Thinking about Holly Starr's many talents

A very awesome TKC reader points us toward a Holly Starr photo gallery this Saturday . . . As far as local celebrities go, she's definitely one of my favorite and probably the best looking of all local "talent" in a bikini . . . Prove me wrong Gary Lezak!!!


  1. that pic is so airbrushed...

    i would hit it and post pick of her turd cutter on the internet.

  2. The group new jobs not new taxes met recently. A lady said her husband and 100 workers were laid off at Roadway and she wants to know if they can get state job training money? One lady wants stimulus money spent on business loans for home growing of food. A citizen asked if the city is going to apply for federal money for hiring of police just approved by the justice department and could any of that money go to the pension fund? The city only received 7 million of MODOT money when population wise we should have got 20 million dollars and twice the 175 jobs that are already taken by current road workers.

    We agreed to send a letter to the Governor and have not heard form him yet. We have heard from a number of state representatives and some comments are:

    Rep. Ed Wildberger “The letter hits the nail on the head. All the experts agree that new manufacturing jobs are hard to find and our workers future is in the high tech job market.” Eric Burlison “Thank you for your active involvement in government. I hope that we can see a Technology Park in the Ozarks someday soon. Keep up the good work.” Scott Dieckhaus “I am a proponent of Technology Parks; we have several within my district, and they serve the local communities well.” Jim Guest “Yes, personally I think we should be working for the higher paying jobs like you would have in a technology park. You will have some opposition from some business owners who are concerned that the competition for the worker will cause them to pay a higher wage to keep their workers. As you increase the disposable income of the workforce you will have the other businesses benefiting from it.” Jamilah Nasheed Thank you for contacting me about technology parks. I appreciate the information you have provided me. I am encouraged by your passion and dedication to this particular issue, and I admire those constituents who practice their civic duty. Stay focused and I will continue to give my full attention to this important issue. Jeanette Mott Oxford I agree with you--- State. Sharon Pace Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding technology parks. I suggest that you also contact your State Representative, Sara Lampe. I agree that we need to encourage developing technology jobs in Missouri both for the well being of our citizens as well as that of the well being of our citizens as well as that of the State.

    You're right, changing our mindset from an industrial society to a technological one is key to Missouri's economy. However, as a new legislator, I have no idea where we would start to implement something like this. As a "closet tech head" myself, I think this is a wonderful idea. Do you mind if I share your information with a few other legislators to see how we could do this? I'll keep you posted on my progress.

    Tishaura Jones

    Dear Steven:

    I think this is something the Department of Economic Development should look into to see how to make this work. The State is very interested in attracting and retaining high paying jobs.

    Keep up the good work!


    Allen Icet

    State Representative

    District 84

    People are asked to speak out and contact our representatives. Also you can contact me at: People are invited to the next meeting at Brentwood Library on April 23 from 6:00 to 9:00pm.


    Steven L. Reed

    1441 South Estate Ave.

    Springfield, MO 65804


  3. Holly.....I just want you to know I masterbate thinking of you ALL the time.....Sighhhhh!!!!

  4. Very photogenic.

    And by that I mean I would hit that shit all day long.

  5. y doesn't she wear thatz on 38 the Spot..

  6. I'd like to throw in in her star....

  7. I'd like to tie you up Holly and then wax that sweet puzzy!

  8. Nice airbrushing on that 50 yr. old looking bod.

  9. I LOVE that 38 promo where she walks across the screen push the two wheeler.....those 38 c's are jiggling and bouncing across my screen....I always have to rub my meat! Thank You Holly!!!!!

  10. Very nice, sexy shot. Are those really 38C I was guessing more 36 , either way very very nice and yes they jiggle very well.

  11. Very nice, sexy shot. Are those really 38C I was guessing more 36 , either way very very nice and yes they jiggle very well.


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