Does TKC have the right to slap any unfortunate soul who approaches his door?

If I know Darla Jaye, and I most certainly do . . . Then undoubtedly she's going to take hold of the most recent juicy bit of the Semler story like a dog with a bone (heh) and play up a pretty inconsequential detail for her crowd of mostly white, affluent, elderly, predominately male audience who are rarely interested in an opinion different from theirs - I read the Arbitron numbers and that's a fairly accurate depiction of her audience.

The Star reports that the national chairman of the NAACP Julian Bond recently confirmed the organization is reconsidering holding its 2010 convention and that he believes Mayor Funkhouser should accept Parks Board/Minutemen Member Frances Semler's resignation. While some may be surprised by the NAACP's move, it just might have something to do with the fact that the Minutemen are notorious for distributing hate literature, hosting recruitment for other hate groups at their meetings and rallies and the fact that generally the Minutemen and more virulent racist groups are basically cut from the same cloth.

But Darla may not mention all of that, in fact, in order to sell out her own Italian-American heritage and obfuscate the anti-Immigrant sentiment her forebearers faced, Darla will probably get stuck on the detail regarding a group of local Union and Church leaders paying a visit to the home of the Minuteman Member/Parks Board in order to hand deliver a letter asking her to step down. TKC was the first to break this story and the only media outlet that has revealed the contents of the letter.

So far, I've received a lot of reaction to the letter through comments and e-mails and what impressed me most was the hypocrisy of right wing reactionaries in regard to a simple piece of paper placed at the door of a woman who belongs to a group that CARRIES GUNS along the border during their vigilante volunteering efforts. Apparently, it's perfectly all right for a group of predominantly white males with guns to exercise their "freedom" to play neighborhood watch in the desert or racially profile people here in the Midwest but when another group of law abiding minorities wants to save money on a stamp and drop off a letter than suddenly the topic of "intimidating tactics" is raised. Riiiiiiight. Nearly every other week in my neighborhood some d-bag with a camera comes down and takes photographs of all of the mojados waiting for work on the corner while I inadvertently end up in the photos as well as I make my way to buy a burrito and a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper on the Boulevard. So spare me the indignation routine . . . It just makes the Mintuemen backers look just as misguided as a Senator taking a "wide stance" in a public restroom. And while I don't agree with the door knocking tactic, it's clear that the Minutemen were the first to use intimidation as part of their rhetoric and now they're cowering in fear of a piece of paper.

Even better, Mayor Mark "One term at best" Funkhouser continues to back this old lady with all of his might despite the fact that he has stated time and again that he doesn't agree with her politics. So what's the motivation? It couldn't be loyalty considering his PR flack Joe Miller is about one mistake from the door and has already been demoted and it's hard to believe Ms. Semler has so much standing in the Northland that she isn't replaceable by somebody with an equal amount of political clout but maybe isn't so obvious with their intolerance. Obviously the guy is just being stubborn and his brush off of the Latino community is equally laughable:
He “fervently hopes” the NAACP and La Raza conventions would come to Kansas City, but he said his constituents would not want him to allow groups from outside of Kansas City to dictate his appointments.

“I think if they (NAACP and La Raza) would look at our record as a city, they will find it is good, and if they look at my record beyond this particular issue … they will find my record is good,” Funkhouser said.
Outside of Kansas City? That's not only an insult but also it's absolutely incorrect, this controversy started when Latino leaders FROM KANSAS CITY expressed their concerns and were blown off by The Mayor. Additionally,


I have absolutely no idea what the guy is talking about when referring to his "record" with the Latino community considering he has virtually no experience when it comes to community involvement and his only achievement to date has been a couple of token hires while Latinos are grossly underrepresented at City Hall and have been all but excluded as a legitimate topic of discussion (drop out rate? Hello?) from his upcoming educational summit.

