This local blogger talks trash to a not so beloved local company.
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Be percipient, be nice. Don't be a spammer. BE WELL!!!
- The Management
Be percipient, be nice. Don't be a spammer. BE WELL!!!
- The Management
Sounds like some hipster douchebag. His wit clearly isn't helping his employment. Maybe a little less arrogance and smarmy fucking attitude would help him land a job.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Now I'm gonna get it, clearly, from the trolls, troglodytes and zombies of KC that have nothing better to do but make themselves feel better through name-calling and false assumptions about others.
ReplyDeleteYou are the light, I say. You Trolls are the beacon of light that makes this world a wonderful place! Stand tall! Stand strong! That way we can avoid your dumb asses in public.
And now, back to regularly scheduled programming...
TKC, I'm not gonna lick your boots, but you know how I love to stick my neck into your virtual fray. Thanks for another blog post!
Deffenbaugh has the only dump site available to Kansas City for solid waste. When it is filled it is a 100 mile round trip to the next closest landfill.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDeffenbaugh has the only dump site available to Kansas City for solid waste. When it is filled it is a 100 mile round trip to the next closest landfill.
2/20/2009 01:02:00 PM
As an employee of Deffenbaugh tis is not true Allied Waste has a landfill in Independence (Ciurtney Ridge). The "blogger" did exactly what he wanted to do and that's get a little pub by claiming to stand up to Deffenbaugh, he knew using that name would get people talking. Why in the world would you submit a resume and not put what job you are applying for. For years nearly anybody could get work at Deffenbaugh even convicted felons.
There seems to be a mindset that this part of the country doesn't quite get. There was no job open that matched my skill set, but I believed Deffenbaugh to be a company with great potential in the coming "greening" of America.
ReplyDeleteSince I've worked with start-ups, corporations, non-profits, political movements and the like, it behooves me to reach out to companies simply to establish a relationship and have them place my resume on file. I never know what's going to come of the maneuver, most of the time there's no response, but some of the time there's great response. This is part of how I build a network when in a new town. In the case of Deffenbaugh, there was such impersonal response--when the company really is part of the community--that I made a spectacle of it.
Think outside the box, man.
After weighing these comments against the post, my conclusion would be bigBADbobby really IS a hipster douchebag. Please prove it, bigBADbobby, by getting in the "last word"! You know you want to.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the offer, but no thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou sir, bigFAGbobby, have proven the point that you are a massive fucking douchebag who can't even land a job when felons are getting jobs.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at the dudes they hire to run the routes. Not exactly the kind of people you want dating your daughter. BUT, while you're blogging about how you're so fucking smart, acting hip as an unemployed loser can, they're making damn good money.
Enjoy the bread line.
Awesome, another card-carrying Troll that sits beneath his bridge in anonymity to fling sour words at those attempting to bridge from the world of ideas to the world of fruition.
ReplyDelete"Can't land a job?" Who said I needed one? I want one... totally different concept, though confusing for the Troll-mind to understand, I'm sure.
"They're making damn good money." Of course they are and I applaud them for doing a job that most would abhor. I've no qualms with them and resent that you claim so. However, it points out that Trolls have no idea WTF I'm talking about.
Bread line? I make my own bread and it's so much sweeter than the muck and twigs of a Troll's diet.
It never ceases to amaze me how people that are content to sit back and cruise through life without any real challenge to themselves or others (AKA the Trolls et al) choose to only take shots at those of us who stand up to ineptitude. Seriously, is it necessary to call someone a douchebag and a fag in order to get your point across? There is no question that Deffenbaugh has had a unchecked monopoly on the majority of the KC metro since Laidlaw quit the trash biz. And as Bobby stated, they have an opportunity and, to a certain degree, a responsibility to the community that they are a part of to lead the charge in the reorganized treehugger movement. That being said, I do believe that a more appropriate approach to getting involved in thought leadership in any organization would be to sell the concepts in a consultative role to management outside the HR organization. While the responses from Deffenbaugh were quite humorous, I would expect nothing less from an HR drone. Their own political correctness dictates their thoughtless preconditioned response.
ReplyDeleteSo, I welcome what ever name you want to call me.
As keeper of the forest, Mr. Ugh, and you lovely fine specimens of ball-less anonymity, I have a few words to share your direction. I'm quite sure they won't be the last, because the type of short-sighted banal nonsense I've seen responding to this post replicates like pecker gnats in a shit storm. Which is why I so desperately wish someone would institute a breeding license, but that's a whole 'nother story...
ReplyDeleteI guess thinking beyond what happens after we excrete our waste is too large step for most of humanity. So painful apparently, that many have to resort to labeling these "foreign" notions of taking personal responsibility for the health of the world we live in, as "crazy talk" that can only come from "hipster douchebag losers." That's fucking pathetic, man. You might wanna look in the mirror.
It appears most people in their private and professional lives don't assume any responsibility whatsoever beyond living their immediate lives and throwing their shit in the front yard for the someone else to pick up. Forget about caring where their waste goes from there, and when it might rise up to bite them in the ass.
And it was never remotely inferred that Bob's reach-out was intended to result in a job that led to someone marketing to YOU.
