Beth Gottstein: Cocktail Candidate for City Council

Beth Gottstein is the worst kind of cocktail candidate that could ever get her clutches on a council seat in Kansas City.

I'll link and quote this recent post by Dan only because it points out how deceptively cunning Gottstien can be and she's obviously lured Dan into her web of lies and garnered his support for her evil cabal . . . Give her enough time and anybody who supports her might also back a U.S. invasion of Iran launched from City Hall and maybe taking back the Gaza Strip or possibly the fact that diamond mines where workers are basically indentured servants really aren't that bad. Additionally, you should never trust anyone who has Raven black hair but isn't a fan of The Cure. On the Internets, we call this blogger brainwash:
I support Beth Gottstein because she is a bleeding heart, in the proudest tradition of the word. She is the sort of person who notices when there are no minorities in the room, and she knows the entire city. Too many politicoes know the Ward Parkway corridor, because that is where the votes come out, but Beth knows the Northland issues, the Eastside issues, and on and on. She is a smart, committed, involved do-gooder, and, while we all like to be cynical and call people names, Beth is not like that. She won my admiration forever by backing a candidate I sharply opposed in a recent election. When I would take potshots at the guy, she would write me sincere, factual emails addressing my charges in a calm, friendly fashion. Our exchanges convinced me that her sincerity and integrity distinguish her from almost any politician I've met.
Thing is, I'll let you make up your own mind on this one as the campaign goes on . . . In one appearance after the next Gottstein disappoints when there is not a drink in her hand. In addition to this, her community involvement comes down to less than seven years in this town and a slew of glamor gigs which require short skirts and a smile in order to achieve success. Put simply, this broad is perfectly fine for a good time but not someone you'd want to make a commitment to . . . Interpret that any way you'd like . . . But don't expect Gottstein to address any of your concerns that you can't fit on a cocktail napkin.