Who says that political pressure doesn't work?!!!!

KMBZ is reporting (broke the news) that Frances Semler, the controversial Parks Board Member sent her resignation letter last night.

Apparently, the poor old broad was getting tired of the political fighting and debate. I'll admit, her tenure was probably the roughest of any Parks Board official in the history of Kansas City.

I wish the broad well and I hope she keeps up with her gardening and her Minutemen political activity. Truth be known, there's a place for the Minutemen JUST NOT IN CITY GOVERNMENT. Some will say that this old bird didn't have any courage but I think the opposite is true, she simply had enough, her resignation shows that she has more sense and bravery than our Mayor who stubbornly stuck by his own will and not any kind of overriding political values. If anyone was making a stand on principle: It was Frances Semler, not Mayor Funkhouser.

Still I don't agree with her or the Minutemen and I'm sure it's yet another disappointing defeat for the crew . . . But I'm not going to gloat (today). Instead, I think Frances Semler deserves a bit of credit for her bravery in calling it quits. We'll see if Mayor Funky begs her to come back but I'm betting that the old broad has had enough and her official resignation is long overdue and should have been accepted by Mayor Funky in the first place in order to avoid a lot of needless controversy.

One last note before a break . . . Mayor Funkhouser promised that he wouldn't accept Semler's resignation if she gave it so this there might be a bit of news (and controversy) still left in this thing.


In an interview on Fox 4 this morning, Semler noted that she read an article in the KC Hispanic News and she felt the Mayor didn't really support her and only kept her around to appease the Northland . . . So, she didn't really feel like she had the guy's loyalty.

More details coming . . . Feel free to add your own in the comments.

Here's a copy of Frances Semler's resignation letter:
ENOUGH, I am resigning.

Any individual or organization who speaks with concern of the impact of the well-organized invasion of illegals in this country is subjected to being called terms such as bigot or racist. Many citizens are reluctant to do so for fear of being subjected to the destruction of their character as I have been.

As a United States citizen I have always felt able to express my views freely. Out of respect for the Mayor, I have allowed my voice to be stilled. No longer

Yes, as a member, I have associated with men and women members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. I have found them to be dedicated to the belief that laws must be respected and enforced. Accusations against this organization have been unfounded and unjust. Members advocate for protection of all borders and enforcement of our laws. A report by the American Legion includes these same concerns.

The controversy regarding my membership in MCDC was fueled by Kansas City Star reporters and the President of the Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, Rita Valenciano. John Fierro, President of the Kansas City Park Board, has been connected with this same group. This Coalition is associated with La Raza, led by Janet Murguia, who was pictured on the front page of the Kansas City Star with fist raised. Are these paid positions and are our tax monies involved? Reverend Charles Steele Jr., President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, has threatened to “shut” the city down. It has been my experience that many of those supporting illegals are immigration lawyers, also paid with taxpayer funds.

Members of the City Council of Kansas City have made vicious, false, and irresponsible claims about me. One member has publicly, with arrogance, expressed her support for “open borders.”

Have the 12 to 20 million illegals in this country made an impact on the economy of Kansas City? Estimates are as high as 40% unemployment in some areas of this city. The invasion of illegals willing to take low wages for long hours has resulted in the income of working men and women being depressed here and nationwide.

Yet, we have a police chief who has publicly boasted about the protection of illegals at the Westside Can Center, staffed by Linda Callon. Chief Corwin spoke to this at a forum held at Penn Valley Community College sponsored by Missouri State Legislators. He was challenged by State Representative Gary Dusenberg for not upholding the law as he had pledged to do. Dusenberg is a former Missouri State Highway Patrolman. Kansas City is not designated officially as a “sanctuary city,” but it is.

It was with great enthusiasm that I accepted the responsibilities of the Kansas City Missouri Parks and Recreation Board. I do believe I have been a positive asset. There are many projects I eagerly wanted to pursue, but after reading the Mike Hendricks article in the January 17, 2008, issue o the Kansas City Star quoting the Mayor and the untrue statements made by Gloris[sic] Squitiro in a recent January publication of the Kansas City Hispanic News, I feel BETRAYED.

Frances Semler


Ouch, Semler lies and slanders her fellow board member and a lot of KC people on her way out.

She also slams:

The Mayor
His wife (the co-Mayor)
The City Council
And the KCPD Police Chief!!!

CLASSY!!!!!!! Still, it's important to keep track of another continget betrayed by Mayor Funky . . . Damn, turns out we all have something in common . . . Disappointment with Mayor Funky.

