Let's not forget that every stupid political decision has a frightening real world consequence in much the same way that it never pays to be nice to fat chicks.

Remember the Kansas City controversy over the appointment of a Minuteman to the influential Parks Board?

Well, that's not just a talking point anymore . . . It COULD BE a crisis that's quickly approaching Kansas City.

See, because of all the controversy and media fervor the Minuteman decided to have their 1st annual convention in this cowtown.

And while affluent, white males floundering away in middle management jobs don't have enough nice things to say about the group . . . The assortment of lunatics, malcontents and scam artists also have their detractors who (unlike TKC) actually hold deep rooted political beliefs.

So it's time that we now started talking about counter-protests and the upcoming clusterf*uck headed to Kansas City that will be reported as a race riot but will have a lot more to do with anarchy on the streets of Kansas City.

Local Anarchists have been recruiting online for months in order to launch a counter protest. They plan to converge on the Uptown. The most vocal spokespeople for the anarchists have been The Kansas Mutual Aid Clowns who are now wanting to make the local Latino Community part of their circus. Let's not forget that these are the same folks that were turned away from Greensburg, Ks. after a devastating tornado - Even mass destruction was not enough to elicit any sympathy for this group from a nearby town. Keep that in mind.

Therefore, the fact that these dorks want to get in cahoots with my beloved Kansas City Latino Community strikes me as offensive.

Latinos in KC are not a fringe group, we're not some beleaguered community with no representation. Local Latino leaders once partnered with Mayor Funkhouser until they were betrayed . . . Siding with these fools from the KMA does nothing but kill credibility.

Already, everyone from Lou Dobbs to local talk radio show hosts are looking to label any Latino as an enemy of the State and yet a few local Latino leaders don't have the good sense to root out members for a racial organization from their ranks.

This can only spell trouble.

Let's make this clear: By their own admission, the KMA supports anarchists. Anarchists are the same kind of people that cause riots at every WTO event across the world and inspired the late 90's "battle of Seattle" at which local authorities were not prepared for the tactics of anarchists who set upon that city to fight the cheap labor that keeps Wal-Mart so gully.

My advice for everyone with an interest in preventing the chaos that could follow the 1st Minutemen convention in Kansas City:


This isn't some small collection of Kansas City people with a bone to pick. This is an issue involving of the biggest political hot potato in the United States played out on a national stage. Irresponsibly, the Minutemen are looking to provoke the community and have slated at least one event on their agenda as "open to the public." According to neighborhood gossip and at least a couple of e-mails I've received, the KMA and other planners of counter protests are wanting "direct confrontation" with the Minutemen. Of course the KMA and other legit organizers are going to approach the standoff non-violently. But that won't stop other anonymous faces in the crowd or not so easily identifiable forces from making their presence felt. In the past, that's how some anarchists have been able to start riots - By hiding among legitimate, peaceful protesters.

It gets worse . . . The legit folks that I'm talking about have training in methods of non-violent resistance and protest but the Minutemen crowd are known for brazenly carrying guns in the face of their opposition. Let's not forget that their leader Chis Simcox was convicted on federal gun charges. Furthermore, there's talk of rallies that will converge on the Uptown theater and without the proper preparation from authorizes the high emotions on both sides could easily get out of control. One of the organizers of this event is Daniel Romero who folks might remember lead the unwelcome and unwise visit to Frances Semler's home which marked the low point of the Summer of 2007 for people who aren't completely afraid of brown folks.

And for me, the most troubling part of this is that I see the potential for Kansas City Latinos to get caught up in stupidity started by the Anarchists. It's unfair that they're infiltrating a protest that should give credence to the impact that the current immigration debate has on legal citizens who are Latino . . . In the end, the anarchists can always go back to college and change their major while Latinos are forced to live in an atmosphere that vilifies our people and culture and assumes that none of us truly have the privileges granted with Citizenship. For instance, my Grandma has been in this country for more than 80 years, is a citizen yet white people at the Mall still ask her where she was born. In the Midwest, thanks to reactionary Minutemen forces and their intolerant proponents Mexican heritage is cause enough for the assumption that a person doesn't belong in this country, doesn't deserve any rights or respect . . . The face of immigration is Mexican, it's impossible to tell legal status based solely looks. In the end, the "controversy" is really a(n ongoing) war against brown people given that Citizenship throughout history and during the Civil Rights struggle of the 60's has always been tied to whiteness.

Anyhoo, this post provides more than enough reason for people in Kansas City to take this subject seriously and realize that the entire situation came to our town courtesy of Mayor Mark Funkhouser who is so naive and inexperienced that he didn't realize that his bad decision would have an impact beyond his already failed political life.

TKC desperately wants all the people of Kansas City to be safe from harm but if any tragedy should arise from this situation: The fault lies at the big, clumsy and stubborn feet of Mayor Mark Funkhouser.

My hope is that all of this can be resolved peacefully, therefore I offer this post as a warning and an effort to avert tragedy. By selflessly providing this information, I feel as if I'm doing my civic duty (hehe duty) and I want to note for the record that while I admire peaceful protesters or anyone willing to get involved in civic affairs . . . Blogging is the extent of my involvement in anything that requires more effort than sitting on the couch and clicking channels. So unless there's a protest involving white women and lots of free booze . . . TKC won't be in the crowd.


