protected them as 'touched by the Great Spirit'. So, who was civilized & who wasn't?


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