And on second thought . . . I shouldn't give credit for Semler's resignation to civil rights leaders. TKC is the most important Latino in Kansas City so I deserve credit for Semler's resignation, NATCH!!!

Check out TKC's Frances Semler Controversy Timeline for a round-up of the whole nasty situation.


  1. Congratulations Tony. You beat up on an old lady. You win.


  2. Good news. She should never have been appointed in the first place--Hermman and Cooper warned Funkhouser about her but Gloria just had to have her way.
    Good riddance--I'm sure she didn't do this to honor the memory of Dr. King, but it works...

  3. tony are you and your mom happy. im sure your mom wont get appointed on the board.

  4. Good News Tony. Congratulations.

  5. So does this mean if a black president is elected then he will have to step down since he's a member of the racist NAACP.

    I hope she starts a program in KC to stop the flood of illegal immigrants coming into the city....I would join in that little round up.

  6. Shut the hell up Tony! I want you out of the house by this evening and take all your snack cakes and anal beads with you.

    I'm switching sides and fighting the illegals of them pissed on our lawn last night. I'm having grandma deported as well....she shit herself again last night!

  7. I don't think Mayor Funkhouser will accept her resignation. Once again you don't understand the news that you report Tony. This isn't the final word on the story and at the end of the day I think Frances will stay in office.

  8. What bullshit. I hope the niggers and spics are happy about this one. all they did was beat an old woman.

  9. God, what will TKC have to rant about now that and old woman with contrasting views on immigration is no longer on a local government board focused on open space?

  10. By rights, it doesnt matter if the mayor accepts her resignation. He cant mkae her stay on the board.
    Fox 4 also reported that she was upset over comments from funk and squitro, and semler blasted kcpd cheif for making KC a safe haven for illegals. So I dont think its a matter of Semler doing the right thing, seems there is alot of dissent within the funks circle of friends and lackeys.

  11. You have a bit of a point Midtown Miscreant. Now that I read the letter I have a different opinion of Frances. She had a lot of support and she let some people down with her decision. People from around Kansas City applauded her stance and to give up like this is a kick in the teeth to folks that went out on a limb for her.

    You let us down Frances. I'm not afraid to say it.

  12. Woopee! It is no longer the land of free speech!

    Fuck you Tony and the little burro you rode in on.

    Fuck black Kansas City too, it is doing nothing about it's problems while this town gets buried in them.

    KC will look just like Detroit in ten years.

  13. Frances couldn't take the heat but she's not the only one who objects to the invasion of Mexicans flooding this land. Our country.

    I hoped that Frances could stick it out but some of us don't scare so easy and we don't need the Mayor's blessing.

    It's time to stand up to the invasion of this country. I'm glad the rest of the Minutemen are staying strong. They have my support.

  14. What a bitter old woman.

    Bye, bye Franny.

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  15. 7:42 Why does it have to be all doom and gloom just because a few haters don't get their way?

    Kansas City's doing just fine. And I think we'll be okay without one Parks Board Member.

  16. I think I'll have some champagne. I don't care that it's only 8:00 in the morning.

  17. Without a doubt. A celebration is in order.

  18. TKC stays winning and Kansas City is a little more racially polarized this morning!!

  19. I was thinking the same thing. It's not exactly a victory that somebody can't stay on the damn parks board because of racial special interest groups.

  20. I'd be willing to sponsor a petition to put her back in office. I don't think she should have resigned and let these people win. Kansas City needs more people to take a stand against illegal immigration.

  21. Nobody has mentioned this yet but Semler wrote in her letter that comments made by Gloria Squitiro were to blame.

    Once again the Mayor's wife costs him an important political alliance.

    Will somebody please Recall Gloria!!

  22. tony how would your mom and you feel if the people of kc finds out where your grandma lives and shows up on there doorsteps. thats what people feel when you and your mom goes after an old lady. bring it on if you want a fight. i suppose you and mommy thinks its ok to destroy the flag by stepping all over it i hope that no one finds out where you and your mom lives. dont be surprise if a bunch of whites show up on your door steps wanting your mom to resign her position with coho

  23. Online threats from a coward on behalf of another coward who didn't have the guts to stick it out. Seems like the Minutemen are nothing but cowards.

  24. As the letter has confirmed, she is just as nutty as Tony.

    Although, wow, the article over at the Star's website has attracted the Nazi's like flies on shit. Reading the majority of thsoe posts is pretty depressing...

  25. "just as nutty as Tony"

    Ha! Jesus you crack me up.

  26. That letter reads like it's coming from a woman who is unhinged. I understand there is a lot of pressure on her but her statements seem bitter and a little crazy.

