She says she's not a witch!!!

Another great tid-bit regarding our new Mayor and his scary supporters reported by Hearne Christopher, Jr. today: Apparently, rumors - That were dutifully reported by this blog!!!!!!!!- regarding whether or not Funkhouser's wife Gloria Squitiro is a Witch were important enough to be denied!!!!!!
There was a rumor that Funk’s wife, Gloria Squitiro, might be outed as a witch — a Wiccan to be specific. Not by Barnes, of course. The “outing” never came to pass. But is she?

“No, I’m not a Wiccan,” Squitiro says with a laugh. “That’s a religion, and I don’t subscribe to any organized religion. But I have conversations with my maker several times a day or several times an hour.”
GREAT . . . She's not a witch but she is AGAINST ORGANIZED RELIGION but still attempts to speak with the spirit world hourly?

That's exactly the kind of person I want in the Mayor's office and it still sounds like some kind of strange voodoo and not exactly representative of how many people in this town feel about their faith!!!

Still, I was a sad to see that the line of questioning didn't delve into the topic of Tarot cards . . . Something that she still needs to answer for in my opinion.

Anyway, it's not like a witch is going to just come out and admit her guilt. Just like any proper witchhunt . . . I'm sure some form of interrogation is required along with drowning or burning at the stake . . . Both would be appropriate under the proper circumstances and I'm sure that might draw a crowd at the empty Sprint Center!!!


  1. As long as their religion doesn't interfere with their job, I don't care what religion any public official is (and especially the religion of their spouse). Fundies, Atheists, Wiccans, Buddhists, Mormons, Satanists,... as long as they keep that crap out of their job then it doesn't matter.

  2. C'mon Tony, you can do a better hack job than that.

    She says "I don't subscribe to any organized religion" not that she is against organized religion.

    Even Faux News isn't that bad about misquoting - or maybe it is.

  3. you are a bitter sad little man and it shows. you are negating any credibility you might have had. sad because you have a gift, a real talent. you just get in your own way.

  4. I think I finally get the humor in one of your posts. Kind of like the Onion. Well played.

    I'm sure people will start going crazy about this for sure. Given the up swell of religious wackos in this area.

    You have to give her credit for the language she used. Very smart. Hopefully this family won't be crucified because they are too smart to subscribe to any religion.

  5. Sounds to me like an EXCELLENT separation of church & state - something that has been lost for quite some time in the political world, no matter what level you're examining. As long as she's not exerting her influence on her husband to balance the city budget with "magic", or renaming City Council "City Coven", more power to her - and whomever it is she's talking to.

  6. Hahaha..."City Coven." I like that, actually.

    I used to know a wiccan, and she had no problem admitting it. Interesting religion, I think.

    I do think it's creepy to refer to whatever higher power one believes in as their "maker" though. When someone says something like that, it makes me feel like that person might have come from a factory of some sort.

  7. I make dinner but my dinner does not come from a factory.

    Faith, let me introduce you to 95% of the world. Most people have no problem with referring to their 'maker' but beyond that such a phrase is clearly a part of the lexicon of our society. Are you as creeped out when people refer to the Supreme Being? More likely you are just another person like Tony, all too ready to invent a reason to be pointlessly insulted or offended just to be insulted or offended.

  8. Faith--Huh?

  9. Oh, yes, Tony rivals Faux News for twisting quotes and taking stuff out of context. I find it scary that he claims he used to work for a newspaper. I hope it was as a janitor.

  10. makes me feel like that person might have come from a factory of some sort.

    Oh no! Gloria Squitiro is a CYLON!! Damn you Balter for selling us out!

  11. If you feel any needle-like sensations, you know who is doing it! LOL

  12. faith--

    BUUUUUUURN!!!!! doesn't it suck when you throw an inane stmt into the blogosphere and it gets ripped to shreds? i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you meant something other than what you typed.

    you're welcome. (grins)

  13. I agree with Faith 100%. People who think they were "made" by some supernatural being give me the willies.

    Here's a news flash for were made with your daddy's willy! And your mommy's hoo ha. Sorry to get all anatomical on you, but it's the truth.

    The only supernatural element was when your mommy started screaming "OH GOD! OH GOD!"

    But more to the point, of course Gloria Squitiro must be a witch. Duh! She's married to Saruman and he's going to be working at Orthanc. What did you expect?

  14. You seem to have the "I don't care what anybody thinks about me" thing going on. That's going to come in handy for you. Your blog used to be edgy and interesting; now it's repetitive and boring. It's a shame, really. I used to read TKC in search of a perspective that usually was different from my worldview/ I could hear about someone else's take on an issue. Your writing reflects that you've become exactly what you've been criticizing all this time. (Yawn.)


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