It was just a matter of time until Mayor Funkhouser's kowtowing to the Northland slighted the rest of the city . . . Funny, it only took him a little over a month to betray some of his strongest supporters.

During the election Funkhouser had more than 60% support from area Hispanics. In fact, if you look at his campaign videos, they were put together by two Latino dudes working separately.


Semler is all over the Internet ranting against Mexican Immigrants. Here's just one examples that shows her rhetoric isn't very nuanced and pretty much the standard "THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!" B.S.

Shipping-corridor deal cuts heart out of heartland

There's also some speculation that the lady is with The Minutemen - a group that even the President has defined as "vigilantes."

Worse still, the MAYOR KNOWS ABOUT HER ANTI-IMMIGRATION INVOLVEMENT and doesn't think it's a big deal.

Now I know a lot of local Latinos read this site and they might remember Mayor Funkhouser coming down the the Westside and obviously misleading our community about how much he cared about our issues. Well, IMMIGRATION REFORM is one of our issues, the overwhelming majority of Latinos don't support the Minutemen and they aren't fans of immigration talk that focuses solely on the Mexican border while neglecting the real threat of terrorism that doesn't come from the Mexican people - and Semler has done nothing but spout this kind sentiment. Obviously Funkhouser's outreach to the Latino community was was all an act, this appointment is akin to putting David Duke on a local committee or TKC on a women's rights panel . . . Now, FINALLY I hope it's clear that Mayor Funky's spiel was nothing more than politics and Funkhouser betrayed Kansas City's Latino Community by this appointment.

More to come on this but it should be more than evident that the guy isn't a reformer he was billed as . . . And it's clear he's nothing more than an activist for the Northland. Top issue - La Raza Political club backed this guy and now it's incumbent upon them to withdrawal their support if they're going to maintain any kind of credibility in the Latino Community . . . Also, there are a number of real leaders in the Latino Community that need to say something about this and I encourage any and every one of them reading this site to speak out about the Mayor's slight to Latinos living in Kansas City.


  1. You are ranting about Parks commission appointments. Dude. Seriously.

    You need to let go and accept the fact that your mom is not going to get hired- in fact she probably would have been had you suspended the blog.

  2. It's about time. This town needs a Mayor who understands that we need the illegal Mexicans out of this city.

    And this is a big issue, the Mexican border has been a threat to U.S. Sovereignty for far too long.

  3. Tony, you must not have read this article either. The Mayor is also keeping a Latino on the board so maybe this whole issue will give the something to talk about?

  4. Wetbacks go home!

    Get over it Tony

  5. Can we get the Mexicans gondola rides back to their home country?

  6. Tony, you've been so racist and sexist over the past year I've been reading. Is anybody really supposed to take you seriously?

  7. I still want the Funk. I just won't say so on the Westside.

  8. I don't know the importance of the Parks Board, am I missing something?

    I DO understand your objection to her appointment at least. This is a letter she posted to KC Star a few months ago...

    "December 31, 2006
    Missing from pardons

    This year two border control agents shot a fleeing drug smuggler in the buttocks when he would not stop as ordered. The agents were tried in a federal court. The drug smuggler, an illegal alien, received full immunity to testify against these two border guards who were just doing their job.

    Jose Alonso Compean was sentenced to 12 years in prison and Ignacio Ramon 11 years and one day despite a plea by their attorney for a new trial after three jurors said they were coerced into voting guilty in the case, according to a Washington Times story.

    In October, several members of Congress wrote to President Bush asking for a full investigation. (None of those signing were from this area.)

    Now, two months later, I read that President Bush has pardoned 16 criminals. One had a sentence of nine years for aiding cocaine distribution, followed by a six-year term for conspiracy to possess marijuana. Another involved conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine. But were Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramon on the president’s list? No.

    Please, if you are as outraged as I am, call or write your representatives, senators and president to correct his travesty.

    Frances Semler
    Kansas City"

    Who actually, in this day and age, makes this one of their top notch priorities...? I'm pretty sure the number one answer to that question would be "Racists." I wrong?

  9. And of course she was an opponent of TIF's, Tony...that could be the impetus to appointing her to an office.

  10. Dude, it's the Parks Board. They will be deciding how often to have a contractor cut the grass and whether to install protective mulch under the swings.

    Who cares?

  11. The Mayor could appoint Hitler and the blog-o-sphere would rejoice.

  12. I have to hand this one to you Tony. If this Frances Semler has anything to do with those nutcase minutemen, then Funk has some explaining to do.

  13. Tony, I agree whole heartedly with you and with Bryan's question. There is no getting around it, people like Frances Semler,6:04pm, 6:06pm & 6:07pm are nothing more than full blown racists. Better yet, they are uneducated racists that have bought into the propaganda of Talk Radio and are too lazy to research real facts.

