The only way to teach white people is through pain

Because I am decidedly racist and I really don’t care about anybody but myself, I completely support the decision of a 16 year-old student and his parents to sue a school in KCK (Turner) for not allowing the young man to speak Spanish.

I could try and support my position with a lot of whiny arguments like: “Speaking two languages is actually quite beneficial in this country, what with all the Mexicans around here anyway” or “He was talking to a friend and wasn’t disturbing class so the only reason he got in trouble was because school officials hate Mexicans.” But none of those arguments will convince you because you hate Mexicans.

Invariably, you’ll come back with some irrational retort like: “Students have to obey the rules at all the time. And if he got a warning to shut up, then Pancho should have just stayed quiet.” Or “The kid is obviously English speaking dominant, he was born in this country and the kid got his apology. This is America buddy, talk like the Queen tells you.”

Now, I won’t claim to know the truth (because I don’t) but a good lawsuit is hard to resist. If people really want this kid and his family to assimilate, I’d argue that there is nothing more American than a nice fat settlement on a court case of questionable merits. I should report here that there were a bunch of leaders from the local Latino community ready to rally around this kid and talk the issue out with the school officials. It was going to be a real “kumbaya-like” affair, everybody was going to sit around a table, discuss the situation rationally and leave pretending that dumb Mexicans have the right to do something besides bus tables. But their efforts have now proved inconsequential, because community activists just can’t deliver the same kind of payday that a lawyer can.

But you should look on the bright side because I believe, in this case, we’re seeing the American Dream in action. There is no better way in this country to get rich than to sue the pants off somebody with reasonably deep pockets. While, KCK isn’t rolling in dough; they’ll do.

It’s going to be interesting to watch all of the national media pundits pick up this story and try to veil their hate for Mexicans in a variety of nuanced ways. Thing is, it’s that kind of disregard for all of those icky brown folks that brings about this kind of stupid litigation in the first place. Pundits bad mouth Mexicans on TV all the time so it’s hard for most white people to distinguish the difference between Latino citizens and the illegals whom it is acceptable to feel righteous indignation toward . . . they all look alike, they’re all cousins.

However, rest assured that by the end of this lawsuit, school officials will learn a costly lesson about cultural sensitivity. Just like Iraq, where the mistake of disregarding that nation’s sovereignty and cultural traditions is now being paid for with soldiers lives; this lawsuit is yet another example that white people always have to learn things the hard way. Rather than simply accept the fact that not everybody on the planet wants to submit and emulate the empty culture of suburbia in the U.S., white people constantly crusade to shape the world in their image and this effort almost always fails.


  1. THis post is just garbage.

  2. I thought it was a good post. It accurately captured my hatred of Mexicans.


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