And before the call-in cowards (like myself) ask for Mayor Funky "to stand up" to La Raza . . . Let's remember that only a few short months ago Funkhouser WENT HAT IN HAND TO ASK FOR THE SUPPORT OF LA RAZA POLITICAL CLUB in order to win an incredibly close election. Now that their favor pushed him over the top, he has simply BETRAYED their trust and most if not all of that group regret having ever given him their support.

Strangely, I don't feel guilty at all for voting for Kathryn Shields in the primary and writing in my own name during the general election.

But what about this topic of door to door solicitation and unwanted knockers (he-he)?

Nearly everyday somebody I don't like knocks on my door. If the Mintuemen and their supporters are going to claim that these Union and Church people had no right to knock on this lady's door then let's see if their argument stands up to logic:

If you can prohibit people from knocking on your door then am I allowed to slap one of those young, female cookie pushers because thin mints are delicious but full of carbs that wreck my girlish figure? Is it okay to jam a knife into the eye of a Jehovah's Witness because I like to sleep in on Saturdays and couldn't possibly give up my favorite holiday of Halloween? Are people who are offended by unwanted door knockers saying that I am well within my rights to boot those short broads wearing brown and their mothers off my doorstep because I feel like the use of brown berets is copyright infringement. Am I allowed to open fire on somebody handing out flyers? Surely not . . . As usual the double standard touted by the anti-immigrant crowd when it comes to door knocking is only intended to thwart the efforts of people of color.

And a double standard is what we see from so many idiots who castigate the NCLR for wanting to take their money elsewhere.

Apparently, anti-immigration activists want to round up brown people by the millions, pass laws deriding and punishing anyone who speaks Spanish, pursue an anti-Latino agenda BUT THEN EXPECT TO PROFIT FROM LATINO ADVOCACY ORGANIZATION AT THE SAME TIME.

Put simply, the anti-immigrant crowd wants to spit in the face of all Latinos and then demand their money.

No thanks, I'm sure they can find a better deal somewhere besides a town that stands with a hate group .

And that's what it's about isn't it? Putting your money where your mouth is . . . The Mayor is stubbornly putting KC's interests in the corner of a anti-immigrant, anti-Latino group mistakenly believing that the mostly suburban and white call-in guests of talk radio accurately represent the people of Kansas City Proper. Meanwhile the Sprint Center and the P&L District desperately want to attract as much business as possible and will undoubtedly suffer if Kansas City is cast as a town that is unfriendly to people of color and intolerant in general.

The PR nightmare from Funkhouser's stubborn, inexplicable stance could cost Kansas City many more millions at a crucial juncture in KC's "renaissance" when bad press could derail the costly developments that affect Kansas City's future. Once again, Funkhouser has not only refused to change his mind but has offered little in the way of explanation or reasoning behind his decision. This issue has become too big for Funkhouser to continue stonewalling given how much money is on the line for this town; the new Mayor promised transparency and on this topic he has not delivered.

If supporting Semler is worth alienating entire communities, costing the City millions and jeopardizing the image of Kansas City then at the very least Funkhouser needs to further explain his position.

So far, on this topic, Mayor Funkhouser's refusal to explain why this appointment is so important and why he must have this way on this issue has done nothing but bring incredible animosity, division and hostility to Kansas City.


  1. Jesus! Was it as exhausting to write that as it was to read it?

    "So far, on this topic, Mayor Funkhouser's refusal to explain why this appointment is so important and why he must have this way on this issue has done nothing but bring incredible animosity, division and hostility to Kansas City."

    Why he must have his way? Because it's his way to have! The Mayor appoints the Park Board members. Not bloggers.

    Plus, IT'S THE FUCKING PARK BOARD! They get to decide whether dogs get to run with or without leashes.

    WHO CARES?!?

    Are dog parks and Arizona border patrols really the most important and pressing issues facing Kansas City?

    What about sewers, and steel plates in the streets, and TIF abuse, and crumbling bridges, and the total neglect of everything east of Troost, and a Big Glass Wok with no purpose, and crazy bums wandering the streets, and Carl Peterson?

