I don't make political endorsements but I do have a talent for discovering what's going down in Kansas City.

And as this race for Mayor heats up, one thing to me is clear:


And while I'm impressed with her new website . . . First, let's talk about reasons why her supporters say she's gonna win:

1. She's currently in the mix of Kansas City politics and not coming from outside of City Hall with talk of reform. Mayor Funky killed chances for real reformers during this election. His big talk and so many promises betrayed will make all similar claims suspect. The Mayoral race is about getting Gloria Squitiro out of City Hall and replacing the Co-Mayors with someone competent and skilled.

This leads me to my second point.

2. Deb Hermann has demonstrated a great deal of leadership on the Finance and Audit Committee. Let's face it, harsh times are going to continue and this nation, KC and the world now must deal with an age of austerity that few politicos with big promises can handle. Hermann was front and center for the impact that the financial collapse of the past few years took on City Hall. She understands and can explain the complexities of the City's budget and has done so during one meeting after the next. Real talk: TKC's Midtown sources have long been impressed with Hermann's role during KC public budget meetings that weren't attended by any of the other Mayoral candidates prior to their interest in taking Kansas City's highest office.

And these recommendations have inspired me to notice . . .

3. Deb Hermann currently has a wider network of support than any other Mayoral candidate. TKC was the first to break news from her campaign kickoff and I showed up late and was only there for the cookies. Still, what I noticed was that the Mayor Pro Tem Bill Skaggs was exceedingly enthusiastic about her chances and former Funky Chief Of Staff Ed Wolf was dedicated to supporting her. But the crowd didn't stop there and didn't stop in the Northland. Neighborhood activists from Midtown and other business leaders were seemingly excited about her announcement.

And I guess I have to admit that I never underestimate the power of white women to get things done in this town. There's something about older white ladies that wields more influence in Kansas City than anyone is comfortable recognizing. Female politicos have an understated, polite way of doing (even the most cutthroat) things that speaks to the ethos of this town. Deb is the only lady in this race and that puts her at an advantage over clueless dudes like Mayor Funky.

Finally, I was recently at a political meeting and asked a couple of elected officials who had the best shot at Mayor. Two separate Kansas City elected officials who hold differing views and don't even share the same party claimed that Deb Hermann was the front runner. Their opinion caught my attention and brought me to the conclusion that in this early stage of the Mayoral Race Deb Hermann has pulled out in front.

Developing . . .


  1. I know Deb gave you $2000 for ad last week, Tony.

  2. yeah, why arent you making sport of her clothes or weight or something like that? you must be in love dude.

  3. I like Deb. She'll get my vote.

  4. As a resident of the 1st district north of the river, I can say that Ms. Hermann has done NOTHING for us. I live in the area first annexed by Kansas City back in the 50's. We have no sidewalks, no gutters, and no parks with the usual amenities. Our little pocket park next to the elementary school has one set of baby swings, and a sand pit where a climbing structure used to be. I live next to a drug house and there is one on the next block that does a very brisk business with the local teens. The police know about both, but nothing is done. Our neighborhood is dotted with abandoned houses and 4-foot high weeds. Thanks, Deb, for your wonderful stewardship of our city.

  5. As one of the assistants in her campaign, I know she is a good grandma, but not a qualified leader.

    1) As a part of Kay Barnes's administration; Deb Hermann approved each one of the 81 TIF deals. Increased the city's debts from $600 million to $2 billion from 2003-2007.As the Chair of the Finance Committee, Kansas City's credit rating gets downgraded every year for the great jobs she had done with Kay Barnes.

    2) When she was the Chair of the Neighborhood and Housing Committee from 2003 to 2007, the City's Housing Department was dismantled due to corruption investigation by the federal government.

    A 2004 scandal, concerning two homes that HEDFC rehabbed on Tracy Avenue, shone a light on potential financial wrongdoing, and Kansas City lost access to 1,100 loans and 360 parcels of land when a judge placed the assets of the HEDFC into receivership. On February 1, the city will go to court to try to get the former housing contractor's assets back. How did it come to this, and who's been trying to fix this mess? The mayor, the city manager, various members of the City Council and a supporting cast of city employees star in Six Ways to Screw Up Your City's Housing Program.

    3) Against business development and lack of the vision of international business development and trade cooperation by dismantling the International and Trade Office of Kansas City in 2009.

    4) Against Police, Fire and the Union by cutting $15 million from the KCPD, Fire and Union workers. Forced hundreds of police officers lost their jobs in 2009.

    5) Against a transparent government and abusing the power of the budget chair by removing the City Communication Office from the City.

    She is a real friendly person for TIF developers as she approved every TIF deal but she is not a neighbourhood person as nothing has been changed when she was in power.

    As a grandma with no higher education background and no knowledge of the outside world of Kansas City. She is un-qualified to be a city leader to lead the city to compete in the global stage in the 21st century.

  6. Thanks to Tony and his "comment reporters," section, I finally am understanding the pre election politics, choices, and issues in Kansas City mayor and council elections.... this is truly, "Power to the people," ... stuff The Star, radio news media, and other outlets kept from the public as "they don't need to know" topics...I hope this system will produce better leaders that come from the ranks...

  7. Anony 9:43, great job, who is going to dig up the dirt on Deb? You are! That all makes perfect sense to me. She is a lackey. and I do believe there is a ton of information and intelligence that can be garnered from the uneductated, but we don't want them as leaders and stewards of the city's resources. Sorry Lil' debbie supporters but this woman no matter how nice IS NOT QUALIFIED TO BE THE MAYOR. And sorry to be shallow, but the current mayor looked like the return of the plague and lil' debbie looks like she shold be working the late night shift at town topic. About as cute as Gloria.