I witnessed a literal example of this decayed apathetic mindset over a decade ago, while visiting a podunk town in central arkansas. I passed a country house where the people didn't even bother to bag their shit up- they just threw it piece meal into their front yard. It was the most disgusting and bizarre thing I'd ever seen. A full front yard littered and piled up a foot high with plates, half-eaten chicken, used paper products, foil, cans, and other unmentionables.
It parallels the growing cesspool of humanity's selfishness, and the inevitable outcome we're all going to have to deal with... sooner rather than later... judging from the short-sighted responses here.
That's right trolls, just throw your shit in the front yard and all is good. Keep singing your 'bye-bye bowel movement, have a good trip to the sewer treatment factory!" songs, after you drink your beer and eat your chili cheese fritos.
But what happens when there's no more space to decompose your shit? Maybe then you'll pry yourself from the lazy pre-ejaculatory wasteland of your small minds and think about the larger picture at hand.
But more likely, you'll just close your front door, and leave your nasty burgeoning every-growing pile of shit-litter in your front yard to spill out and infect other people and the planet that hosts your home. Until it eventually infects you, at which point you come whining to people like Bob and others to find a solution to a problem of which YOU were an intricate cause. Then you'll proceed to bitch about why this was allowed to happen in the first place and no one tried to prevent it.
And although people like Bob and other "smarty-pants fags' who end up having to solve the problems your self-centric short-sightedness instigates should send you straight to the sewer treatment factory for disposal, they'll instead still be willing to work overtime to help you out.
No doubt, you'll still be sitting there on your lazy ass drinking your beer, eating your fritos, and provide commentary on how the clean-up job could be done better and faster.
Jesus. I really wonder sometimes if evolution exists, and why I still strive to make this world a better place, when the majority of humanity needs to be flushed and recycled.
"Jesus. I really wonder sometimes if evolution exists, and why I still strive to make this world a better place, when the majority of humanity needs to be flushed and recycled."
ReplyDeleteI happen to be in the anti-troll camp and think I get what the original poster is attempting to do, but your post seems VERY smug and self-assured. Are you advocating mass extermination for those that don't measure up to your view of the world? Give me a break. It never fails to amaze me that those who think they are so open-minded and liberated in their thinking are quite often the types that would become real-life players in a Nineteen Eighty-Four(esque) world.
Check yourself Charity. You sound like someone who reads the books and authors you're 'supposed to' and is trying to show everyone else how smart you are.
His appeal for assistance on facebook has brought out the defense in force, albeit a biased one
ReplyDelete"Appeal for assistance..." oh, that warrants another shot of tequila. LMAO.
ReplyDeleteThe FB status update read: "Bob is asking u to feel free to join in the verbal battle between the trolls and the aged, knobby gents."
Ain't no "appeal" in there... and if you are connected to me, you will see that my comments also note that trolls are "fun to play with once in awhile."
This truly is entertainment, but I've had my fill. The trolls should be full, bellies tender to the touch. I apologize for feeding them in such a selfish manner, but it was a good break from the important things in my day.
Oh please Anonymous...must you take it so literally? I admit I was disgusted, and sarcastic in my final paragraph, but I would never be so smug or self-assuming or malicious to propose actual genocide of those with differing (albeit base and selfish) opinions than my own.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should have been more literal and added 'nature' or 'mindset' to the end of humanity in my final statement? If so, then I apologize for my omission.
I was instead referring to a desire (perhaps idealistic on my part, I admit) for people to "check" themselves and acknowledge more lies beyond their mere reflections in the mirror and their daily agendas. Each of our actions are a ripple effect phenomenon and we're all pebbles continously shaping the ocean of our collective consequence on this earth.
I'll acknowledge there are good things about most everyone if you look hard enough. But in today's frenzied world of ticking clocks and erroneous cultured fear, it's too easy to get wrapped up in a false sense of isolation, and shove shit off as someone else's problem as long as I'm getting what I need RIGHT NOW, because little old me can't possibly make a difference. And that, my friend, is a cop out. And has a very negative impact in turn.
You can't reason with an automated corporate response system, but if that HR "drone" had not simply issued back that template, and--no matter how lowly the position-- had actually considered what Bob proposed, he or she could have passed it on to someone who might be in a position to consider what he was offering. We've got to break out of this "safe", "easy button", automaton existence.
But it seems it's too difficult, too scary, or too much effort for people of any stature to step out of their comfortable formulated roles and think of little things they could possibly do to initiate change for a better world. Even if that particular action has no impact, at least they tried. And one failure or several shouldn't keep someone from continuing to try. Hell, (and I'm being flip here so don't take it literally)... when people stop trying they start dying, so there's really no need at all for mass extinction of these sorts. They'll do it to themselves eventually.
And since I actually do care and believe in the general goodness of humanity, I really hate to see apathy and isolation gradually taking over the collective consciousness. It's a travesty, and major impediment to any forward-moving cause.
Dude, Trolls are what people come to TKC To read. Besides, you crave the attention, don't you. Nobody cares about your plight. They come to read trolls.
ReplyDeleteI love how an actual email response from Deffenbaugh is considered more "impersonal" than no response at all.