    I'm sick of hearing about the goddamn parks!

    Get some perspective people! There are more serious issues facing your city than parks and immigration.

  2. Oh, and I bet their are a few people in the KC area carrying guns, legally or not too. But I have to agree with XO. We have more pressing needs in this town. Quit obsessing on the Parks Board. Crimeny, just don't re-elect him. Has he even been in a year yet?

  3. Xavier,
    Attitudes like yours are a big part of the reason Kansas City is still a shitty place to live. Parks are crappy and empty? Who cares! Move to F-ing Seattle if you want a place that's nice to live! We're so screwed up that the only acceptable topic of discussion is sewers!

    And on the Semler issue, for the love of god, would the woman just freaking resign already?! Funkhouser should have accepted her resignation back when she failed to disclose to him her membership in a vigilante group that looks an awful lot like a hate group to many of us, and then was dumb enough to LIE TO THE PRESS about her involvement, saying she wasn't very involved, when all reporters had to do was call the president of her own stupid group to confirm that not only is she very involved - she was planning a rally that very weekend! I am so sick of hearing about this lying, hateful "grandmother" who seems to have no special skills to bring to the parks board other than that she's a backwards schmoe who knows nothing about parks, which seems to be what Funkhouser wants.

    Also, does anyone else see the irony in this thing about the people showing up at her door? Let me get this straight. Semler endorses and supports a group that uses ARMED VIGILANTE ACTION to further its views, then FREAKS OUT and calls police when a group of citizens calls her then KNOCKS ON HER DOOR to deliver a LETTER?! She complains that she thinks they were "spoiling" for a confrontation with her? Well, gee, Frances, what about the armed nutcases you support who go down to the border? They certainly seem to be "spoiling" for a confrontation with immigrants. Oh, but I guess it's okay to intimidate poor brown people - with guns, even - but NOT hateful suburban grannies.

    As for Funkhouser - he's absolutely wrong. Her VIEWS aside, it's the fact that she chooses to express her views by supporting ARMED VIGILANTE ACTION. How would he like it if his constituents felt the same way, and decided to show up at city hall with guns when they don't agree with him on something? I guess he'd stop SUPPORTING armed vigilante action then.

  4. Mrs. Semler should absolutely, positively NOT step down from the Park Board or anything else, for that matter. The horrible organization she's apparently a member of, The Minute Men, is one that advocates following the law. Weren't we all raised to obey and follow the law?? Jeez, what am I missing. If you want to immigrate to the USA, do it legally OR STAY HOME.....

  5. He was elected by white voters and he can piss off "minority leaders" at will. They may not like it but their option is to elect another mayor in 4 years and let the city continue to slide into bankruptcy.

    It would be interesting to see a poll of average minority voters and see what they think. How many in the NAACP or LaRaza are actually workers, business people etc. Most are politicians, bureaucrats, affirmative action businesspeople or union leaders. Not the future of the city or country but the past.

  6. What La Raza is is 7 million dollars walking out the door. Are the Minutemen going to make it up?

  7. Actually, other than all of the silly drivel Tony raises a good point. Why is this lady so important to the Mayor? I've never heard of her before and what are the benefits of her staying if the downside will be that Kansas City looses millions and is made out to be a racist City?

  8. To 7:54 - The mayor's wife is friends with her.

    To 7:32 - What you're missing is that Semler chooses to express her views on immigration by supporting ARMED VIGILANTE ACTION.

  9. ha ha ha ha ha - visioner is cool.

  10. Inquiring mind said..."Why is this lady so important to the Mayor?"

    Why is Iraq so important to George the Younger?

    Why did John Wayne mince?

    Why do I goota be me?

  11. Just wait now that the browns, blacks and unions have started pushing on this you will see the women's groups and the gays fall in. We have seen it all before. Glad to see Funk flipping them all off.