    If she is part of the Minutemen, 1 of the 844 known hate groups according the Southern Poverty Law Center, than Funkhouser better start explaining himself. Racism has got to stop and it starts with keeping people like those psychos from office.

  14. He also appointed a Mexican as Commission President. Whats your explanation now?

  15. That still does not get around the fact that she is a full blown racist, 8:19 and that she belong to 1 of the named hate groups in the US. If she is part of a hate group then Funkhouser should think twice about this one. Don't ya think?

  16. Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramon - are thise hispanic names? she wants the president to free hispanics and for that she is a racist?= no no I see, it is because these hispanics are involved in a racist group against hispanics. It all gets blurry doesnt it.

  17. Now, I'm debating whether or not those two men should be's none of my concern, really. I don't, nor any of us I'm presuming, know the facts of the case and I won't believe a one sided interpretation that some racist wrote in a letter to the KC Star...I'm more in tune with the rest of the country's top concern. Iraq.

  18. The parks board has a huge budget and KC has one of the largest and most far-flung parks systems in the country. So if you don't care about where all that tax money is going to, will you please pay my share, too?

  19. No need to be snooty. haha. Well, that explains it then...she's going to be in charge of a lot of money. Do they set policy for the public parks or that commisioner's office / city council? If she's allowed to have a say in policy that will be a serious thing.'s a link to one of the Ramos order to get him a pardon? Huh? Right...on blogspot...hahahaha.

  20. 8:35,
    The Minute Men are not a "hate group." Sure there are individuals using the group as a means to push their racist agendas but they are far and few.

  21. Do you actually have a job? Does blogging earn you a pay check? Just curious.

  22. Hey Tony, I know you're out to get Funk, but it's pretty clear he wasn't aware of semler's immigration issues prior to making the appointment.

    I'd criticize him for not doing enough of a background check on her, but the guy's not racist, and you know he's not.

    Calling people racist when you knoe they're not isn't entertaining, it's a Rush Limbaugh-like tactic and fundamentally dishonest.

  23. Tony's still licking his wounds because Joe Miller, Funkhouser's spokesman, turned out not to be the Internet buddy he thought Miller would be.

    That's all Tony's bullshit abut Funkhouser is all about.

    Sort of like the disappointment one of those perverts feels when they discover that the "14-year-old girl" in the Yahoo! chat rooms actually turns out to be a Platte County Sheriff's Deputy.

  24. Wow such controversy! Actually I think the main story in your post is this:
    "Now I know a lot of local Latinos read this site"

    If this is true there must be a bunch of Latinos getting on their bicycles and/or piling into a 1972 Chevy van to go down to the library and get on a computer. If any of those folks are illegal and taking time away from legal kids getting an education then there's some trouble-a-brewing.

  25. I don't think Funkhouser is racist at all but The Minutemen are a hate group, they've even been described by President Bush as "vigilantes" so yeah, this is a big deal and the Mayor needed to know better.

  26. Typical Tony Bitching.

    The poor guy has nothing better to do.

  27. He also appointed a Mexican as Commission President. Whats your explanation now?

    You mean Funk didn't appoint a US citizen? He appointed a Mexican citizen as Commission president? Is that legal?

  28. Who is Joe Miller?

    What does he have to do with Tony?

  29. I'm a Latina, I put a Funk sign in my yard. I don't think the man is a racist. I shook his hand and looked into his eyes and I didn't get that impression. I think Tony is jumping to conclusions but I do hope that the Mayor didn't know about this lady's activities if it turns out that she's a member of the Minute Men.

  30. Just Admit it Marta. Funkhouser is a racist, he's ignoring the African-American Community and now it seems that he's out to get Latinos.

    Just like everyone said - he only represents the Northland.

  31. A few things:

    1. Funkhouser got elected by whites and (a few) latinos. It seems like he has forgotton the latinos when it comes to patronage. This sucks but it happens all the time in politics.

    2. The case of Ramon and Campos is a cause celebre and there are rational arguments on both sides that they deserve a pardon. If I was president I would probably pardon them. You are not allowed as a cop to shoot a fleeing suspect unless they are likely to commit a serious felony if you don't. However it was an international border, he failed to stop, and was driving a box van which could have contained anything. (turns out it wasn't guns or c4 but 800 lbs of bricked pot)

    3. The minutemen are not even a significant group, they are really just a few hicks in pickups watching the border that the media seized on to piss people off. I don't see how she could be a minutewoman- considering the nearest border is 1500 miles away. This is just tony blowing smoke.


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