  8. If you can't spell uneducated, you probably should just shut up.

  9. she's pretty.

  10. 9:44 AM

    You're an assistant in her campaign???
    I'm glad you told us, because I would never have guessed.

  11. I'd hit it.

  12. and the source for all of TKC's bashing of Wayne Cauthen, hence the declaration of front runner.

  13. "The assistant" needs to remember the context from which the negative "against" info they provided was taken. Unpopular stands always make for interesting reading but only one question needs to be asked of "the assistant" who has kept the city running during the Funky administration, while marcson makes potato salad and gottstein smiles, and sharp gives away the southland?

  14. TKC has figured it out. Finally.

  15. Understated and polite is a good description for all of the current Councilwomen.

  16. God help us.

  17. is it true she used Jeff Roe in her first campaign in 2003? I saw her with Roe.

  18. I don't doubt it. Tony reported that she was a Republican at one time this weekend.

    By the way: Funk wins!

  19. Funk will not win. We know him.

  20. Did Deb ever work on the RR for Burlington Northern.

  21. lil debbie... moooooooooooo mooooooooooo!

  22. 9:38- Call and set up a meeting with Deb and I'm sure she'll gladly give you her full support and put a host of resources in your hands to help your community. It's your neighborhood so pitch in and do something to make it better. Don't expect Deb or anyone else to come out, wave a magic wand and all the problems will disappear overnight. It took decades for your area to go to shit so it's going to take a good amount of time and hard work to get everything back in order. Be persistent but be patient. Yours is not the only area in KC with serious issues to deal with. The squeaky wheel gets the grease so get to squeaking!

  23. Wow the Burke Bunch, Rowland Roadhogs and Glorioso Goons have been busy posting today. With Kendrick, of course.

    Tony's post is right on, Deb is the front runner for the reasons he mentioned and many others. Deb has tons of support not only from the neighborhoods but also from the big business community. She has been tough on TIF's when appropriate. She understands the budget better than anyone and can guide us through the next several years that are bound to be difficult with budgetary issues. She is sensible and among the smartest people in the city; the presence of a college degree has played no role in the continuing education that Deb has had.

    Deb has no involvement with Jeff Roe, if that even matters. To some it probably does. Just as to some, personal appearance plays too big a role in politics. We've had some physically appealing people elected, and that is no guarantee of success. Deb is a nice looking woman who makes no bones about being a grandmother. To attack someone on physical appearance is cowardly.

    To the self-proclaimed "assistant" to her campaign, your comment is filled with inaccurate absurdities, so much so that you sound like Kendrick, especially with your little quip about the International Office. That office was in place so that George Blackwood could travel to Mexico under the guise of conducting international trade relations. In reality, George probably just liked the cheap booze in Mexico. And you can't seem to decide if Deb is pro business or anti business. You claim she is pro TIF and anti business in the same comment... so which is it? Deb is well aware of what other cities are doing; she has traveled to them, studied them and has friendships with leaders in many of them. Her experience, like her real-life education, is vast. If the best you can do is present some self-induced hangup about college, why don't you take a look at the masters and Ph.D.'s currently running things. That's been a winning combination for sure.

    The problems with the Housing Department were in no way connected to Deb. Look to Wayne and Kay and their hires in Housing for the answers to that little mess. You want to blame things in the past administration on Deb, but then you want to hang her for being part of that administration. It just doesn't work that way.

    Kudos to Tony for writing an informative and thoughtful piece that certainly made a lot of Deb's opponents unhappy. I guess when you hit upon the truth, the other side does get nervous.

    Deb Hermann for Mayor!

  24. I still say no one vote for anyone that is on the city council. They all need to exit cityhall including Deb meatball Herman!!!!!

  25. She is John Fairfield with ovaries (maybe)

  26. You get what you pay for6/29/10, 8:43 PM

    9:38 AM

    Your section of town votes against all taxes and expects services.

    The ugly woman should not be elected.

    Unless she and her girlfriend who works for an engineering firm comes out of the closet.

  27. It funny to see people state who the frontrunner is or "the polls show" when they have no clue how the majority of people are leaning because NO ONE polls the Black community.

  28. Of course Deb will win. There are no other candidates that compare to her and what she brings to the race. There is no reason for anyone else to even run, as Deb has it in the bag.

    She has been true to her word and to her community. She is loyal and trustworthy. She wants what is best for our City.


  29. This picture Tony has posted makes her look more like Hermann Munster.

  30. The idiots who call Deb a bigot (which is easy to do when you are anonymous) couldn't be more wrong. As many of the black neighborhood leaders who are supporting her. Deb is truly color-blind and will work for all citizens, regardless of color, ethnicity or religion. True bigots come in all colors, and there are some on the council, but Deb is not one of them.

    Deb for Mayor!

  31. Face it Tony and the "Hispanic" Community are up for sale. According to tony the taco-Deb became the front runner when "shem" hosted a fund raiser at Manny's- buy two tacos hire Moreno and bam you to can be labeled the front runner by tony...

  32. Tony:

    Does this mean you and Rowland are no longer an item?

  33. Can anyone explain what 12:55 is talking about? stalker. 12:55 looks himself in the mirror and says "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough and gosh darnit people like me as much as that Moreno guy."

  34. toadstool_watcher6/30/10, 8:20 PM

    No, seriously, Chris Moreno? Ask why the Nixon administration did not hire him. Ask why he did not keep the hand-out job with the state Democrat Party. He may be a nice guy, I only met him twice, but he isn't a very good campaign consultant. That's just the truth.


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