    Look to the Southside for your leadership Kansas City. We need new generation young Democrats like Jason Holsman and Jason Kander who have proved willing to stand up to the special interests when they pressure them. You will not see these guys pandering to cry baby interest groups. Especially the union bosses, who tend to be brown, black or gay to begin with.

  12. Your sources are highly suspect and your use of them to support your own jaded opinions weakens your "arguments". Qualify this page as much as you wish as a humor site, it’s still a pile of weak crap and in no way shape or form should be confused with real journalism.
    The sad truth is all the Jerry Springer fans out there take the crap you write as gospel because they have never been made aware of the fact that they might possibly try to think for themselves...

  13. Hey mom. Send down some snack cakes and another 2 liter of Dr. Pepper.

    Also, stop making fun of my blog.

  14. So that's your answer? Just another joke.

    It's not funny Tony.

    How would you like it if your detractors showed up at your home. You are dealing with very serious issues about our nation's security and freedom from special interest groups. Your lame attempts at humor do nothing to solve Kansas City's problems.

  15. The more your blog and La Raza, etc hammer on Frances Semler and use tactics like personal confrontation at her home as well as threats against the city, the more it will backfire. It's human nature.

    Give it up.

  16. Special interests?

    The mayor already gives the bikers almost anything they want and the Northland is up to their ears in perks.

    Tony is 100% correct. More than any mayor in recent history. Mark Funkhouser has created more racial division and animosity in this town than has been seen in 30 years.

    That's not leadership and we "regular folks" expected a lot more from him.

  17. "The more your blog and La Raza, etc hammer on Frances Semler and use tactics like personal confrontation at her home as well as threats against the city, the more it will backfire."

    Does the same thing apply to Gov. Blunt's unconstitutional efforts against Latinos? Or the gun toting antics of the Minutemen.

    If so, then you may have a point.

  18. ... and the logical extension of Tony's theory is that all future nominees for any city commission/board must be approved by the leadership of forganizations that want to hold their Conventions here.

    It's simply very ballsy political blackmail. Appoint who we approve or we will not bring money to your city.

  19. I am curious Tony, do you plan on continuing to do your reports on KMBZ? I heard you on there last week, and I heard the smart alec comment that Darla stated afterwards about you and wondered how much of this dispute was going to bleed over to the radio. You are much more cordial when disagreeing with the hosts opinions than you are with your opinions on this site. Why don't you let it out and state how you really feel on the radio. Really, what have you got to lose?

  20. Where were you when illegal immigrants executed the 3 black men in New Jersey? Where were you when illegal immigrants across the country brought the subprime crisis upon our economy with their defaults on their NINJA FHA loans...

    La Raza is a racist organization, not the minutemen. And anyone who claims people who want to secure our borders are racist should take a long look in the mirror, because it is they who are the racists.

    In the racist words of Elvira Arellano, the recently reported deporte, "We have supported self-determination and opposed assimilation into this nation’s individualistic, imperialistic values. We have taught that our people did not come here because of the American Dream but because of what the American nightmare did to our countries of origin. We have asserted that our demand to be here and to be fully enfranchised here is a right not a privilige and a destiny of our people to transform this nation."

  21. Tony I don't know what you complain about, you sound white.

  22. If you oppose secure borders, you are a racist.

    Plain and simple.

  23. where are you u.b. when US Citizens kill each other every day. Let's not act like illegal immigrants are the majority criminals here. There is a super paranoia going on in US Rural cities and states and its being encouraged by politicians that stand with hate groups to promote hate agendas.

    The statistics prove you wrong buddy sorry. Immigrants bring in hundreds of millions, while the majority undocumented immigrants actually do pay taxes and pay for their share of public benefits while adding billions in State Revenues around the country.

  24. The trouble with backing down over this is that it never ends. First, you can't secure your border lest you be called a racist. Now, they are moving to prevent the feds from taking sanctions against employers who hire illegals. Check out the lawsuit filed in the 9th circuit.

