I was presented a really great opportunity yesterday to talk with Michael Fletcher.

Mr. Fletcher plans on running in the Kansas City 3rd District City Council race against incumbent Sharon Sanders Brooks.

I would be remiss if I didn't start by clearing up a few misconceptions about Mr. Fletcher.

  • Mr. Fletcher meetd the residency requirements for a Kansas City Council person. He can produce documents that prove as much and he never gave up his KC residency after a brief stint in Cali.

  • Mr. Fletcher was suspended during a weird ass Federal Investigation . . . He was never disbarred . . . MUCH more on this later.

  • I did more background research and asked more questions about Mr. Fletcher than I ever have for any blog post and all of my best TKC Sources said that he was a seriously tenacious attorney who stood up for causes in the minority community. Of the people that I've asked serious questions on this subject, they all say he's a righteous dude. I've yet to see anything concrete that proves anything to the contrary.

    Also, I have a pretty good bullshit detector and of all the Council People I've talked to (all of them) he seems to be one of the most qualified for the job.

    Mr. Fletcher ran the Mayoral Campaign for Congressman Emanuel Cleaver. Fletcher has also been a force in local politics for quite a long time.

    Even better . . . It was interesting to hear about some of the plans Mr. Fletcher has for improving Minority participation and services in the minority community along with every other part of KC.


    What's encouraging is that he has an idea about incorporating the Internet into the whole MBE hot mess that has heretofore left out minority contractors in the Downtown Renaissance gravy train that mostly serves JoCo and other suburban interests. I've yet to hear one idea from Ms. Sanders Brooks on the subject, in fact I've yet to hear anything from her other than begrudging approval for Mayor Funky's lame ideas.

    I'm seriously looking forward to a debate between Ms. Brooks and Mr. Fletcher given that our 3rd District Council lady has refused to answer to anybody so far.

    Even better . . .


    There will be a lot more to come on this subject . . . However, as far as I can tell Mr. Fletcher is exactly the kind intelligent and (more importantly) extremely independent candidate the 3rd District needs if there is going to be any real progress in this Kansas City community.
  • Comments

    1. I know Michael, he's alright.

    2. Oh sure, that's what we need. Another disbarred jig in city hall. How many lame assed blacks can we stand?

    3. fuckin lame. Mike would be a lot better than Sharon.


      I want to see this guy get elected onto the Council with Beth "bat-shit-crazy" Gottstein and then bait the two of them to go all bitch-cakes on each other (which, considering their tempers, would not be difficult to do).

      good times ahead...

    5. Please. Any Black man who has been up against the judicial system knows how the charges mount when you are a target.

    6. Tony drinks Kool-aid

    7. In Re: Disciplinary Matter of Michael Robert Fletcher, Appellant
      United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. - 424 F.3d 783

      "The Western District's holdings fall into three basic categories. First, the court ruled that Fletcher made misrepresentations to the court in violation of Mo. RPC 4-3.3(a)(1) (making a false statement of fact to the tribunal) and 4-8.4(c) (engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation); second, that Fletcher engaged in conduct with no substantial purpose other than to intimidate and harass third parties in violation of Mo. RPC 4-4.4 (respecting the rights of third persons); and third, that Fletcher engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice in violation of Mo. RPC 4-8.4(d). The Western District summarized:


      For the reasons discussed above, we affirm the Western District's en banc order suspending Fletcher from the practice of law before that court for three years. "

    8. Do your homework - he didn't run cleaver's campaign for mayor - uh, that would be Luther Washington! Wow, he's already taking credit for things he didn't do. And we've already seen the racist that Fletcher is - remember the ad he ran in the call, lashing out at Lee Labmert, the white guy from the Northeast, who is acutally a good guy. Told Sharon she needed to appoint a black. That's what's wrong with our city! Stay in Cali Fletch!

    9. If this is all you got of Fletcher, it ain't much.

    10. inafunkaboutthefunk12/10/09, 4:27 PM

      Oops! Is the Blogger King hooked on a toxic fish? Say it ain't so Blogger King! On the other hand, Ms. Brooks at best is a debacle. So who knows? I usually side with tthe Blogger King. In this case, I am still with him but will wait and see what else emerges or seeps out from under the woodpile.

    11. There is no leadership on the Eastside. There wasn't yesterday and there isn't any today.

    12. And isnt this the same guy that jumped out of a cab and refused to pay. Then, if memory serves me correctly once the police got there he started the "racist" stuff. The local tv stations ran the dash cam of the incident.

      Check it out TKC

    13. how would a white person react if a black cop forced his way into their house?

    14. Tony, don't let Fletcher lead you astray. Or is he paying you?

    15. Fletcher attracted scrutiny for abusive litigation tactics, including race-baiting witnesses and epithet-strewn tirades against opposing counsel.
      Four judges found Fletcher’s allegations (in one case) to be inaccurate, misleading, impertinent, inflammatory or scandalous.
      Fletcher allegedly tried to stiff a cabbie for a $40.58 fare in 2002 and ended up calling a Kansas City police officer "Jew boy" 21 times - on videotape. He later apologized.

      Yeah...sounds like a great guy. Not even on the east side does he stand a chance.

