KC Bloggers are just right!!!

I read A LOT of local blogs and I think only a few mentioned the YearlyKos Convention. I hate to make generalizations about people (heh) but at the risk of being too far off base I think that the progressive B.S. spouted by Hillary and Obama and all of the other Kool-Aid drinking lefty political bloggers was just too much for folks in KC to believe . . . I think this town's blogosphere had our "political moment" when Mayor Funky was elected and it only took 2 months in office for most of the blogosphere to lose faith/interest in the guy and quickly turn their attention to more relevant subject matter.

ANYWAY, the point is that I'd like to believe that KC Bloggers are smart enough to ignore the hype regarding the Krazy Kos Klan (whose constituency is unsurprisingly almost completely made up of white males - hello digital divide) and maybe realize that (while this is an awesome country and I certainly don't want to live anywhere else) our political system is completely corrupt and each new reformer only gets compromised and tarnished for their efforts which rarely elicit any significant change.

By the way, three months into Mayor Funky's Administration . . . Have you seen even one of those steel plates his was bitching about during the campaign removed?

I was just asking because the steel plates that line the streets of KC were a big part of his pie in the sky platform that pretty much everyone has probably forgotten already.


  1. I just drove over 5 today.

  2. yeah, they took out the steel plate on broadway over by the topic and los tules and replaced it with a big ass hole.

  3. I'm with you on the steel plates. I supported Funk, but I'd be a fool to admit he's followed up on those fucking plates. It seems like the cocksuckers are multiplying on the streets.

    He made it an issue, and now he needs to start doing something about it. Get those fucking holes FIXED!


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