See Schlozman Smacked Around

Skip ahead to 1:35 to see what the entire nation looked at yesterday afternoon in connection with KC (other than coverage of a missing white broad) . . . That is: A U.S. Senator strongly implying that a prosecutor from KC was nothing more than a political puppet. Put simply, Kansas City once again keeps its rep for being crooked as hell.

Schlozman seemed to be defending himself the best he could but when it came time for political posturing for the cameras . . . The Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy (D) of Vermont took the guy to school.

Leahy: "You could have also just followed the manual and waited a couple of weeks, could you not have?" Would it have affected the prosecution? Would it have affected your ability to bring the prosecution if you had just waited a few weeks until the election was over?

Schlozman: The Department of Justice does not time prosecutions to elections.

Leahy: YES THEY DO!!!!!!! That's what the manual says . . .

And it goes on from there . . . Suffice it to say . . . Things are looking very good for Kathryn Shields!!!

If you think this whole thing is just about ACORN then you're nuts . . . I'm sensing somebody pulling strings from high up and most likely it's probably Emperor Palpatine who knows he can't get anywhere with Jabba in a jail cell.

I'm starting a movement . . . Set this woman FREE!!!!!!!!! (I know, I know, she's not locked up yet but it just reads better that way)