  27. I would rather have Semler in than the member of "the race" I hope he is the next to offer his resignation.

  28. Tony is the Coward. He hides and takes cheap shots at old women. Well as I have pointed out elsewhere.

    You have your granny scalp. Enjoy! You little brown skinned pervert

  29. Kansas City is racist when an old granny can't speak her mind without so many pimps taking cheap shots at her.

  30. The only downside in all of this (from an v. reliable source inside the City) is the fact that Semler actually did a good job and was a decent boss. Of course, that in of itself could never counter-balance her politics, and her resignation letter is a bit...nutty. Mebbe some anger management (shooting an AK-47 at paper targets?) is in order?

    It does take a little heat off the $80k mystery for a day, though! When will the drama end?! HBO should be filming a new reality show -"Hard Knocks - Kansas City Hall"

  31. Mayor Funkhouesr didn't support her. Plain and simple.

  32. Good by Mrs. Semler. We hardly knew yee. Which, upon reflection, is a good thing.
    The fringe group that you so sign your allegience to is a fair-weather friend. Now that the signs of a recession are loaming larger your one-trick wedge issue just ain't as important in this presidential race. Think the economy. OMYGOD! Immigration not the hot button, get out the under-educated class vote issue? What will you do? Where will you go?

  33. the writer who commented that kc will look like detroit in ten years is right! what a pathetic population of losers(democrats). I'm glad that i live in olathe.
    brittney spears

  34. It's the economy stupid. Thin margin has it right.

  35. Don't accept her resignation Funkhouser!



  37. la raza = "the race"
    das volk = "the people"

    can anyone tell me who used the phrase "das volk?"

  38. good riddance..Mammy Frances. Now you can portray yourself as a victim on the Darla J. show. Unless Frances has ESP she can't tell who's legal and whos an "illegal", so suspect she just says hey "look at that Mexican he must be illegal."

  39. You can turn in people here as easy as pie!

  40. Exactly.

    Poor Frances. She had the support of so many crazy nut jobs but she still couldn't handle it. Just like I thought conservatives demand total submission or else they pout and quit.

  41. Keep up the fight against the illegals. Fight the invasion.

  42. Nice Job Tony! Who looks like the bigget these days?

  43. The bigotry is coming from the racist special interests who don't want freedom of speech for people who want to protect our national security.

  44. I can't believe this lady. She got support from the Mayor and his wife and she bases her decision on quotes from a Mexican newspaper. I thought she had more sense.

  45. Deport Gloria Squitiro.

  46. Mrs. Semler joins a long line of Funkhouser supporters who were betrayed.

  47. this hate is out of hand. The mayor should do something to address all of the racial insults and slurs set forth.

  48. This is ridiculous. I know anonymous has a lot of great quotes but there is no way he has shown so much interest in Kansas City.

    Sign your damn quotes people at least with a first name or something. Otherwise it's just dumb chatter that nobody should listen to like most of the stuff that Tony writes.

  49. What are you bitch? The hall monitor for comments?

  50. So I guess Kansas City isn't so racist now Tony? Frankly I'm glad this woman is gone and I wish she would take her convention of idiots with her.

  51. Gee, I was glad she was there. She served the same purpose as roach bait...brought them all out of the woodwork. Then, she resigns, and brought out a different breed of bug, many of which surfaced on the blog today. Ho-hum....ZZZZZZZZZZZ

  52. Who gives a crap if someone doesn't sign their comments! Go back to your gay little cubicle and stop acting retarded you fuck!

  53. Tony sucks and so does his mommy...literally!


  55. It's unfortunate that some folks have to resort to racist language just to get their point across. Just like the Minutemen this is kind of talk is not productive and it only reinforces negative stereotypes about Kansas City.

  56. This is a dumb move. Funkhouser shouldn't let her resign. She is the only reason that I supported the man and once she's gone he is gonna find that his support goes right along with her.

  57. Eat a dick racists you got beat today.

  58. The racists couldn't use an old lady for their agenda.

  59. Down with Minutemen racists.

  60. My dear anon 11:54,
    Well put my friend! well done! You are a credit to no one.
    You may now return to what ever scurvy crevice from which you emerged.

  61. Good riddance. Good bye Frances.

  62. So much misinformation on this blog.

    For the facts check out:

  63. was the NAACP on the verge of pulling their convention.

  64. Give it a rest and go away.

  65. Chris Medina says that he's on the phone and wants to get La Raza to come back to Kansas City. I'd rather have that convention than the Minutemen any day.

  66. overall this is a victory of Kansas City and more bad news for Funkhouser.