    In order to please them you must support open borders, unencumbered employment, FHA backed mortgages, and all the benefits of full citizenship.

    In other words if you don't support an open borders agenda you are "out of the mainstream" and not fit for public office.

  25. I find it more than hilarious that all of these anti-immigrant fools try to cover themselves by painting NCLR as a radical group. Have any of you had any ACTUAL contact with the group? I have, and it's not exactly a Che Guevara T-shirt convention. Have any of you MET Janet Murguia, the president of NCLR (and, as far as I'm concerned, someone we should be proud of, as she is a KC native)? She's no right-wing nutjob, but she's no bleeding heart liberal, either. She's a smart, successful daughter of immigrants who has common sense and takes a pragmatic approach on issues, JUST LIKE NCLR. And by the way, I'm not Latina...I'm just not stupid.

  26. Anon...

    Here's a tip, don't bring up statistics on the benefits vs costs of illegal immigration with me, you will lose:

    The Facts about illegal immigration:

    1 - Wages for the unskilled have declined over 8% (according to a recent Harvard University study).

    2 - A 2002 study by the Center for Immigration Studies found that households headed by illegal immigrants cost the federal government more than $1.9 billion in food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches.

    3 - that same study found that illegal alien households created a net fiscal deficit of $10 billion annually for just the federal government.

    4 - A report by the Heritage Foundation found that low-skilled families cost the government (federal, state, and local) $32,138 each in 2004. In that same year, those same low-skilled families only paid in an average of $9.689.

    5 - The IRS reports that 7.9 million W2’s were filed last year with Social Security Numbers that did not match the name. However, they also reported that 1.5 million illegal immigrants filed for new ITINs (individual income identification numbers) last year alone. These ITINs can be used to file an end of year tax return in order to take advantage of various tax credits and refunds. If an illegal is willing to falsify W4 information in order to obtain employment, it’s not a stretch to assume they would also falsify their dependent claims in order to minimize the impact of FICA and Medicare on their pay checks.

    6 - In February 2006 the California Legislature released a report about Hispanic students. The report found that Hispanics of Mexican decent accounted for a greater percentage of high school dropouts and teen pregnancy than all other races.

    All these stats say nothing of the FHA Subprime scam La Raza, illegal immigrants, and multi-national banks have been doing to defraud the federal government through FHA and Fannie Mae insured no doc, NINJA (no job, no income, no assets) loans.

    I live in KC, as if that has any bearing on the issue at hand. Also, I did not say illegal immigration was the majority of crime in the U.S. Employers that higher illegals should be fined and jailed, banks that make NINJA loans to illegals should be shutdown, and landlords that rent to illegals should be prosecuted.

  27. Anon...

    La Raza (The Race for our English speaking friends) not a racist organization?

    What's your opinion on MEChA who's motto is "For those inside of the Race, everything; for those outside of the Race, nothing"

    Viva La Raza! (Long Live the Race!)

    I'm not Latino either... but my wife is. And I am certainly not stupid or blind to the facts as you and the other pro-illegal immigration crowd seem to be.

  28. Do we HAVE TO get into this AGAIN.

    LA RAZA DOES NOT MEAN "THE RACE" That's nothing but reactionary propaganda.

    Here is what La Raza means.

    Read, learn:

    The term “La Raza” has its origins in early 20th century Latin American literature and translates into English most closely as “the people,” or, according to some scholars, “the Hispanic people of the New World.” The term was coined by Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos to reflect the fact that the people of Latin America are a mixture of many of the world’s races, cultures, and religions. Some people have mistranslated “La Raza” to mean “The Race,” implying that it is a term meant to exclude others. In fact, the full term coined by Vasconcelos, “La Raza Cósmica,” meaning the “cosmic people,” was developed to reflect not purity but the mixture inherent in the Hispanic people. This is an inclusive concept, meaning that Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny.

  29. Well, the appropriate place to take the letter to Semler was at work. Not at home, and not by ten persons (Did they think they were going to get mugged?), and definitely not pounding on the door.

