Big mouthed Beth Gottstein isn't very impressive

Today, Yael Boom-shaka-laka writes a rundown of local candidates for City Council or rather a lukewarm review of the recent Citizens Association picks.

No mention of Mark Forsythe but he is a proponent of tragically named Deth Im (who has a blog) which makes sense since Bom-shaka-laka usually endorses killing KC by way of taxes anyway.

By the way, Vote4Deth would be an awesome blog name if the guy was fronting a heavy metal band.

Anyway, here is the most intriguing portion of the column:
Least impressive showing

Citizens Association members raved about the written questionnaire of Beth Gottstein, 4th District at-large candidate. But she was much less impressive in actually answering questions from board members.
I know what he means, I've met tons of hot broads who instantly ruined their appeal the second they opened their mouth (to speak). Clearly, if Beth "Big Mouth" Gottstein can't impress people with her oral ability (and what Jewish broad can other than Monica Lewinsky?) then she should just stay quiet, not move, tilt her hips, hold it there for just a second, yeah, just like that . . . And leave quietly.


  1. Tony, Tony, Tony -

    Has it been too long since someone has raved about your ability to write? Sorry - we love you, man!

    Now, I hope your jealousy is assuaged (a word I would never try to use while speaking). Maybe you can quit picking on Beth now.

    (What did she do to you that causes your hostility? I don't know her well, but she's smart, energetic, and knows a ton about the city and its issues. Seems like the sort of person you'd support.)

  2. Tony,

    No mention of me because I declined to participate in the Citizens Association screenings for reasons which you reported on this blog. Mr. Abouhalkah apparently chose not to contact any candidate who didn't participate.

    He knows who I am. In fact I get regular hits on my blog from the Star. "Somebody" down there is paying attention. It will be interesting to see if I'm even invited to the Star Editorial Board screenings.

  3. I have yet to meet anyone who thinks Beth "the wicked witch of KC" Gottstein is a likeable person.

  4. Anyone attending the Citizens forum instantly knew Beth did not write her answers to the questionaire as soon as she attempted to respond to questions from the audience. Which is okay, however she failed to study the questionaire prepared for her prior to the forum.
    A councilperson needs to have strong communication skills and the ability to convey thier opinions on issues, Beth ("Ahhhh did I answer your question?") Gottstein does not have these talents.


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