  67. Good question Elconejo. I don't know for sure but the situation for the NAACP coming in didn't look good with the SCLC pulling out.

    I wonder what they have to say about all of these recent events.

    Frankly, the Black Community still has its problems with the Funkhouser Administration so anything is possible at this point. It's not out of the realm of possibility that the NAACP could still pull out because of Funkhouser's actions against Cauthen and the "Mammy" comments.

  68. I just want to congratulate Rita Valenciano of the Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, Cris Medina at Guadalupe Center, Reverend Fuzzy Thompson and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference for their pressure on this issue. This is a real sign that the political process and freedom of speech work in this great nation. Remaining silent was never an option for these group and they achieved their goal. In the end Frances Semler did not have the courage of her convictions and she folded under pressure. And because of all this the community remains united against bigotry and hatred disguised as border security. Well done everyone. You give me a lot of hope for the diverse political community of Kansas City and the power that we have to make our city stand for peace and justice.

  69. You get what you deserve Kansas City. A town where only black and brown racist run things and anyone who tries to speak their mind without permission is attacked in the media.

    I wish that dirty little town good luck and all of this makes me glad that I live in Johnson County.

  70. Tony's right when he said that she did the right thing. This issue has been exploited by the media for far too long. It's time that we all move on.

  71. Wow! That's a mean old white lady. It's a shame that she left in a manner totally devoid of any integrity or rationality.

    It's sort of intriguing that for a long time I attempted to give Semler the benefit of the doubt by assuming (although suspiciously) that maybe she was just unknowingly drawn into the crosshairs of the city's racial divide exacerbated by the Mayor. However, after reading the letter, now I can see that she really is a blatantly mean, misguided, and misinformed racist, which should only further point to the fact that there is absolutely no way Mayor Funk-loser didn't know that she was such an ideologically aggressive bigot when he undermined KC voters by appointing her and then rejecting Semler's first attempt to resign. It's painfully clear that Mayor Funk-loser had an divisive and destructive agenda in mind when he placed her on the Parks Board. Someone of Semler's brand of low moral character doesn't just slip by anyone's ethical radar.

    Thank God KC proper voters (black and brown) stuck with this fight. The next one should be to recall Funk.

    Great post Tony! KC thanks you!

  72. The Chicano has it right. This strange controversy and mean old woman only show that Mayor Funkhouser's judgment is horrible. Kansas City's black and brown communities need to keep the pressure on and should not see this as a victory but a sign that the mayor needs to go.

  73. So long Semler.

    Next time stick to gardening.

  74. This doesn't mean we have to take those conventions now, does it?

  75. Yeah, who wants conventions that bring in money? Who needs revenue in the middle of a recession. That's just ridiculous.

  76. If only we could get Gloria would turn in her resignation then that would be really good news for Kansas City.

  77. Congratulations Kansas City. You let the reverse racists win today.

  78. Am I the only one that finds Semler's letter offensive. It reads like a note from woman with serious anger issues and a lack of impulse control. She seems unstable. She isn't a good representative of any organizations and especially not Kansas City.

  79. Am I the only one that finds Semler's letter offensive. It reads like a note from woman with serious anger issues and a lack of impulse control. She seems unstable. She isn't a good representative of any organizations and especially not Kansas City.

  80. Am I the only one that finds Semler's letter offensive. It reads like a note from woman with serious anger issues and a lack of impulse control. She seems unstable. She isn't a good representative of any organizations and especially not Kansas City.

  81. It's about time. That racist vieja needed to go. Always makes me chuckle how pointing out actual racism gets own named a reverse racist. The idiocy of people is more comic and more sad than anything at the movies.

  82. The Mayor needed to be the one to fire her. The way that she did things it just embarrassed everyone. She just looks like a mad old woman that couldn't get along with everyone.

  83. Good! The city parks board does not need a bigoted woman with the writing skills of a tween (Who over the age of 11 starts a formal letter with 'ENOUGH' in all caps?) who knows nothing about parks.

    And, apparently she thought she should be free to express her views, but didn't think others should have the same rights. (As she griped in her letter, of one city council member: "One member has publicly, with arrogance, expressed her support for “open borders.”)

    Good riddance, Francie! Go back to pruning roses. And I hope your granddaughters marry Mexicans and that you have to eat tamales at the reception while mariachi music blares in your ears.

  84. Can someone explain to me how a group like La Raza is not racist? The NCLR's own website claims that it works to "improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans"

    Now, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I think we need to realize and accept that this group is racially discriminatory. So the argument isn't really about which organization is racist and which is not, it's about what kind of racism you support.