    Luckily, KCMO is subject to an anti-intimidation statute, and given the nature of the issues, it may even be considered a "hate crime". I found it hilarious that Daniel Romano, may actually be Daniel Romero who appears on that organization's leadership. The Star should print a correction so that the attorneys can get the names right.

    As to Tony's "scoop" on the letter, I believe one of the parties who signed it was the Head of the COHO, AKA Tony's Mom.

  30. Darla knows how to ring Tony's bell. Wow, that was really exciting to hear. Darla has a new whipping boy and his name is Tony.
    What really made me happy is when she has announced Mayor Funkhouser WILL NOT take Semler off the parks board. ITS BLACKMAIL Darla says.
    Now "The Race" and the "NAAcp" can have their convention in NEW MEXICO.

  31. Funkhouser = Orval Faubus

  32. I like how Paintman a supporter of The Minutemen and The Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement who the Minutemen bring on board to recruit for them feels the need to judge other organizations.

    NCLR clearly address UB's issue with MEChA, but since he only gets his "facts" from talk radio he wouldn't know that.

    P.S. It must suck to be that guy's (UB's) wife.

  33. What does La Raza mean hits the nail right on the head. But wannabe spanish speakers like Paintman who get their Spanish lessons from Talk Radio and Google Translator will use mistranslations for debate purposes. Paintman think it makes him cool, kind of like when George Bush drops a spanish word here and there and then laughs like he is the coolest guy on the block. Only make George Bush a Neo-Nazi and you have Paintman.

  34. tony did you mom get arrested she should have. what would she do if the shoe was on the other foot. and a bunch of blacks and whites visited your grandmas and stand there waiting for her to answer the door

  35. So Frances Semler is a leader of a group that promotes and participates in violence against immigrants yet she objects to people ringing her doorbell?

    What is wrong with this picture??

  36. I see Darla Jaye went to the kitchen to open another can of "Whoop Ass"
    I'm thinking Tony is writing the anonymous. It's his style of writing.
    New Mexico is a great place for "The Race" and Naarp to have there next comvention. They'll greet you with open arms.

  37. i havent heard of francis and her minutemen going up to the hispanics house and knocking on there door. how would you feel tony if that was your grandma. evidently your mom doesnt give a dam about elderly people even her mom. the police should have arrested her and the rest of the blacks that were with her. if that was anyone else you bet your ass they would have been arrested. so let la raza and naacp take there convention elsewhere they are just as bad as the minutemen. at least the minutemen hasnt done anything like this to the elderly. how would that make those idiots that went to francis house if she would have had a heart attack. eevidently the la raza and naacp doesnt care about that. i agree with the paintman let them go to anywhere they want kc doesnt need this kind of convention.

  38. my wife is hispanic and she is embarassed by the actions of la raza. just wanted to let people know that all hispanic doesnt believe in the political group that harasses elderly people. Just let john ferro do his job and let it alone.

    embarassed to be an hispanic

  39. La Raza does mean the race. Anyone La Raza member claiming it mean "the people" is flat out bending the truth and they know it. La Raza is a latino supremacist group, who in their own words is "taking america back block-by-block, house-by-house."

    From the Rosa Parks of the La Raza movement, Elvira Arellano, "We have supported self-determination and opposed assimilation into this nation’s individualistic, imperialistic values. We have taught that our people did not come here because of the American Dream but because of what the American nightmare did to our countries of origin. We have asserted that our demand to be here and to be fully enfranchised here is a right not a privilige and a destiny of our people to transform this nation."

  40. The truth of the matter is that Semler would encourage the police force to arrest those sleeping in parks- and most of those are going to be undocumented migrant (illegal) workers.

    La Raza is comprised of the monied hispanic interests that benefit from their shadowy status. Those phone cards and 10-to-an-apartment studios don't sell themselves! It isn't white people who are exploiting the migrant worker in KC...


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