South Kansas City neighbors take the opportunity to Call IHOP a Cult

I think the reason for this meeting was initially related to a property dispute but it provided a nice opportunity for neighbors to throw curses at one another in a typical Christian fashion:

Neighbors Criticize Growing Religious Group
Several in the crowd accused IHOP University students of codes violations. Neighbors claim dozens of students live in single homes. Kansas City ordinance allows only five unrelated people to live in a single home.

IHOP leaders apologized. They said the crowded homes are a symptom of the school’s exponential growth.

“We’re going to work hard to rectify that and to let people know the zoning laws,” said Scott Eibel, IHOP-KC’s Chief Financial Officer. “I apologize on behalf of the university.”

However, when it comes to their beliefs, Eibel and other IHOP members make no apology despite harsh accusations from neighbors.

“They all seem to be brainwashed,” Kelly said. “They all kind of talk the same. They speak in monotone. I’ve had some of them follow me around.”
Jesus I love neighborhood politics.


  1. The over crowding deal has been brought up two years ago and four years ago. The IHOP people always have an answer for why they can break the law.

  2. I would think with that manyIhop people my pancakes would arrive quicker, but I guess not

  3. Grandview can chose between IHOPers and gangbangers. I suppose they like gangbangers better.

  4. My Jesus can kill your Jesus.

  5. LOLZ, 9:42! thanks for my laugh of the day.

  6. This whole thing is starting to smell like Waco TX.

  7. I got about the same thing out here at Lake Quivira.
    'Bunch of fuckin' jesus freaks!'

  8. Who cares. The only real complaint is the code violations but who cares what they belive as long as they are not snatching people off the street and forcing them to participate or going out doing some sort of terrorist thing. We don't stop the Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons from knocking on doors every weekend.

  9. Play To Win The Game9/2/09, 5:58 PM

    Are these 'brainwashed' city code violators out jacking cars and shooting people in the middle of the night? They must be a threat since they don't fit in to the population.

  10. Captain Obvious9/2/09, 6:03 PM

    I'd be willing to bet most of those overcrowded people are legal residents of our country. Would you rather have 15 illegal Mexicant's stacked up like sardines in a cracker box house next door? I'd take the Moonies over greasy spics every day.

  11. I attended the meeting and it was made very clear that what we call IHOP is much more than a church, it's a bunch of businesses, and they are clueless on issues of governance and accountability. The very first question of the evening (after a rambling half-hour-long speech by founder Mike Bickle about his religious history) was like "Do you have a person or number we could contact about these code violations?", and the answer was "we'll talk after the meeting". Later, a member of the local school board asked what their plan was to be accountable to the community. Answer: what is your suggestion?

    And this was their second community meeting in less than a week.


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