    16. Fletcher would be the worst one yet, and that includes Carol Coe, Mary Williams-Neal, and Saundra McFadden-Weaver, none of whom were great prizes. He is totally self-interested, but smart enough to at least try and dress it up in rhetoric about the "community." Fletcher would be the worst because he is smart; smart enough to really rip off the citizens of Kansas City and royally screw the 3rd district.

    17. The Star hates him but that Call doesn't give him much coverage. All politicians and lawyers are self interested just like reporters and blogs.

    18. Now that you're writing up disguised ads for Jardines and others, can we trust you on this?

    19. I never trusted Tony on anything. I come here for the bitches.

    20. Another Midtown Mom12/10/09, 6:06 PM

      Tony I have to tell you this post is hot. I just had a friend call me and tell me to read you blog. She doesn't know I check you out almost every other day.

    21. Tony, take the word of most of your readers. Fletcher is bad news. Did you even bother to Google his name. He might win but it won't be for the benefit of Kansas City.

    22. What The Fletcher? He's just another racist, just like Tony.

    23. He is an elitist who is just riding into town pretending to live here, carpet bagger, who is so rich he can fund his own campaign. Plus I have seen him with the likes of Clinton Adams which is enough for me. I live in the 3rd District and I will be voting for Sharon Brooks rather than a racist like Fletcher. Even though they say he is married to a white women.

    24. SSBrooks is the absolute worst. She does zero for her constituents. If MF is good with Clint, he's OK with me.

    25. Just read the Fletcher Plan...Good God!! this makes even Sharon Sanders Brooks look good!! When Blacks pay 25% of the taxes they can claim 25% of the goberment jobs! Forget that, for the sake of the last few paying taxpayers in KC, hire the best qualified at the lowest rates...forget this affirmative action shit!!

    26. Mike must really be posting responses fast. Absolutely no one aligns themself with Clinton Adams he is a slime ball woman beater and if Fletcher really wants to win then remember that woman are the ones who go to the poles and vote.And he is a worthless lawyer! He took my grandmother's retainer and bought crack cocaine with it. He can't even get a parking ticket fixed. Also Mike, since you are blowing your own horn your plan fails to address the basic services we citizens want and need. Blacks going to traffic court is a small fraction compared to the ones who have weeds and rats growing in their neighborhoods. We got trash in our streets vacant houses and abandoned buildings. We don't have a descent grocery store in our neighborhoods. Those are the issues! You also failed to mention any measures dealing with crime and the shootings that are taking lace in the Black community. Jobs alone nor are preachers gonna solve that problem. These are the things ou can't read on line in the Star's blog these are things that you have to live here and see. Take your campaign money and put it in someone's camp that knows what needs to be done here.

    27. Nobody has taken this great opportunity to say that this guy is just another blue gum nigger....

    28. F#*k you, he's a Bum, who just happens to be black.

    29. This the same guy who, while drunk off his butt, had a problem paying a cab fare? The same guy who called the cops that responded to the cabbie call "Jew Boys"? Yeah, he would be great for this city.

    30. You racist punks are amazing. I would like to apologize to you on behalf of the african-american fellow that railed your mother, wife, daughter, grandmother leaving you feeling not only feeling physically inadequate to satisfy a woman but Your brain matches your little dick and can only lash out racial slurs... Ha ha ha. The worst kind of nigger i know are the white little dick ones.

    31. Quit defending Fletcher because he's black, he's a scumbag anyway you cut it. As was said earlier, he just happens to be black. If this is the best the "community" can put forward, we might as well all give up.

    32. Here is the video of the cab incident when the police came:

    33. SSB is a bitch but is she dishonest? This guy sounds a little scary.

    34. Is this the same lawyer named Michael Fletcher who threw office furniture out of his window in a fit of rage, several years back? And it wasn't a first-story window, either.

    35. I read his platform and we don't need that shit.

    36. RickRoll'd OMG OMG!!!!!

    37. Wow. Lots of interesting news on this person. Glad I read the comments instead of taking the word of Tony, who seems to love only Herm more.

    38. This guy is trouble - why can'y anybody normal run in the third?

    39. Wow. This is amazing. Only on TKC could readers actually find away to call a candidate "racist" while also using racist words themselves.

      High five to TKC for getting these people worked up and interested in Kansas City. I thought they would never come down from their downtown loft.

    40. Clinton Adams smokes crack? If Fletcher uses Adams, his sister Gwen Grant, Carol Coe and Saundra McFadden Weaver to campaign for him, even as corrupt and useless as Sharon Sanders Brooks is, she will easily win another term.

      Who will run against the equally useless Melba Curls I wonder?

      Either way, the 3rd District is screwed...

    41. I know Fletcher well enuf to know that he is posting these Pro-Fletch statements. Trust me he is full of shit and the guy who said he is only interested in his self is right. He never helped the community when he lived here and what makes voters think he will now that he holes up in California. He talks about getting out front but didn't no one elver see him at a soup kitchen or a city mission. He was too busy drinkin and crackin around town.

    42. Turn Kansas City into a big salvage yard. It is too fucked to be rehabilitated.

    43. "Mr. Fletcher meetd the residency requirements for a Kansas City Council person" - wtf is meetd? ever heard of spell check?

    44. Meetd is the past tense of to meets.

    45. This shouldn't become a race thing but I guess that's what's sexy, so there's no sense spending time debating that point. I guess one of you should run for the office...but I wonder how many of you actually live in the 3rd District!


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