TKC MOBILE: At the Deb Hermann campaign kickoff. The crowd is filled with excitement and white people!!! Actually it was quite a cool event with some interesting guests like the Mayor Pro Tem. More later . . .


  1. Deb's the only decent person on the council--too bad we have term limits.

  2. White people....your such a great journalist.

  3. Beth is on the Council and she is decent.

  4. I think that's its very interesting that the Mayor Pro Tem was there.

    Anon 11:53 - In a multi-racial city, it is journalism to note that the crowd was mostly white.

  5. byron... no, it isn't journalism to note the race of the crowd in this case, only the size. in a multiracial city, race should NOT count.

    this is the same rant i had with a radio news report when "a black man was found dead in his home in KCK." why does it matter what his race was?

    if you're reporting on say a jesse jackson or al sharpton event where the topic was race equality, would it be newsworthy if no blacks showed up and the crowd was mostly white? in that case, you could say noting the racial mix of the crowd was newsworthy.

    conversely, if sarah palin showed up to talk about racial equality (ha!, i know...), and only black people showed up, then again yes it could be newsworthy.

    meanwhile, why am i wasting my time trying to educate you.

  6. I don't agree with white people and black people, it was a croud and that's it.

  7. I am sure non-white people were welcome, weren't they? What exactly do you want white people to do, Tony? Go off and die?

    If I wanted to attend the Deb Hermann event, should I have to stop and think: "Oh, I'm white. Maybe I shouldn't go. There might be too many of us there!"

  8. Is it true that she waited for today to announce her candidacy so that she did not have to screen with the KC Pride Club? If so, I would say she is a homophobe.

  9. WhyTF is pride trolling tkc. Tony you attract the strangest sausage lovers.

  10. 12:21 PM - Perhaps you are right. I am sensitive about race right now.

  11. The Kansas City Pride Democrate Club awarded its influential endorsements in Federal, State and County races last night. It will not screen candidates for City elections until early 2011.

  12. Fifth paragraph here: will let you know her position.

  13. I got on the bus in Philadelphia the other day, and there was a white lady and black lady sittin' on the bus.

    The black lady says to the white lady, "Um-um, what is that sweet smelling perfume you're wearing?"

    The white lady says, "Black Knight, black bitch, $150 an ounce!"

    The bus rolls on down the street, can you dig it, and the black lady lets out a giant cornbread fart... PHHHHT!

    The white lady says, "My, my, what is that nauseating smell I smell?"

    The black lady says, "White beans, white bitch, 15 cents a pound!"

  14. Confirmation that most bloggers are infantile, with too much time on their hands.

  15. byron... me too. this blog will do that to you. - anon 12:21

  16. Sorry I missed the hoedown. A basket of flowers on the shepherd's hook and a flag on the post would have killed her?
    Other than that it looked like a good time for all. She will have a hard time getting monetary support.

  17. 3:59, or should I call you Steve? Is this the best you can do? She'll get more money than Rowland, Burke and Funk combined. With Deb's intelligence and reputation, people will line up to support her. My vote is for Deb.

  18. The bitch is cheap as hell and would throw the poor out in the street to do a political trick for Northland rich people.

  19. Council sessions should get very interesting!You can count on commitee shake ups coming. The Co-mayors are toast!Thank goodness!

  20. The northland sticks together where was Ed?

  21. Anon: 5:14... you don't know Deb. She is anything but cheap.

  22. No more Co-Mayors thank God. They brought it all on themselves. Squid could not accepted the fact that she was NOT the Mayor. She destroyed everything.

  23. Ed Ford's in Burke's pocket.

  24. Co Mayor Skaggs and Hermann.


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