  1. tony is this one of your moms organizations. it wount surprise me any as radical as she is wonder if this was one of her college groups she belong to

  2. well written. complete crap.

  3. I don't think Tony's mom was in the KMA. Was she?

  4. Finally, a nice shot of some spread pussy.

  5. Im a couple of blocks from the uptown. I plan to get a lawn chair and take my camera. Nothing more entertaining than watching unwashed hippies carry signs and yell at rednecks. good times. Maybe some of the anarchy crowd will wear turtle necks and berets.

  6. The corporate media thanks you for believing everything you read TKC.

  7. If you want to express dissatisfaction, just wear one rubber glove and extend your index finger. The Funky Salute. Of course, I've had so many things shoved up my ass I can barely sit down.

  8. i liked the first comment. i wonder if rita thought about all this when she was supposeingly helping her hispanic people in the west side. whats funny is the members wonder how many of the west side is actual members. maybe its just rita and chris meding and the puppet master pulling the strings

  9. Dumbass is the sky falling too?


  11. TKC has reached a new low...blaming Funkhouser for something that hasn't happened yet but that he secretly hopes does happen so he can say, "I told you so." You're getting pretty transparent, Tony.

  12. There you go again. You're hoping for the sky to fall and encouraging a riot that you'd just love. Grow up man. Stop playing reporter because you are not good at it.

  13. Tony's "Cut n' Run" Club


    Membership Requirements: Worship of unearned riches.

    Tony's Golden Rule: The belief that is is possible to get something for nothing.

  14. ROFL. Here ya go Tony get with it dude!

    Cauthen interviews in Austin

    Kansas City Manager Wayne Cauthen faces two days of interviews for the city manager position in Austin, Texas.

    He’s scheduled to do one-on-one interviews with the Austin mayor and each of the other six council members on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, he’s expected to meet with the entire group at 11 a.m.

    Oh. Well who's in charge?

    City manager Wayne Cauthen is on vacation, from this morning until Thursday, Jan. 10.

    It even gets better . . . .

    City manager Wayne Cauthen is on vacation, from this morning until Thursday, Jan. 10.

    Who will act as city manager in his absence? LaTrisha Underhill, assistant city manager, according to a memo provided to Prime Buzz.

  15. Fuck you Tony.

    Fuck you for all of this nonsense about us anarchists.

    Hiding behind peaceful protesters? Where the hell do you get this garbage, off of local TV news?


  16. Tony run an ad.

    Wanted. Blubbery, debt-crushed, tattoo-etched, Jesus-haunted, multiply-addicted TV zombies to protest Minutemen.

  17. (Musical note) has ripped off James Howard Kunstler again, this time even before the ink on his freshest blog entry is dry.
    Say, if you d-bags haven't read his Clusterfuck Nation writings, you really should put the Playstation on hold for a few moments and do so.

  18. I once saw this post.."Funkhouser for White Power" seems to ring true now.
    All the ass-man,Funkhouser, has to do is fire Mammy Frances and stop going to prostate exams with Kris Kobach.

  19. Violent anarchists hid behind peaceful protesters in Seattle and in almost every WTO protest since then.

    Grow up Chuck.


  20. Quit with the anarchy and just make sure that I've got hot and crispy fries ready for me when I'm at your drive through.

  21. Dear douchebag,



  22. Awwww. No paintman. He scared. He should be. So sad.

  23. Race Wars in Kansas City.......I can't stop laughing.
    Remember in the 50's where everyone wanted a bomb shelter. Remember the Y2K, was going to wipe out our computers and cause choas. Some guy predicted Nevada was going to be beach front property due to an earthquake.

    I can say Tony would fall along these lines of predicting things to come.

    Everyone knows Minutemen don't carry fire arms along the border.

    I'm also surprise Tony hasn't Marked the Guardian Angels as "vigilantes".

  24. You really aren't that smart are you Jon? So sad.

  25. Paintman you are an idiot. You must not have been around for the KC race riots in the 60s? Also, Minutemen do walk the borders armed. In fact, their President was convicted on Federal gun charges for pulling out his gun and chasing legal Americans with brown skin on Federal Property while screaming racial slurs and that the world was going to end. Ohh yeah, did I also mention that the guy's family left him because of how racist and dangerous he has become?

  26. Thats just one guy. There's alwayw a bad apple in a bushel.

    One bad brown banana mixed in with riped yellow bananas.

  27. Hell yeah! Race war! RACE WAR EVERYBODY. RACE WAR.


    The part of Cartman is played by Tony.

  28. i agree with the bad banana being bad in this case there 3 in the bunch puppet master, rita, and chris. wonder where they will be in the front or in ritas basement with tony.

  29. Well Tony, you have a myopic political view of the world. Your rhetoric has far exceeded in vitriol
    anything I have heard from local anarchists who are among the most polite people I have ever met.

    Of course, being a male, I thought your treatment of women on your website might be overlooked but now I realize you are pretty much a pro-"Latino" right winger. Yes you are sometimes correct in your criticism of various aspects of racism but your own sexism is of
    historic proportions.

    Your bitter denunciations of Kansas Mutual Aide and anarchists is really disturbingly ignorant and backward. You have not offered one iota of evidence to back up your prejudices there. Perhaps you and Ed Hayes can form a United Front against women and anarchists.


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