    Instead of worrying about whether the Minutemen are racist or not while turning a blind eye to a blatantly racist organization, why don't we put our efforts into reforing immigration law to make it easier for immigrants to enter the United States legally. If we do that it will pull the rug out from under the Minutemen, they will have no purpose. Who would want to bother crossing the border illegally when there is a reasonable process for entering the country legally.

  85. I agree with a lot of your points realist except that Hispanics and Latinos are not a race. They are an ethnic group. Hispanics and Latinos can be Black, white brown and even Asian if you look at the people from Peru.

    As far as immigration. I also believe there should be some kind of new system that allowed for more workers and still had an emphasis on security.

  86. Who gives a shit what Beth Gottstein or that other bitch thinks? Both of them are ugly crones...

  87. I don't think any of this is as important as Heath Ledger's fatal drug overdose.

  88. Do you anonymous d-bags realize that your comments are not "anonymous"?? Tony has all the ip addresses of where you posted your comments. and if you posted them from your company internet, guess what your company will be next to the ip address. Dip shits.

  89. "Tony has all the ip addresses"

    I don't keep track of IP addresses. I don't check stats and I normally don't leave comments. This part of the blog is a community forum and for the most part I don't delete any comment unless it's illegal, spam or repetitive. In fact, I try not to read comments because they're mostly mean and pointless anyway. Just like this comment.

    I used to have them e-mailed to me but I stopped that months ago because I just didn't care. Now I'm a lot happier about the feedback because, like this blog, it's mostly just for entertainment.

  90. Bullshit buddy. You're just waiting to get me fired. As soon as I get a job. Does your mom have any room for me in her basement?

  91. Can we get a new topic and something new to talk about please. I am glad this mess is over and I don't think it should dominate Kansas City politics anymore. For goodness sake, it was just a Park's Board. It's not like she was Mayor. Get over it KC.

  92. I think the Mayor shoudl appoint tony and unblock his blog. That would be just great and a real sign of tolerance.


  93. TKC thinks he can fool us by making up his comments but this is obviously a trick. Nobody cares about this issue as much as you think and barely anybody reads TKC.

    Too bad, so sorry.

    Find real work Tony.

  94. What a cluster fuck this has been for the Mayor. He could not have picked a worse person for the job. I hope he does better with his next choice. Although I think picking another minuteman for the job would be funny.

    Right, Tony?

  95. My god people in Kansas City need a hobby besides blogs.

  96. This blog serves to show me the failure of American education. I am sorry that so few people know anything factual about immigration.
    It appears that most commenters get their information from Lou Dobbs(and/or Semler, the Minutemen, et al), who is consistently wrong, and whose opining serves only to divide the country with lies and fear-mongering.

  97. Congrats for beating up on a 73-year-old grandmother.

    For your next target I have a 2-week old puppy.

    Go git'm.

  98. diego...some old people should just stay home and be a racist under their own a nice grandmother her racism is left for her family to be shamed or proud of.

    Anyway frances is much meaner than a 2 week old puppy.

  99. Where is the 80K?

  100. I'm so glad to hear this, Tony, thank you for your work in KC.

  101. You did it Tony. Another race-baiting missive in an endless cycle. Thank Goodness that you seem to know this blog is just a joke. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't recognize the same.

  102. lazy fuck. get back to work and have a new post.

  103. Doesn't Kansas City have bigger problems to take care of? We still need to figure out what's going to happen with the school board and our sewer system. This issue has been nothing but a waste of time. Let's get over it already. I'm glad this woman resigned and I just hope that the Mayor keeps his promise and makes fixing this city his top priority not talk show topics and media controversy.

  104. I think it was all Tony's fault Semler left. She just couldn't stand the rough housing that Tony puts out in the stories of her. The Torment of Tony nailing her on false accusations in which none was true.
    We all know Minutemen don't carry guns unless license to carry along the Mexican borders. ]
    Just ask Darla. She went down to see the Minutemen protecting our borders.

    Poor Frances Semler. Our heart goes out to you.

    The good part is everyone will know who Frances Semler is compare to what's her name, who is the President of La Race?

  105. Umm Paintman, the Minutemen President has been arrested more than once on gun violations. Not to mention his family left him for threatening and harrassing people of different ethnicities with his gun in public. Get your facts straight.

    Get your tissues out Paintman. Equality always wins over racism and bigotry.


  107. You make an excellent point Greg, and I agree that hispanic and latino are ethnicities. However, the NCLR and the general public seem to view this as a racial and not an ethnic issue or they would not be calling Semler a racist.

  108. I have not idea what you're going to write about now Tony.


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